Are you kids contagious? Did you watch?

i know that, but it does reduce the risk. Everything about parenting is weighing up one risk against another eg do the risks of cosleeping outweigh the risks of not cosleeping. I have one answer, you might have another. I totally respect your choice to vaccinate, I think you are doing what's right for your family - just as I am doing what's right for mine.
i know that, but it does reduce the risk. Everything about parenting is weighing up one risk against another eg do the risks of cosleeping outweigh the risks of not cosleeping. I have one answer, you might have another. I totally respect your choice to vaccinate, I think you are doing what's right for your family - just as I am doing what's right for mine.

I appreciate that, and I don't want to offend or cause upset, but my decision doesn't affect anyone other than my family, your decision does. Your decision not to vaccinate can kill my child, my immune suppressed mum, a pregnant friend.

yes life is about taking risks, crossing the street is a risk, but an unknown risk is not a real risk, you can't decide that an unknown risk is more important that a known deadly risk. how do you go on if you child dies as a result of fear, when there is a known vaccine?

If in 5, 10, 20 years time we find out that vaccines increase your risk of cancer, then i would still be happy with my decision now, I did what was best with the knowledge available to me, not the "knowledge" of people who think they know stuff, or conspiracies about everyone trying to kill them. The fact is that if vaccines didnt exist a lot of our children wouldnt be here.

What annoys me about it is that you (not specifically you, just non vaxers) put my child and family, friends and the wider world at risk, while relying on herd immunity we provide, if we all decided that we didnt want to that that risk that you are not willing to take (not that i see it as a risk) then a lot of children would be dead, children would be dying of these diseases, they seem harmless now because those of us that vaccinate keep them at bay. If the amount of people who decide not to vaccinate goes down we are going to see major problems.

I really am not trying to be nasty of offend you at all, so I am sorry if my post comes across as aggressive, but its a topic that i feel passionate about and feel strongly about, I have seen what happens to children that get these diseases and I can't understand any mother wanting to risk that for their child, and it angers me that people who choose not to vaccinate, often (not necessarily in this case) for ridiculous reasons, put my family at risk, my mum is ill, she can very easily be killed by a one of these diseases.

There is someone on here (cant remember her username) that nearly lost a child to a preventable disease that she was too young to be vaccinated against, I feel her anger too when this topic is brought up.
I think it's extreme selfish not to vaccinate. Yeah maybe your kid will be alright if they get measles, but what about the other kids they come into contact with who might have reduced immunity and DIE.
I have to sit on the fence with this one but that is purely through circumstances.

I do think that children should be immunised. I think the rise in a lot of things like measles is due to parents not immunising. However at the moment i am one of those parents. Esther has not had her MMR yet. She has had health issues and it's not at all sat comfortably with me to have it done. Added to this is the fact that she isn't talking at all yet and i want to make sure that her speech issues are something totally unrelated to the MMR. If she had the MMR and then we were told she had major speech problems i would always be wondering if it was the MMR that cause it - and yes i know i am being stupid.
i know that, but it does reduce the risk. Everything about parenting is weighing up one risk against another eg do the risks of cosleeping outweigh the risks of not cosleeping. I have one answer, you might have another. I totally respect your choice to vaccinate, I think you are doing what's right for your family - just as I am doing what's right for mine.

I appreciate that, and I don't want to offend or cause upset, but my decision doesn't affect anyone other than my family, your decision does. Your decision not to vaccinate can kill my child, my immune suppressed mum, a pregnant friend.

yes life is about taking risks, crossing the street is a risk, but an unknown risk is not a real risk, you can't decide that an unknown risk is more important that a known deadly risk. how do you go on if you child dies as a result of fear, when there is a known vaccine?

If in 5, 10, 20 years time we find out that vaccines increase your risk of cancer, then i would still be happy with my decision now, I did what was best with the knowledge available to me, not the "knowledge" of people who think they know stuff, or conspiracies about everyone trying to kill them. The fact is that if vaccines didnt exist a lot of our children wouldnt be here.

What annoys me about it is that you (not specifically you, just non vaxers) put my child and family, friends and the wider world at risk, while relying on herd immunity we provide, if we all decided that we didnt want to that that risk that you are not willing to take (not that i see it as a risk) then a lot of children would be dead, children would be dying of these diseases, they seem harmless now because those of us that vaccinate keep them at bay. If the amount of people who decide not to vaccinate goes down we are going to see major problems.

I really am not trying to be nasty of offend you at all, so I am sorry if my post comes across as aggressive, but its a topic that i feel passionate about and feel strongly about, I have seen what happens to children that get these diseases and I can't understand any mother wanting to risk that for their child, and it angers me that people who choose not to vaccinate, often (not necessarily in this case) for ridiculous reasons, put my family at risk, my mum is ill, she can very easily be killed by a one of these diseases.

There is someone on here (cant remember her username) that nearly lost a child to a preventable disease that she was too young to be vaccinated against, I feel her anger too when this topic is brought up.

Are you nuts do you know whats in vaccines??? Haha just kidding thats a defence non vaxers use and you know what i say to that?
Yea i know whats in vaccines i also know why its in them
Like formaldehyde which stops the diseases from reproducing and mouse brain and alluminum which stimulates antibody levels
I also know that you have a higher risk of dying, becoming paralyzed or something else tragic from a disease they vaccinate against then the chance of getting sick from the vaccine itself
The "big pharma" makes less from vaccines then they would if children were sick in hospitals
Yea i have done research too but i dont read junk on any website i stick to the cdc and the fda and the academy of pediatrics. Why do i trust them? Because they are hire the albert einstines of the world who do experiment after experiment to make sure everythings passed then it has to pass the clinical trial
They have to jump through more hoops then Dr.suzanne humphries who claims polio didnt cause paralysis and yet has no evidence to back that up
And considering vaccines "are for profit" its not like suzanne works for free
And you also have jenny mcarthy (a playboy bunny which aparently makes her a doctor)who said she healed her sons autism with probiotics i guess she will start her own yogurt line to heal autism

Usually i am nice and say i respect the non vaxers opinion but i am sick of it its all nonsense
i know that, but it does reduce the risk. Everything about parenting is weighing up one risk against another eg do the risks of cosleeping outweigh the risks of not cosleeping. I have one answer, you might have another. I totally respect your choice to vaccinate, I think you are doing what's right for your family - just as I am doing what's right for mine.

I appreciate that, and I don't want to offend or cause upset, but my decision doesn't affect anyone other than my family, your decision does. Your decision not to vaccinate can kill my child, my immune suppressed mum, a pregnant friend.

yes life is about taking risks, crossing the street is a risk, but an unknown risk is not a real risk, you can't decide that an unknown risk is more important that a known deadly risk. how do you go on if you child dies as a result of fear, when there is a known vaccine?

If in 5, 10, 20 years time we find out that vaccines increase your risk of cancer, then i would still be happy with my decision now, I did what was best with the knowledge available to me, not the "knowledge" of people who think they know stuff, or conspiracies about everyone trying to kill them. The fact is that if vaccines didnt exist a lot of our children wouldnt be here.

What annoys me about it is that you (not specifically you, just non vaxers) put my child and family, friends and the wider world at risk, while relying on herd immunity we provide, if we all decided that we didnt want to that that risk that you are not willing to take (not that i see it as a risk) then a lot of children would be dead, children would be dying of these diseases, they seem harmless now because those of us that vaccinate keep them at bay. If the amount of people who decide not to vaccinate goes down we are going to see major problems.

I really am not trying to be nasty of offend you at all, so I am sorry if my post comes across as aggressive, but its a topic that i feel passionate about and feel strongly about, I have seen what happens to children that get these diseases and I can't understand any mother wanting to risk that for their child, and it angers me that people who choose not to vaccinate, often (not necessarily in this case) for ridiculous reasons, put my family at risk, my mum is ill, she can very easily be killed by a one of these diseases.

There is someone on here (cant remember her username) that nearly lost a child to a preventable disease that she was too young to be vaccinated against, I feel her anger too when this topic is brought up.

You've not offended me, but I do feel that I need to point out that even people that have had the vaccine can catch measles etc. Yes it will be less of a problem for them, but they can still pass it on. You say that vaccines are an unknown risk, but there are loads of documented cases of vaccine damage, so it is a known risk. The majority of healthy children to not die as a result of rubella or mumps etc. in fact rubella is symptomless in a large percentage of cases. Therefore I feel like the risk I am taking is not as great as many people make out.

I'm not really wanting to get into a debate about it tbh. I'm comfortable with the choices that I've made:flower:
I vaccinate my kids but even I am not as ignorant to think parents that dont vaccinate are irresponsible. I wish I didnt vaccinate, theres some scary stuff in them vaccines that have killed babies to. I think if you where all given the label with ingredients and warnings you may have a very very heavy head doing it like I do.
I vaccinate my kids but even I am not as ignorant to think parents that dont vaccinate are irresponsible. I wish I didnt vaccinate, theres some scary stuff in them vaccines that have killed babies to. I think if you where all given the label with ingredients and warnings you may have a very very heavy head doing it like I do.

I WAS going to say howw they make all the ingredients known on the cdc website but then I realised you are from ireland so idk if its different there

here is the vaccine ingredients
and here is another list that tells you why some things are in vaccines
why is alluminum in vaccines? is it safe
possible of vaccine side effects and how often it happens
in the last link you can check out the side effects of the mmrv vaccines and the most serious side effect happens in fewer then 4 per million
The leaflet should be handed to parents they should not have to look it up as they trust health professionals who do not warn them of risks while vaccinating. My health visitor cant understand why I dont like it when they get vaccines she thinks its to do with the needle prick.
well I can understand what you mean by they should give it out to every parent
maybe they don't because
1.they figure most people wont read it (many wouldn't)
2. they figure its on their website
3. they figure you should just get the vaccines
I don't know why they dont but I agree they should
They should give every pregnant women a booklet at one of her visits so she has several months before the baby is even born to read over it
well I can understand what you mean by they should give it out to every parent
maybe they don't because
1.they figure most people wont read it (many wouldn't)
2. they figure its on their website
3. they figure you should just get the vaccines
I don't know why they dont but I agree they should
They should give every pregnant women a booklet at one of her visits so she has several months before the baby is even born to read over it

I read the labels in the medication I am given I would to with my children, its important information about what your taking. And not everyone as the internet. I find it actually a bit weird they dont hand it even if its not read its they can still say well they gave a leaflet or that was a warning should the worst happen. A kinda of disclaimer. Alex has still to get his mmr and another one, he was sick last time he was called. I will see if they hand me it if I ask.
I had Carmen immunized on a delayed schedule; all her jabs were done on schedule when she was a newborn, then the ones that are scheduled for 1-year-olds were delayed until she turned two. I made sure she was vaccinated on schedule for whooping cough though; there have been outbreaks all over the place and one of them in my hometown.

We didn't do the chicken pox vaccine though, and we never get flu shots. The decision to have the HPV vaccine or not I will leave to her when she's older.
Are kids in the UK not required to be immunized before school?
In Canada (my province at least) kids have to be immunized before they attend. The parents don't *HAVE* to immunize their kids based on religious or philosophical grounds but in some places they need to swear an affadavit, or provide a doctors note.

For me it was a no-brainer. I don't buy into the "studies" that say vaccinations cause autism, cancer, etc. I believe the health problems today are mainly coming from things like obesity and lack of exercise in parents, as has been suggested in more recent studies. I do respect the choices of other parents though in whatever they believe :)
Are kids in the UK not required to be immunized before school?
In Canada (my province at least) kids have to be immunized before they attend. The parents don't *HAVE* to immunize their kids based on religious or philosophical grounds but in some places they need to swear an affadavit, or provide a doctors note.

For me it was a no-brainer. I don't buy into the "studies" that say vaccinations cause autism, cancer, etc. I believe the health problems today are mainly coming from things like obesity and lack of exercise in parents, as has been suggested in more recent studies. I do respect the choices of other parents though in whatever they believe :)

idk about the UK but in the USA they are required but they allow medical (allergies) religon and philosophical exemptions
I have had all of my vaccinates and so will my children. I think it is wrong to not knowing how sick the child could get. And the whooping cough thing, parents need to make sure that they and those you are around the child have had the vaccinate because you could give it to the child without even know it. I heard that babies don't get the whooping cough vaccinates until they are 6 weeks old. But I am guessing that it depends on where you live.

I'm not sure when they get it but she was saying that if most people vaccinated her daughter most probably wouldn't have caught it.

herd immunity ONLY work when the whole herd gets the vaccine

No, the more people that get vaccinated the risk reduces! It's not about everyone being vaccinated although I believe they should be.
Are kids in the UK not required to be immunized before school?
In Canada (my province at least) kids have to be immunized before they attend. The parents don't *HAVE* to immunize their kids based on religious or philosophical grounds but in some places they need to swear an affadavit, or provide a doctors note.

For me it was a no-brainer. I don't buy into the "studies" that say vaccinations cause autism, cancer, etc. I believe the health problems today are mainly coming from things like obesity and lack of exercise in parents, as has been suggested in more recent studies. I do respect the choices of other parents though in whatever they believe :)

Nope. They should be though, if you choose not to protect your child then you shouldn't be allowed to put someone else's child at risk.
So putting others at risk? does that mean vaccines dont work then? *totally playing devils advocate here I know*
No, its means that the vaccine reduce the chances of you getting the disease and the effects if you do get it, just like some people can get chicken pox more than once, plus there are children who cant be vaccinated due to illness/certain condiction that those who dont vacciante put directly at risk, plus those who are immuno-comprimised, then there are those who are too young to yet receive them.

So no vaxers, not only play with the lives of their own kids but the lives of thousands more who can be affected. That not saying vaccinations are not effective, its saying they are very effective and if everyone has them we can vertially wipe out these diseases.
Interesting. I havnt heard that end of it, think its because I have anti vax friends. I do breastfeed to help matters also which I believe helps a lot.

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