Are they really necessary?......


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Antenatal classes, are they really a MUST?
I don't know if it's worth the money to be told what women have been doing for centuries. Or am I being naive?

From what people have told me, it's more of a "to each your own" thing. In my case, OH got nervous when we went for our tour and requested that we take the class just to set his mind at ease because he 'wants to do everything right.' Rofl. Since it seemed evident to me that it meant a lot to him to attend, we are going to a class in 2 weeks. Otherwise I was planning to wing it naturally.
I'm on my third pregnancy and never been to a class
I've been doing the NTC classes and found them invaluable. I feel much more informed and that I know my options for all eventualities. I know any thing can change at any time but I feel like I'm prepared for that as well.

It's also nice having other mums to be to talk to that are at exactly the same stage as you.

This is my first and I'm really glad we did the classes.
I'm going to NCT classes and they are very useful.
They do tell you a lot and they are quite fun.
It's also nice to meet people and talk to other mums who are due around the same time and the same for the dads.
You also can make life long friends, my mum's still friends with people from her NCT classes :L
So i'd say they're useful :)
NCT was useful and I made three really good friends. However, NHS ones were pointless, well the one I attended was! I don't think there's a "need" to attend unless you feel like you want more information or support. I found "What to expect when you're expecting" to be my faithful guide through the first pregnancy!
I have just finished the NCT classes and they were amazing....I read EVERYTHING but I still learn't loads from the classes and OH loved them and we both feel like we are well informed and will be able to make the right decisions to suit us when the time comes...

We met lots of lovely people that are around the same stage us and they were worth every penny!!
if u research like crazy like i did then u wont find the NCT classes helpfull. my husband benefitted from them and iv met a great bunch of people :)
I've been/am going to some NHS ones but wouldn't have paid for NCT. It would have been about 200 quid which was just too much for us.
Im on my third baby now and never been to a class. To be honest it all comes pretty much naturally when bubba is here and if you struggle with anything after birth say like breastfeeding there are allways classes you can pick up then and you will actually have baby to practise on.
I enjoyed my classes. I probably didn't learn all that much about birthing (because I've read so much online and BnB) but it really demystified how the hospital is going to work. I learned all about hospital procedures and what the nurses are going to be doing and saying. I'm feeling a lot less nervous about what is going to be happening around me. They covered the relaxation plus pain relief options in depth and showed video of regular birth and c-sections.

DH really benefitted. He learned a ton of things that I couldn't get him to read up on.
I agree with a lot of the posters, I did a day course, but it was really more for my husband, who accompanied me and is my birthing partner, I thought I wouldnt learn anything, but I did get a lot from the class and definitely gave my husband and I more security in what to expect and how he can help me in his role during the labour.
I did lots of reading before hand but Im still really glad I did the NCT classes, met some lovely people and even though I knew a lot of it already, talking about things I think has prepared my mind more. There has also been stuff I've read and been told by others thats all conradicted each other, and the classes cleared that up. And its been great for OH too. We've been out to lunch as a big group, and the husbands have all met for drinks. Talked about emotional side of things aswell as the givin birth and drugs etc, Talked about parents, in laws, guests once baby here etc, what OH should do when we are in labour and act strangely haha.
So you'll be fine without, as many have already said, but I do think they are a great benefit if you can afford to go.
I really didn't want to do them, but after telling my mw what kind of birth I wanted (as natural and close to homebirth as possible) she suggested strongly that I go. So I called and signed up, and boy was I glad I did. I didn't leave with what the mw wanted me to, knowing that I had the right to say no to interventions and some procedures, but instead I left knowing that I needed to find a new hospital to birth in. From a tour alone, I would not have come to that decision probably, so although I agreed with you in that women have been doing this for millions of years, there is no reason I need a class, I am glad I went, as I learned what I did not want for our birth experience. So now I would suggest them to anyone.
I'm not bothering tbh. I'm on BnB so much and have my WTEWYE book which I've read from cover to cover book, that my friends who are on their 2nd/3rd babies call ME for advice and questions now lol. Always been one of those people who researches and fills their head with every scrap of information possible and I don't think there's a lot I don't know now (apart from the actual physical part of giving birth lol).

Still be going for a tour in Dec of the maternity ward etc though as that's practical knowledge specific to that hospital :)

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