Are Any Of You Striking This Wednesday?

I disagree with you saying that bad teachers are allowed to teach. If i had a problem with my childs teachers, I would say so.

What do you do as a job?
getting rid of teachers you believe aren't pulling their weight would just leave a whole load of classes not being taught what so ever? :S

I don't know why you're so against the strike? You're making it sound like we get paid for eating cake! At the end of the day strikes have been happening for as long as we can remember! Unless we unite no one will listen.

It's not like we get PAID to strike?!

A. Are you telling me there are that many bad teachers - wow and B.So you're happy for your children to be taught by badly performing teachers? No wonder the education system is going down the drain if parents are happy with poor teaching

Then let me tell you - NO one is listening except those that are striking, the rest of the country just hears I WANT I WANT I WANT

No actually the rest of the country doesnt! I get a bonus every month, due a pay rise after christmas, i get staff discount and i can choose how much or how little (if at all) i pay towards my pension every month.
And i fully support anyone who wants to strike! Why should they roll over and take the shit thats thrown at them :shrug: would you?!?!
Wow! I'm bowing out of this thread before I get really cross! We work really hard for not a great deal of money, above and beyond the call of duty a lot of the time, and Janidog you're acting like we're scum of the earth! Crazy!
I think perhaps we should call time on this thread, or at least move it to the appropriate section of the site.
getting rid of teachers you believe aren't pulling their weight would just leave a whole load of classes not being taught what so ever? :S

I don't know why you're so against the strike? You're making it sound like we get paid for eating cake! At the end of the day strikes have been happening for as long as we can remember! Unless we unite no one will listen.

It's not like we get PAID to strike?!

A. Are you telling me there are that many bad teachers - wow and B.So you're happy for your children to be taught by badly performing teachers? No wonder the education system is going down the drain if parents are happy with poor teaching

Then let me tell you - NO one is listening except those that are striking, the rest of the country just hears I WANT I WANT I WANT

No actually the rest of the country doesnt! I get a bonus every month, due a pay rise after christmas, i get staff discount and i can choose how much or how little (if at all) i pay towards my pension every month.
And i fully support anyone who wants to strike! Why should they roll over and take the shit thats thrown at them :shrug: would you?!?!

So walk in to McDonalds and ask a low paid staff member if they support the strike? Hmmmmmmm I can imagine they wouldn't agree with the strike.

I also know a number of nurses who are not supporting the strike, so no not everyone is listening.
Wow! I'm bowing out of this thread before I get really cross! We work really hard for not a great deal of money, above and beyond the call of duty a lot of the time, and Janidog you're acting like we're scum of the earth! Crazy!

Wow you're sure acting mature :haha:
Janidog I don't think you "get it" at all.

In the public sector we are already overworked and short-staffed. Where I work there were many voluntary redundancies and when people are leaving or retiring they are not being replaced meaning the workload is getting harder and more difficult everyday. We are all doing our own jobs PLUS other jobs that the government are choosing not to fill. We aren't able to use flexible working hours etc. as there are not enough staff to cover for it anymore. We are poorly paid compared to doing the same job in the private sector. We don't get ANY of the bonuses like the private sector, no discounts, bonuses, company cars etc etc.

Like many others have said the good pension scheme is one of the reasons that many of us decide to join the public sector. We have sacrificed the better pay, holidays, bonuses etc. that are available in the private sector. Now we are being asked to contribute the equivalent of a whole day's extra pay EVERY month to our pensions, work until we are almost 70 (I know for a fact I won't be half an efficient worker then) and then take much less pension and pay almost half of the lump sum we should receive back to the government? What do we get out of it?? Are they going to raise our salaries or offer similar benefits to private sector jobs? NO.

The public sector always take the cuts while we are bailing out banks etc. who then make billions of pounds profit.

You are not understanding at all and don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about in the slightest so I have tried to put it as simply as possible.
No one is asking anyone in the private sector to support the strike - its not their strike - the only people we want to listen are the government.

I think the public sector hopes that some people in the private sector appreciate that the reforms will affect the quality of care they receive in the long run. I know a lot of people who do so janidog - not everyone does have the same views as you think the rest of the country has.

A lot of nurses aren't striking because the RCN haven't been balloted and for those in unison, a lot are too worried about patient care on the day to strike but you can bet they don't agree with the reforms - the two are VERY different.
Again, no view on to strike or not to strike. But based on my experience of around a hundred private sector companies that I work with, some of the views expressed here about private sector perks are outdated. Most private sector companies have had minimal if any payrises is recent years, no bonuses, several redundancy programmes, no Christmas parties unless self funded, and if they do happen to work somewhere where a staff discount is relevant then it isn't worth a great deal. Most companies in the private sector are in traditional manufacturing industries where staff discount isn't an option as not many people can make use of automotive components or lengths of cable.

Managerial positions in the private sector are obviously better rewarded, but the vast majority of factory workers, shop workers, back office workers etc are in the same boat as those in the public sector.
Again, no view on to strike or not to strike. But based on my experience of around a hundred private sector companies that I work with, some of the views expressed here about private sector perks are outdated. Most private sector companies have had minimal if any payrises is recent years, no bonuses, several redundancy programmes, no Christmas parties unless self funded, and if they do happen to work somewhere where a staff discount is relevant then it isn't worth a great deal. Most companies in the private sector are in traditional manufacturing industries where staff discount isn't an option as not many people can make use of automotive components or lengths of cable.

Managerial positions in the private sector are obviously better rewarded, but the vast majority of factory workers, shop workers, back office workers etc are in the same boat as those in the public sector.

There is a difference though that what happens to the public sector workers affects everyone in the long run who will access those services - NHS, school, army, emergency services - more so than in the private sector.

Tbh I don't think either side - public or private - can understand what's going on because it's only when you're on the inside you fully understand and this argument can rage on and on. At the end of the day you have to just fight for yourself.
Again, no view on to strike or not to strike. But based on my experience of around a hundred private sector companies that I work with, some of the views expressed here about private sector perks are outdated. Most private sector companies have had minimal if any payrises is recent years, no bonuses, several redundancy programmes, no Christmas parties unless self funded, and if they do happen to work somewhere where a staff discount is relevant then it isn't worth a great deal. Most companies in the private sector are in traditional manufacturing industries where staff discount isn't an option as not many people can make use of automotive components or lengths of cable.

Managerial positions in the private sector are obviously better rewarded, but the vast majority of factory workers, shop workers, back office workers etc are in the same boat as those in the public sector.

And so is the opinion of the public sector perks too, so for someone being unbiased maybe you should say the same on that side too.

Janidog, I don't know where you got your stats from but in my department alone we've had at least 2/3 people contracts terminated in the last few years simply because they weren't performing and at least 2 who jumped before they were pushed. AND yes you can actually get your pay frozen if you aren't performing or your probationary period extended. You are also given the support of re-training and further education (that you have to pay for yourself unless you can secure funding from your deparment.)
Wow! I'm bowing out of this thread before I get really cross! We work really hard for not a great deal of money, above and beyond the call of duty a lot of the time, and Janidog you're acting like we're scum of the earth! Crazy!

I agree!

I also believe in karma :smug:
Wow! I'm bowing out of this thread before I get really cross! We work really hard for not a great deal of money, above and beyond the call of duty a lot of the time, and Janidog you're acting like we're scum of the earth! Crazy!

I agree!

I also believe in karma :smug:

I agree. We're suddenly not so scummy when people are trying to access our services and need our help!
Bankers - Yes they screwed up big time, but are you all telling me they you never took advantage of the banks wonderful borrowing rate??? Mortgage rate??? Credit card loans etc....... have you all saved up your wages to pay for your new TV, sofas, cars or paid for food bills etc....... have you never used a credit card in all this time?

The bankers who work in your local bank do not get paid large bonuses, and the starting rate is less then what a teacher is paid, and they get less holiday.

If this country was a company they would have been hundreds of thousands redundancy to save money. If i don't do a good job then I don't get a pay rise, if my company doesn't do a good job then i don't get a pay rise, and if it does really badly then my company will have to close. In the public sector in general you are guarantee of a payrise increment even if you have done a bad job.

In the last 20years there was only 17 teachers sacked for poor performance, and yet there are still many poor performing teachers out there who shouldn't be in classrooms. Maybe if they could get rid of the dead weight in the public sector then we could carry on paying the rest of you who work hard, or is someone going to tell me that every single person in the public sector is great and worth every penny, because when I worked in the PS i knew many under performing people who couldn't be fired.

The people working in your local RBS or Northern Rock are not bankers. They are bank tellers and play no part in trading on the Stock Market. They do not earn mega bonuses nor do they generate the huge profits and losses made on the trading floor. When people are angry about the bankers they are not furious at their local branch manager.

To answer your question, my husband and I didn't use low interest rates to run up debt we couldn't service. We do that old fashioned thing of saving. Yet we are continuing to pay over and over again for the feckless actions of others.

My husband works in the private sector and who knows when he will ever get a payrise again. We get no benefit/ tax credit except CB. Before Mat Leave I worked 50-55 hrs a week and was paid for 35 of them. Teachers don't get overtime. 15 hours a week unpaid doesn't make those holidays so great now. I am not asking for a payrise. I am just asking for the pension I signed up for in my contract. Teaching is becoming harder and harder as more and more children enter the system without very simple basic skills and knowledge. You still think I will be able to do the job at 68 with the necessary oomph? You're having a laugh but the generation taught by worn out teachers won't be. There comes a point when you have to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough. This is now.
Janidog, hopefully you have private healthcare and will be sending your kids to private school to escape the awful service you'll be receiving from all us underperforming public sector workers.
Bankers - Yes they screwed up big time, but are you all telling me they you never took advantage of the banks wonderful borrowing rate??? Mortgage rate??? Credit card loans etc....... have you all saved up your wages to pay for your new TV, sofas, cars or paid for food bills etc....... have you never used a credit card in all this time?

The bankers who work in your local bank do not get paid large bonuses, and the starting rate is less then what a teacher is paid, and they get less holiday.

If this country was a company they would have been hundreds of thousands redundancy to save money. If i don't do a good job then I don't get a pay rise, if my company doesn't do a good job then i don't get a pay rise, and if it does really badly then my company will have to close. In the public sector in general you are guarantee of a payrise increment even if you have done a bad job.

In the last 20years there was only 17 teachers sacked for poor performance, and yet there are still many poor performing teachers out there who shouldn't be in classrooms. Maybe if they could get rid of the dead weight in the public sector then we could carry on paying the rest of you who work hard, or is someone going to tell me that every single person in the public sector is great and worth every penny, because when I worked in the PS i knew many under performing people who couldn't be fired.

The people working in your local RBS or Northern Rock are not bankers. They are bank tellers and play no part in trading on the Stock Market. They do not earn mega bonuses nor do they generate the huge profits and losses made on the trading floor. When people are angry about the bankers they are not furious at their local branch manager.

To answer your question, my husband and I didn't use low interest rates to run up debt we couldn't service. We do that old fashioned thing of saving. Yet we are continuing to pay over and over again for the feckless actions of others.

My husband works in the private sector and who knows when he will ever get a payrise again. We get no benefit/ tax credit except CB. Before Mat Leave I worked 50-55 hrs a week and was paid for 35 of them. Teachers don't get overtime. 15 hours a week unpaid doesn't make those holidays so great now. I am not asking for a payrise. I am just asking for the pension I signed up for in my contract. Teaching is becoming harder and harder as more and more children enter the system without very simple basic skills and knowledge. You still think I will be able to do the job at 68 with the necessary oomph? You're having a laugh but the generation taught by worn out teachers won't be. There comes a point when you have to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough. This is now.

This :thumbup:

Perfectly written and totally right.
Teachers deserve far far more than they receive, after all, after parents THEY are the people raising our children. Can you put a price on that?
Janidog...I think you need to take a major step back and see it from the other side.

Bankers are getting THOUSANDS every year in bonuses in banks that they've failed in. They caused massive crisis and have crippled this country.

As others said in the Private sector people too get bonuses etc... etc.... we get nothing. Nada, Zip, Nothing.

We literally scrape by, as many others do. We have been penalised over and over and over again. My sister is under threat under her job as the goverment are considering taking away the crime scene investigators (what she is) to give the job to uniformed police, who struggle as it is.

In the fire service (where I work) they have taken fire engines off the run, all in the name to save money. We've had more fire fighter deaths in this last year than we've had in the last 8 years combined.

Pretty sure someone can tell their experience from the NHS.

Its like asking a guy to come and tile your kitchen and him giving you a quote of £500, which you accept. A few days before he's finished you go in and say sorry mate, I've spent a bit too much money on beer this month, so I'm going to give you about £400 instead, but only if you tile my bathroom too.

can i just say that until I read this post i was kind of against the strikes, probably because i didnt really understand the reasons behind it and had the attitude of "stop moaning and get on with it!".

But reading this has totally changed my mind! i understand now that youre not striking because you want a payrise or anything, but because the pension you were promised when you signed up to the job is now being taken away. I would be majorly pissed off if that was me.

thank you for educating me on this subject, I now support you all 100%!x
aw man :( me and my mum had a nice fay planned in town on weds but 3 more members of her staff have told her theyre striking so shes having to work :(!
this is random and abit irrelevant but seeing as perks have come up.. round here NHS/police/fireservice etc staff get 50% off at dominoes.. is that not true of everywhere!?
this is random and abit irrelevant but seeing as perks have come up.. round here NHS/police/fireservice etc staff get 50% off at dominoes.. is that not true of everywhere!?


I wish...the only time I ever got something for free was when I was at the hospital and went for a brew. Because I was in uniform, they gave me a brew for free. Made my day actually.

I was told that at certain subways, you can pay for half a sub and get the other half free...but I've yet to see if it works. I'm too shy to ask :blush:

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