Are Any Of You Striking This Wednesday?

I'm striking but I'm actually really quite upset by something to do with the strike too -

I'm having a possible M/C and have had a HCG blood test taken today. I need another one 2 days later but the Dr couldn't offer me an appointment until Friday because of the strike on Weds and backlog on Thurs meaning I wouldn't get the results until next week :-(

I got upset so the Dr has put me in for Weds - the NHS staff will be off but my Dr will be in so hopefully I will be seen. They are going to keep the test in the fridge and send it through to the hospital on the Thurs but as they will be a day behind I'm looking at Monday before I find out what's happening with my baby :-( It's not life threatening but I'm annoyed that union bosses haven't thought of situations like these where results are needed quickly! xx
Again, no view on to strike or not to strike. But based on my experience of around a hundred private sector companies that I work with, some of the views expressed here about private sector perks are outdated. Most private sector companies have had minimal if any payrises is recent years, no bonuses, several redundancy programmes, no Christmas parties unless self funded, and if they do happen to work somewhere where a staff discount is relevant then it isn't worth a great deal. Most companies in the private sector are in traditional manufacturing industries where staff discount isn't an option as not many people can make use of automotive components or lengths of cable.

Managerial positions in the private sector are obviously better rewarded, but the vast majority of factory workers, shop workers, back office workers etc are in the same boat as those in the public sector.

As someone who is employed in the private sector (by a bank no less) I can fully agree with this.

I've not had a pay rise in the five years I've worked there (and I'm on a low wage), one bonus equivalent to a month's salary, self funded party nights, team lunches and I've just been made redundant as of Friday.

I will freely admit that I have enjoyed some perks; full sick pay and maternity pay but nothing else, other benefits I have paid for out of my salary.

I support the right to strike I really do but I just wish that public sector workers could see that the sorts of things that they appear to be striking about have been happening for years in the private sector.

At the same time, I fully understand how much we need our public sector workers and they should be rewarded accordingly but in the current climate I am just not sure how that should happen.
i've just looked online and the dominoes thing is nationwide, u just need ur i.d badge! ask next time lol xx
Somebody has done a really good job of pitting private against public sector workers!

My point of view is skewed in that I have never been employed in the public sector so only have a view from the outside but I have friends who work for local councils and they have said they wouldn't get the same benefits they have in the private sector. And I have a teacher friend who trained specifically because of the holidays. So yes she works hard and takes work home.....but then enjoys 5 paid weeks off in summer.
I have to agree with Janidog on the point of bad teachers - unfortunately there are a few of them out there. But then I think there are a lot of things good teachers have to put up with which they shouldn't.

I was quite anti-strike as some of the arguments are a bit poor tbh. My mum has worked hard all her life. She has to work til she's 67 - why shouldn't public sector workers? She earns the same wage she got 20 years ago and in real terms that means it is worth a lot less so my heart isn't exactly bleeding when public sector workers moan they only got a small wage rise or haven't had one for a couple of years.
I suppose in summary it all comes back to the public v private argument and each side will have their own view due to their own experiences.
I will say I do find it disgusting the govt thinks it's ok to change pensions in a recession. What would happen if all the public sector workers decided not to pay into any pension and just rely on a state pension as many private sector workers do? I imagine there would be some panic when they realise state pensions would then not be able to cope.

Btw just to mention in a town in Dorset it was well known that going into McDonalds in a police uniform meant you got a free meal. It was supposed to be a trade for them having a police presence at any given time.
Only for collection! & its not every store it just depends on the manager.
So many people really do seem to be anti-Union. I rather like this quote,

‎"Unions: the people who brought you the weekend. And capped working hours. And employment rights and protections. And fair wages. And pensions. And ended child labour. What a bunch of greedy bas****s." - Priyamvada Gopal
I agree with the strike, though I work in the voluntary sector. I think that simply because the private sector gets rubbish conditions doesn't mean the public sector should follow suit - It should not be a race to the bottom. We have seen the results of the privatisation of public services, and the private sector does not, in my opinion, mean better results.
Unison membership applications has increased by 126% since the announcement of the intended strikes.

81% of those applications have actually been made by women.

Just thought some would be interested to know!
I don't disagree with unions per se, as has been mentioned we wouldn't have the employee rights or working conditions that we currently enjoy and I do understand why people are angry at the proposals.
Its like asking a guy to come and tile your kitchen and him giving you a quote of £500, which you accept. A few days before he's finished you go in and say sorry mate, I've spent a bit too much money on beer this month, so I'm going to give you about £400 instead, but only if you tile my bathroom too.

This! Perfect way of illustrating what it is that's happening.

Personally as I am a student and SAHM (not in employment) I am not involved in the strike action. The children will be off school and I will probably be acting as a creche for friends who will be working and need childcare. It'll be disruptive for many people yeah - but isn't that the point of strikes?

I do however support those striking, and the reasons behind it.

I can't stand the way these threads get so vitriolic :(

Unfortunately this country has seen some incredibly bad management and for some reason people end up pitted against those struggling just as much, rather than the clowns that got us into the mess.

My mum will be striking on tomorrow.In the last 3 years she has not had a pay increase, she is not longer allowed to work weekends due to cost saving measures this has left her over 15-20k a year down. She is a senior radiographer, she will be required to work into her 60's pushing heavy equipment around theatres. She can get paid £1 more an hour in the private sector for a job two positions lower than the one she has. That in the NHS would be 20k less a year.
Something not adding up there? No, she has accepted this all. However she will not accept with less that 10 years to go, a contract she has been in for 35 years is going to be changed and make her significantly worse off. People can only take so many hits.

People are dying. Due to not paying out for senior staff to be in at the weekend. Working the staff to death and then expecting them after years of doing the work load of 3+ people to continue to do that into thier 60's-70's. Funding is being put over patient need and choice. Worst of all money is being put before saving lives and supporting staff and patient needs.

I dont want my teacher/police officer/Nhs worker. Over tired, over worked, under funded and on top of all that dissolution with why they are making so many sacrifices for the public of this country. If there is no support from them and no understanding, why should it be a two way street when they take care of you everyday

Good luck with the strikes. Id personally like to see a month of work to rule. Then the country might understand half of how much you do over and above the basic requirments of your employment.
My mum will be striking on tomorrow.In the last 3 years she has not had a pay increase, she is not longer allowed to work weekends due to cost saving measures this has left her over 15-20k a year down. She is a senior radiographer, she will be required to work into her 60's pushing heavy equipment around theatres. She can get paid £1 more an hour in the private sector for a job two positions lower than the one she has. That in the NHS would be 20k less a year.
Something not adding up there? No, she has accepted this all. However she will not accept with less that 10 years to go, a contract she has been in for 35 years is going to be changed and make her significantly worse off. People can only take so many hits.

People are dying. Due to not paying out for senior staff to be in at the weekend. Working the staff to death and then expecting them after years of doing the work load of 3+ people to continue to do that into thier 60's-70's. Funding is being put over patient need and choice. Worst of all money is being put before saving lives and supporting staff and patient needs.

I dont want my teacher/police officer/Nhs worker. Over tired, over worked, under funded and on top of all that dissolution with why they are making so many sacrifices for the public of this country. If there is no support from them and no understanding, why should it be a two way street when they take care of you everyday

Good luck with the strikes. Id personally like to see a month of work to rule. Then the country might understand half of how much you do over and above the basic requirments of your employment.

Thank you for this - I'm glad some people outside the public sector see what we are striking for.

How you have described your mums working conditions is exactly how it is through and through the NhS and it will only get worse and worse and worse. I've worked into it for only 6 yrs and I've seen it spiral downwards.

People need to realise they will be on the receiving end of this treatment and if they are okay with these proposals, they are accepting a very very substandard health care/education/emergency service in the future when it will be too late to change it.
It will always be public sector vs private sector unfortunately. You always see bad press surrounding the public sector, for example the police, literally weeks/days before they announce cuts. Because of this, everyone outside of the public sector is thinking 'yes, the cuts are good blah blah blah'

Yes there is dead wood in the public sector, but isn't there in the private sector?

My husband is a police officer and pays 11% of his salary into his pension. I doubt there are many private sector workers who pay that much.

I agree with the strikes. The public sector are being treated appallingly. Since I have been on mat leave, my office of 9 of us is now 4. Personally I don't pay into my pension (job was only meant to be a stop gap!!) But more money in, for less money out?! Now that's just bad maths isn't it?

It is a sad, sad thing, when the whole population cannot band together in these tough times and offer support. And certain members of the private sector who have obviously had a rough deal, want to take everyone else down with them, probably out of bitterness.

And of course strikes cause disruption. That's the point of them!!!! Otherwise what attention would they bring!!

Good luck everyone on Wednesday!!!
It will always be public sector vs private sector unfortunately. You always see bad press surrounding the public sector, for example the police, literally weeks/days before they announce cuts. Because of this, everyone outside of the public sector is thinking 'yes, the cuts are good blah blah blah'

Yes there is dead wood in the public sector, but isn't there in the private sector?

My husband is a police officer and pays 11% of his salary into his pension. I doubt there are many private sector workers who pay that much.

I agree with the strikes. The public sector are being treated appallingly. Since I have been on mat leave, my office of 9 of us is now 4. Personally I don't pay into my pension (job was only meant to be a stop gap!!) But more money in, for less money out?! Now that's just bad maths isn't it?

It is a sad, sad thing, when the whole population cannot band together in these tough times and offer support. And certain members of the private sector who have obviously had a rough deal, want to take everyone else down with them, probably out of bitterness.

And of course strikes cause disruption. That's the point of them!!!! Otherwise what attention would they bring!!

Good luck everyone on Wednesday!!!

Totally agree. There's always bad press about the public sector just before they make spending cuts and every time the rest of the public just lap it up and turn against the public sector. It's propaganda. I'm PCS and if I wasn't on maternity I'd definitely be striking again today. I'm sure anyone would do the same if they were expected to work longer, pay more into their pension and get less out of it in the end.
If the government do go ahead with these changes I'll be heading straight down to Scottish widows and they'll end up getting nothing from me.
We've been pushed too far in our department already, I haven't had a pay rise in 2 years but the cost of living has gone through the roof, we now have half the staff we used to have and nearly twice as much work to do then we get slated in the press when we miss a deadline, we work so hard to make it work under these conditions yet they still want to squeeze more out of us.
My mums school is striking, she is going in so instead of 300 children there will be 90 I think most are striking around here. I'm just hoping that my friends heart operation isn't cancelled due to this, as this is something she desperately needs and tbh is more important.
I can appreciate people have their right to strike, so I hope all those who are, are on the picket line and don't use this as a day off to go shopping
The average public sector pension is £5600 a year. Lord Hutton in his review of pensions rejected outright the notion that public sector pensions were overly generous.

Just some food for thought, from EIS press release-

"It is interesting to note that, as the coalition government attempts to cut the pensions and with it the monthly pay of ordinary public sector workers, one of the few public sector pension schemes that would be untouched by the changes is that enjoyed by government ministers themselves. Their scheme, which is by far the most generous anywhere in the public sector, would not see any change imposed upon it. It seems it is one rule of cuts for teachers, nurses and janitors and another of continuing generosity for the highly-paid Cabinet of Millionaires in Downing Street.”

A local government worker would have to work an staggering 124 years to get a pension equal to what Eric Pickles could retire on in 2015, and Andrew Lansley's pension is almost ten times bigger than an average health worker who is accused by this government of having a 'gold-plated pension'.

Perhaps if our elected officials who also have public sector pensions were facing huge cuts and rises then we might feel that we are 'all in it together'.
I do think there's should be cut too but it every job managers get paid more so why would this be any different? Im not saying there's shouldn't be cut it should but its always gonna be a lot higher than teachers, janitors etc just like a retail workers will be much less than their management
Wow! I'm bowing out of this thread before I get really cross! We work really hard for not a great deal of money, above and beyond the call of duty a lot of the time, and Janidog you're acting like we're scum of the earth! Crazy!

I agree!

I also believe in karma :smug:

Wow you're a bit bitter!!

hhhhhmmmmmmm MacBeth springs to mind here, and the Three Witches, thats of course if you have read it :haha:
:lol: Of course! I was mad and frustrated. Sorry :blush:

I do hope one day, you don't get kicked in the teeth like we have/are being...I hope you WILL get support rather than being told that (by someone else, not on here) that we're 'greedy t*&ts' :roll:

Just maybe worth noting too that the government announced yesterday that those on benefits will get a 5.2% rise next year...while us public sectors workers are looking at around 1%.

Pays to work eh!

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