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Are you telling anyone??


1 Son + 5yr step daughter
Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Well?? Are you telling anyone your NTNP for a baby? I have told mum that we want another one which for her is enough of a hint :haha:

A few friends have recently said its about time we started trying again and i have just kept quiet about it and so they basically know. But as for OH's family i cant tell them. His sis has been trying for 8 years and nothing so far but there are several problems her husband drinking 10 pints a day being one.

But if i was to tell them we were trying i would be slated again, we have the problem when we told them i was 12 weeks with Jaden. "how dare i have a child when **** hasnt had one yet its not fair bla bla bla". Im not saying i know how hard it must be for her to hear that we were pregnant but also why should the world wait just because she cant see why she cant have one???

Grr sorry ill step off my box now lol. But we are not exactly keeping it quiet just not preaching it either.

We wont be telling anyone, my family think i should stop now cause i have had my girl. I probably wont tell them im preg till i have to lol, but as i dont see them for weeks or months on end they may not find out till baby is here lol. Sorry about your oh's family, that tends to e a lot of peoples reactions when someone has been ttc for a very long time. Try not to let it get to you, your right, you shouldnt put having a baby on hold. If you do that you might not get the chance to have another one.
Were not telling anybody i just find there is less pressure from people asking so its just me and OH who know, When i was pg last i only told 2 friends but we never told them we were trying, im not really sure why i think it just feels better to us xx
Not planning on telling anyone socially, let them all think that I'm putting on weight. I rarely see my parents at the moment, just because of the distance, but next time I see them, I may let them know that we are trying. Who knows....
Nope - not told a soul! I quite like that it's our little secret. ALthough to be honest, even we're not discussing it every day.

That's pretty crappy that you're made to feel guilty/slated when it should be a time of celebration for you. I guess they are trying to remember her feelings, but can't they be happy for you and feel for her at the same time? Hey ho families eh?
We arent telling anyone...

I think my mum has worked it out as she saw my planning a healthy pregnancy book the other weekend when she was round my house.

See my SIL is 20 weeks pregnant and me and OH are quite angry/annoyed at this.

Not only had she just only turned 17 but she has no job, lives with MIL and her OH is a complete idiot.

Totally opposite to us... and I dont want to sound brattish but we should of had the first grandchild and to be honest I feel like she has ruined a part of it for us... hey ho his side of the family is the rubbish side... we will still get the majority of the attention from my family as we will be the first to have a grandchild on my side.

Both my parents and OHs parents know we plan on having another baby in the near future but we havent actually told them that we are NTNP!

Sam - Hope your OHs family are more supportive for you this time. It is not your fault that SIL is having problems and you shouldnt be expected to put your life on hold because of it. Must be very hard for her but im sure she would be the same as you if the situation was the other way round! :hugs:
Nope. There's little chance of anything happening while I'm breastfeeding anyway so what's the point? I'm going to keep the pregnancy secret until I start to show too.
Well my best mate uses this site so she knows, plus my mum knows we would like another baby, so she wont be shocked when it happens. OH's family dont & wont know until it happens... and that goes for other family & friends :)
its meant to be a secret?

pretty sure I've told most ppl.
lol celesse that made me giggle :laugh:

Thats awful that you dh family are that way... Sod em! its not for them to choose its entirly upto you and you husband/partner :) it wont be them looking after that child 24/7 so its a purely personal decision.

a few friends and family are aware we are not trying but not preventing (apprx 7people) but my mum is the only person aware im begining clomid next cycle - we dont want people to know about that as its not their place.

xxx :dust: to everyone :dust: xxx
lol celesse that made me giggle :laugh:

Thats awful that you dh family are that way... Sod em! its not for them to choose its entirly upto you and you husband/partner :) it wont be them looking after that child 24/7 so its a purely personal decision.

a few friends and family are aware we are not trying but not preventing (apprx 7people) but my mum is the only person aware im begining clomid next cycle - we dont want people to know about that as its not their place.

xxx :dust: to everyone :dust: xxx

I agree hun, i know its our business but i hate lying to close friends/family. So if they ask i wont lie but we are not shouting it from the rooftops. Im hoping we are not ntnp for too long as Jaden was conceived through a condom and i was on the pill so the egg and sperm mix bust be quite a good one :haha::haha:

I think OH's sis was on Clomid and she has had 2 rounds of IUI too. She cant have anymore here as thats all the government alow in this area. I do feel bad because she gets so upset, i mean last time she refused to see us for 6 weeks and apparently had to have time off work because she was so upset :nope: but like you say its our decision.

I dont really know much about clomid or treatments that can help, will it increase your chances quite a bit?

OH's parents know as do the majority of our closest friends. We haven't told my parents as sometimes they don't know how to be supportive so it just saves arguments!

I like having the support of my friends. They know how to calm me down and keep me as sane as I ever have been! :haha:

Beca :wave:
lol celesse that made me giggle :laugh:

Thats awful that you dh family are that way... Sod em! its not for them to choose its entirly upto you and you husband/partner :) it wont be them looking after that child 24/7 so its a purely personal decision.

a few friends and family are aware we are not trying but not preventing (apprx 7people) but my mum is the only person aware im begining clomid next cycle - we dont want people to know about that as its not their place.

xxx :dust: to everyone :dust: xxx

I agree hun, i know its our business but i hate lying to close friends/family. So if they ask i wont lie but we are not shouting it from the rooftops. Im hoping we are not ntnp for too long as Jaden was conceived through a condom and i was on the pill so the egg and sperm mix bust be quite a good one :haha::haha:

I think OH's sis was on Clomid and she has had 2 rounds of IUI too. She cant have anymore here as thats all the government alow in this area. I do feel bad because she gets so upset, i mean last time she refused to see us for 6 weeks and apparently had to have time off work because she was so upset :nope: but like you say its our decision.

I dont really know much about clomid or treatments that can help, will it increase your chances quite a bit?


Seems like you have quite a match getting through an condom and your pill thats pretty good going if u ask me! atleast u know u were preventing ha and the time must have been right so it just happened :dance:

oh no that must be awful dor her... i think here in the UK were allowed 3cycles of clomid, then more tests are done, then 3 trials of IVF.. fingers crossed i wont need to go that far though, but my DH sperm is SUPER :happydance: so it shouldnt be an issue if we do need IVF..

Clomid hun is a regulator, it reglautes your cycle into a strict 28day cycle and you ovulate around day 13-15 so alot of :sex: during that time. then on the 21st day of the cycle you go for blood tests to make sure you ovulated :)
I also have to go for ultrasounds when i begin my clomid because of my polycycstic ovaries... as what clomid does is it stimulates your ovaries by forming tiny cysts in them which will grow and turn into eggs... apparently theres a higher chance of twins and triplets when your on fertility drugs :hugs:

Hope this helps xxx
My MIL was fishing around about our baby plans today... told her we had none. :haha:

We are keeping it to ourselves. Its not worth mentioning until it happens! We are "not trying" to avoid the stress. People questioning us will just add to it!
oh no that must be awful dor her... i think here in the UK were allowed 3cycles of clomid, then more tests are done, then 3 trials of IVF.. fingers crossed i wont need to go that far though, but my DH sperm is SUPER :happydance: so it shouldnt be an issue if we do need IVF..

Clomid hun is a regulator, it reglautes your cycle into a strict 28day cycle and you ovulate around day 13-15 so alot of :sex: during that time. then on the 21st day of the cycle you go for blood tests to make sure you ovulated :)
I also have to go for ultrasounds when i begin my clomid because of my polycycstic ovaries... as what clomid does is it stimulates your ovaries by forming tiny cysts in them which will grow and turn into eggs... apparently theres a higher chance of twins and triplets when your on fertility drugs :hugs:

Hope this helps xxx

OOh i had no idea :blush: I hope it works for you babe. It wouldnt have worked for OH's sis as her DH drinks so much he either cant *perform* or his sperm count must be low as a result of all the alcohol. I wouldnt wish a baby into the house. I know no one is perfect but he would spend their last £5 on drink rather than nappies.

They look after their neice on a regular basis and have even been caught selling her toys for money. Its so hard not poking my nose in (i have been trained in alcohol and abuse awareness and id love to help) but OH's mum is just so blind to it all id risk splitting the family up.

OOH would you like the idea of multiples??

We're trying not to tell anyone, but on reflection i seem to have sworn a hell of a lot of people to secrecy about it, so it's probably the worst kept secret within our group of friends. I'm trying to be chilled out about it as all of our friends are either about to give birth, or already pregnant so i wouldn't like them to know how frustrated i am at times that it just doesn't appear to be meant to be for us.

I have one woman at work that i can talk openly to about the whole situation and share my frustration - she had problems herself conceiving when she was my age so its nice to have an understanding ear.

We've stopped trying now as we've got a massive job ahead of us in doing up our new house, so we're just leaving it up to chance....what will be, will be!
We've only told our close friends as they are like family to us, and she is also NTNP too so its all good :) my mum has an idea that it will be soon though as i cant help but talk about stuff haha, she even asked me if i was pregnant today as i needed the loo twice in the space of half hour! wouldnt even tell OH's family as his brothers gf just found out she's pregnant and wouldnt want to be thought of copying but yeah, all a secret otherwise :)
OOh i had no idea :blush: I hope it works for you babe. It wouldnt have worked for OH's sis as her DH drinks so much he either cant *perform* or his sperm count must be low as a result of all the alcohol. I wouldnt wish a baby into the house. I know no one is perfect but he would spend their last £5 on drink rather than nappies.

They look after their neice on a regular basis and have even been caught selling her toys for money. Its so hard not poking my nose in (i have been trained in alcohol and abuse awareness and id love to help) but OH's mum is just so blind to it all id risk splitting the family up.

OOH would you like the idea of multiples??


Yes i would actually :) it would be nice seeing one on the scan and two would be very special he he... i think the thought of multiples is abit scarier lol!

oh dear... yeh i know what you mean about overstepping your mark with her :( and the family... i dont blame you for being annoyed, im annoyed about them and i dont even know them.. makes me feel sick :nope: not a good place to bring a child up in.

xxx :dust: for everyone xxx

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