Are there any bigger mums here?


Mum to Oliver and bump2
Feb 7, 2009
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Im a size 20 and 15 weeks pregnant. Ive had 2 scans, the last one being at 12 weeks and all was fine.

Ive got no pregnancy symtoms and havent done from the start. And i just dont feel pregnant.

I know being the size i am im never going to have a perfect bump early on, but i cant feel anything at all. Even lower down just above my pubic bone it just feels normal, like there is nothing in there.

I am so so scared that my baby has stopped growing. Did anyone else my sorta size find this?

Hi hon, i am a bit bigger than you and found it a bit weird, i didn't get the little hard bump start that smaller women seemed to get but i found from about 12 weeks if i bent over it felt like my uterus was getting caught on something inside if that makes sense, also i got huge really early this time as my son was only 11 ish months when i got my BFP this time.
At this point in your pregnancy your baby is still tiny so it's unlikely i would think you would actually feel baby through your tummy, but i could be wrong.
My point is try not to worry and enjoy this bit, i am now at the point where i can feel my littlest mans bum on my bladder and his head just below my ribs which is nice but it ain't exactly comfy lol.
Also alot depends on where baby is, this time my baby spent alot of time at the back of my uterus up until about 20 weeks or so, we are all different and all carry differently, so like i said please try not to worry am sure all is fine with your little one.
Am always here if you need to chat xxx
Thank you for posting that. The only people i know IRL that are/have been pg are all skinnie minnies and wont have a clue what im worrying about.

I see the midwife on the 22nd of April so hopefully ill get to hear the HB and put my mine to rest

Hearing baby's heartbeat is such a fab feeling, and actually once she's found it for you you'll be suprised at how low baby still is, i know i was.
Like i said if you ever wanna chat i am here xxx
I'm an 18 hun and its only in the last few weeks i've gained a "bump" altho its still not particularly defined :D Some people are just lucky with no symptoms and you could be one of them :D Sure all will be fine :D
Hi hun
Im a size 16 and I didnt get a bump first time round until 28-30 weeks then it just sort of shot out of knowhere lol I always used to look at skinny women and be jealous of their cute round bumps but yours will come. As for the no symptoms, enjoy it while you can because sometimes sickness can kick in around about now.Mine did with my current pregnancy. Also I started showing from around 18 weeks this time. That could be because my salim is only coming up to 8 months and everything is fairly stretched. If your worried you could always call your midwife and ask if you can pop in to hear your babys HB earlier. Everything will be fine trust me.
Thanks everyone. Im trying to stop worrying. But i thought by 15 weeks id be able to feel something if i had a gentle prod and poke

Sorry to intrude but hope I reassure. I really don't think you need to worry about not being able to feel anything. I'm not your size - infact I was skinny prepreg and at 15 weeks I couldn't see or feel anything either. I started to fill out around 20weeks but it was only this last week it has begun to look anything like a bump.
I can feel it now but the first time I was aware of anything feeling different was about 17weeks and that was after sex & orgasm (TMI-sorry!) my uterus contracted and went hard, it was still really low done at that point.
Your not intruding at all. Thank you for your reassurance.

I think as this is my first im expecting things that cant be done lol

I'm a 22, and the last few weeks have started to feel firmer than usual, and have started to feel small movements - but I know I'm lucky! Lots of ladies don't feel anything different until later - whatever their size. I've also had a lot of symptoms - believe me you're lucky if you've not suffered!

I have looked fatter than usual the last couple of weeks, but last night was the first time someone who didn't know asked me if I was pregnant, so It's only just starting to look more bump-like than flab-like! I'm also lucky to be carrying out front with placenta at the back - if you are carrying further back you may not show until later.

I'm sure your midwife will reassure you! :)
i made a post same as u ........ not for bigger woman, but woman in general cos at 15wk i cudnt feel baby, cudnt use the doppler i had and worst of all i didnt feel pregnant no more, didnt feel sore or tender was very scared,but its totally normal, i had a mw app 16wk she listerned to hb,then at 18wk i was getting kicks regular so try not to panic hun x
Hi i am size20~22 and from about 13~18 wks i just didnt feel pregnant try not to stress :hugs:
I was a size 24 pre pregnancy. I had the traditional nausea in the first tri (no vomiting) and about a week before I hit second tri the nausea stopped. I still have food aversions, but otherwise feel great. Well, except for total exhaustion!!
I haven't felt baby yet. Someone else here said you will be surprised at how low down the baby still is. We had our appointment last Tuesday and the baby was just below my belly button to the right. Surprised me how low! Just this morning I was lying in bed on my back, just being still *hoping* to feel something. But I'm not feeling anything yet.
I have a bump up high, but I still have a B belly. People at work keep telling me I look like I'm losing weight and I'm one of those you won't be able to tell is pregnant from the back, just the front. At our 12 week appointment I had lost 4 pounds since our 8 week appointment. At our 16 week appointment last Tuesday I had gained two pounds.
I ordered my first maternity jeans last night because the only pants I can fit in to anymore are now cutting in to me. Which is funny--technically, I'm still down two pounds but my clothes are getting tighter. So I know that even if I don't quite LOOK pregnant, my body is preparing to. I think people think I look skinnier because my side fat, etc. is moving to my tummy. Apparently everything gets pushed up and I think that's why my upper belly looks pregnant.
On the 28th we find out if the baby is a girl or boy and I keep thinking that if I haven't felt the baby move by then, I'll probably see it moving and wriggling and wonder how I can't feel any of that. But we heard the heart beat at the doctor appointment Tuesday and know all is well.
I know this is a huge, long post but I hope to bring some reassurance. Also, has a great Plus Size and Pregnant forum on there. You may wan to check it out! Enjoy not feeling ill, by the way. It's time to just wait on your baby and enjoy.
(I say that with confidence, but secretly before each Dr. appointment I go in praying we'll still hear a heart we all have our moments!!)

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