Are Any Of You Striking This Wednesday?

The nhs is similar. No redundancies as compulsary but no replacing those who leave or retire. Ridiculous when it affects peoples lifes.
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.
At this moment in time i think you all should be grateful you have a job! So many people out there would love to work.

Also for the teachers that are striking - Does that mean parents can take their children out of education to go on holiday??? Its not fair if teachers can just strike when ever they feel like it, but if a parent takes a child out of school then they are told they are irresponsible and damaging their education :growlmad:

For the NHS workers - your patients who need routine operations and blood tests etc.... will now have to wait even longer whilst you all strike so a big congratulations to you all

Are you all taking your children to the marches and picket lines or doing your Christmas shopping??????? Let me guess Christmas shopping :haha:

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and yes you are rude.
What actually bothers me even more than the pension cuts (although they bother me a lot) is the continual cuts to public sector budgets. Schools and colleges are running on empty. When staff leave, there is no budget to replace them so admin work is given to fewer people or passed on to teaching staff who are already overloaded with it. Class sizes are getting bigger and courses are being cut. New resources can't be purchased and even basic repairs to grounds and buildings can't be done. Anyone who has children at school ought to be seriously concerned about this, and I imagine if the situation is the same in the NHS where not 'just' education but lives are at risk, it is even more scary.

In the NHS this is exactly the same thing that s happening ad I see everyday that it puts lives at risk.
As a frontline NHS worker who spends all day everyday stomping round hospital wards, reading and writing notes standing up as there is nowhere to sit, leaning over beds, having to sit on the floor to eat my lunch because there are too many people hot desking in each office to have a chair and they've had to get rid of the canteen - I know I could not do this job as a 65-70 yr old and if I had to, the amount of patients I could treat would be dramatically reduced therefore increasing waiting times and my motivation would be rock bottom. Knowing how a ward works - thre is no way it can be run by an ageing workforce.

The other danger is the amount of people who will leave the NHS and go private would cause a lot of problems for the NHS and waiting times. You may not be a public service worker but you need to see how your NHS and the service you recieve will be affected.
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.

So all these group of people that you mention all want more money, pay less contributions to their OWN pensions, expect the Government to pay more in to the pension and all retire at 65 or less - so tell me where will the Government get the money to pay for all this?????
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.

So all these group of people that you mention all want more money, pay less contributions to their OWN pensions, expect the Government to pay more in to the pension and all retire at 65 or less - so tell me where will the Government get the money to pay for all this?????


We don't want more money. We are on a pay freeze for the next three years at least.

We don't want to pay any less in our pensions. Just the same to get what our forecast is NOW. We just don't think its fair to be told to pay in MORE to get LESS back.

TBF if I have to work longer...I will do. Its not my preference, but I understand we ALL have to take the hit.

But quite frankly, I feel I've taken my fair share. I don't get any sort of benefit at all, my partner and I BOTH have to pay more contributions, work longer hours, less pension AND have no pay rise until....well whenever.

We're losing staff and WE are the ones picking up the work.

I doubt we've just decided to strike pure and simply for the fun of it you know!!!!!
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.

So all these group of people that you mention all want more money, pay less contributions to their OWN pensions, expect the Government to pay more in to the pension and all retire at 65 or less - so tell me where will the Government get the money to pay for all this?????

Yet, it's ALWAYS the public sector that takes the fall whenever cuts are neccessary. If the government hadn't bailed out so many PRIVATE banks perhaps there would have been more money to put into the resources that we need. You make it sound like public sector workers are being greedy and I think that couldn't be further from the truth for the majority. They simply want what they signed up to, which is what anyone would expect. It wouldn't surprise me if the govt. was acting illegally with these cuts. I just think we are on dangerous territory when as a nation we are turning on the people we rely on the most. It's bad enough the cuts that are made to the armed forces, scary even. I'm not naive enough to think this money can come out of nowhere but I do think it's hypocritical when the govt can pour so much money into things like private banks, effectively giving to them put taking from PS workers. It's a disgrace :nope:
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.

So all these group of people that you mention all want more money, pay less contributions to their OWN pensions, expect the Government to pay more in to the pension and all retire at 65 or less - so tell me where will the Government get the money to pay for all this?????


We don't want more money. We are on a pay freeze for the next three years at least.

We don't want to pay any less in our pensions. Just the same to get what our forecast is NOW. We just don't think its fair to be told to pay in MORE to get LESS back.

TBF if I have to work longer...I will do. Its not my preference, but I understand we ALL have to take the hit.

But quite frankly, I feel I've taken my fair share. I don't get any sort of benefit at all, my partner and I BOTH have to pay more contributions, work longer hours, less pension AND have no pay rise of any sort until they feel its right.

We're losing staff and WE are the ones picking up the work.

I doubt we've just decided to strike pure and simply for the fun of it you know!!!!!

So just like everyone else then, but most just don't choose to strike.

If your strike action fails on Wednesday what happens then??
if people choose not to strike then thats their choice... why should everyone else have to suck it up just because others are willing too?
No as am a SAHM but I support the strike 100%. The government are behaving appallingly, they are just being arrogant bullies. Good on you all!!!!
I think all these cuts are going to start bothering everybody soon enough and I for one do not really want to be sending my children to school to be taught by teachers who are so despondent because they are working for a pittance, constantly facing redundancy and paying over the odds for what is sounding like a rather anaemic pension. That's not fair on anyone so it's all very well people saying that in comparison to private sector workers PS workers are just coming in line but sadly that's not true. These cuts WILL affect us all in one way or another and so I think it's important we support our teachers, nurses, firefighters etc.

So all these group of people that you mention all want more money, pay less contributions to their OWN pensions, expect the Government to pay more in to the pension and all retire at 65 or less - so tell me where will the Government get the money to pay for all this?????

Yet, it's ALWAYS the public sector that takes the fall whenever cuts are neccessary. If the government hadn't bailed out so many PRIVATE banks perhaps there would have been more money to put into the resources that we need. You make it sound like public sector workers are being greedy and I think that couldn't be further from the truth for the majority. They simply want what they signed up to, which is what anyone would expect. It wouldn't surprise me if the govt. was acting illegally with these cuts. I just think we are on dangerous territory when as a nation we are turning on the people we rely on the most. It's bad enough the cuts that are made to the armed forces, scary even. I'm not naive enough to think this money can come out of nowhere but I do think it's hypocritical when the govt can pour so much money into things like private banks, effectively giving to them put taking from PS workers. It's a disgrace :nope:

The banks have generated an awful lot of tax revenue and employing hundreds and thousands of workers. If the banks all fail then basically we're all screwed so it helps to keep them on board
I am so grateful to live where I do as the local hospital is brilliant. So many NHS places are struggling to cope due to staff cuts or not replacing staff. And I believe this serious puts patients at risk.
I can't believe for one minute that people really want to be looked after in hospital by a 70 year old nurse who can't quite remember everything right.
Yes people are living for longer but that doesn't mean that they are capable of working for longer. There has been a rise in illnesses such as alzimers etc so how can one honestly say that because we live longer we should work longer.

I also appreciate that private sector workers have had their pay freezes and pensions messed about with. We have gone through this-my oh didn't have a pay rise for 3 years. But he is a fairly high earner so we could still survive on what he wage was despite the rise in food etc. however, so many public sector workers are on such poor wages that having their pay frozen and having to pay more into their pension could actually put them into serious problems moneywise.
Janidog...I think you need to take a major step back and see it from the other side.

Bankers are getting THOUSANDS every year in bonuses in banks that they've failed in. They caused massive crisis and have crippled this country.

As others said in the Private sector people too get bonuses etc... etc.... we get nothing. Nada, Zip, Nothing.

We literally scrape by, as many others do. We have been penalised over and over and over again. My sister is under threat under her job as the goverment are considering taking away the crime scene investigators (what she is) to give the job to uniformed police, who struggle as it is.

In the fire service (where I work) they have taken fire engines off the run, all in the name to save money. We've had more fire fighter deaths in this last year than we've had in the last 8 years combined.

Pretty sure someone can tell their experience from the NHS.

Its like asking a guy to come and tile your kitchen and him giving you a quote of £500, which you accept. A few days before he's finished you go in and say sorry mate, I've spent a bit too much money on beer this month, so I'm going to give you about £400 instead, but only if you tile my bathroom too.
Hang on Janidog - are you really standing up for the bankers? :saywhat:
Oh and your wonderful support and love for the bankers....

Be aware that the public owns approximately 83% of the RBS group...and last year they made around 2.3BILLION pounds in profit. It cost every man, woman and child money to bail this bank out. Have you seen your slice of the profit...because I'm still waiting.

Northern Rock...well we all know about the first bank that went bankrupt. Which again WE bailed out. You know the one that was sold to Virgin (Richard Branson) this week, for HALF of the price we paid for it. Hmmm...amazing financial skills.

Stop having a pop at us and have a pop at the people who DESERVE it.
Bankers - Yes they screwed up big time, but are you all telling me they you never took advantage of the banks wonderful borrowing rate??? Mortgage rate??? Credit card loans etc....... have you all saved up your wages to pay for your new TV, sofas, cars or paid for food bills etc....... have you never used a credit card in all this time?

The bankers who work in your local bank do not get paid large bonuses, and the starting rate is less then what a teacher is paid, and they get less holiday.

If this country was a company they would have been hundreds of thousands redundancy to save money. If i don't do a good job then I don't get a pay rise, if my company doesn't do a good job then i don't get a pay rise, and if it does really badly then my company will have to close. In the public sector in general you are guarantee of a payrise increment even if you have done a bad job.

In the last 20years there was only 17 teachers sacked for poor performance, and yet there are still many poor performing teachers out there who shouldn't be in classrooms. Maybe if they could get rid of the dead weight in the public sector then we could carry on paying the rest of you who work hard, or is someone going to tell me that every single person in the public sector is great and worth every penny, because when I worked in the PS i knew many under performing people who couldn't be fired.
getting rid of teachers you believe aren't pulling their weight would just leave a whole load of classes not being taught what so ever? :S

I don't know why you're so against the strike? You're making it sound like we get paid for eating cake! At the end of the day strikes have been happening for as long as we can remember! Unless we unite no one will listen.

It's not like we get PAID to strike?!
getting rid of teachers you believe aren't pulling their weight would just leave a whole load of classes not being taught what so ever? :S

I don't know why you're so against the strike? You're making it sound like we get paid for eating cake! At the end of the day strikes have been happening for as long as we can remember! Unless we unite no one will listen.

It's not like we get PAID to strike?!

A. Are you telling me there are that many bad teachers - wow and B.So you're happy for your children to be taught by badly performing teachers? No wonder the education system is going down the drain if parents are happy with poor teaching

Then let me tell you - NO one is listening except those that are striking, the rest of the country just hears I WANT I WANT I WANT

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