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Are you telling anyone??

It's not a secret, but I just answer we would love a baby but are just seeing what happens. xx
We arent telling anyone...

I think my mum has worked it out as she saw my planning a healthy pregnancy book the other weekend when she was round my house.

See my SIL is 20 weeks pregnant and me and OH are quite angry/annoyed at this.

Not only had she just only turned 17 but she has no job, lives with MIL and her OH is a complete idiot.

Totally opposite to us... and I dont want to sound brattish but we should of had the first grandchild and to be honest I feel like she has ruined a part of it for us... hey ho his side of the family is the rubbish side... we will still get the majority of the attention from my family as we will be the first to have a grandchild on my side.


If you ever want to talk PLEASE don't hesitate to contact me. For the longest time now I have felt the exact same way as my OH's 17-yr old brother knocked up his girlfriend and now they have the first grandchild. No car, no home, no job... Same as you. It's so hard because you know you should be happy for them but it's just impossible. :cry:
We arent telling anyone...

I think my mum has worked it out as she saw my planning a healthy pregnancy book the other weekend when she was round my house.

See my SIL is 20 weeks pregnant and me and OH are quite angry/annoyed at this.

Not only had she just only turned 17 but she has no job, lives with MIL and her OH is a complete idiot.

Totally opposite to us... and I dont want to sound brattish but we should of had the first grandchild and to be honest I feel like she has ruined a part of it for us... hey ho his side of the family is the rubbish side... we will still get the majority of the attention from my family as we will be the first to have a grandchild on my side.


If you ever want to talk PLEASE don't hesitate to contact me. For the longest time now I have felt the exact same way as my OH's 17-yr old brother knocked up his girlfriend and now they have the first grandchild. No car, no home, no job... Same as you. It's so hard because you know you should be happy for them but it's just impossible. :cry:

Its a horrible feeling isnt it... even worse is that she was knowingly not taking her pill correctly...pffft!!

The only person I've told is my best friend because I'm rubbish at keeping anything from her and I really wanted somebody to talk to :lol:

I'm not telling anybody else because there's not really anything to tell yet, just that I'm not on the pill anymore, and I don't want people giving me their opinions and views on the matter from now until I do eventually get pregnant as it could be a long time and it'd get pretty dull.
We have made a promise to not tell anyone as I don't want the pressure and also I don't want peoples opinions, but then I have a friend living overseas who I speak to via email and I had to tell her because I needed someone to talk to.

I can now say that I have told my mother and she's really pleased that we are trying, but without any of the desperate hassle. I've also said to my good friend that we will be working on a friend to keep her daughter company, particularly at the dance competitions (we both dance). She and her DH have both said that it's great, but not to worry about anything, because they will only share the information if we have already said something to people.

Ballroom dancing shouldn't be too much of an issue in terms of people finding out/guessing however I think people will wonder when I'm wearing latin dresses. They are considerably shorter. But I'm not letting that stop me making a new latin dress. :)
Me and my DH have 3 children already. We had them when we were younger, thought we knew it all, had it all, could provide it all.... It's taken a while to get where we want to be.

Anyway, as our youngest is now 3 1/2, we want another baby. Being in a more stable, different stage of our lives has made us realize it's time.

Any time anyone asks us "Are you done having kids" we tell them the same thing... NO! We have never kept it a secret that someday down the road we want more kids. I am 26 and want my baby-making days behind me by the time I am in my 30s (strictly because I don't want my kids to have a huge age difference).

We are not telling family members, although it should come as no surprise to them when we finally get that BFP! :)
We told most ppl that we gonna start TTC next yr when hubby is back from the falklands, just one of my mates knows that I'm off the pill. lol
We have told both sets of parents, siblings, and a couple of very close friends who are also trying.

We won't tell more because we want to just enjoy and not be bothered with "has it happened?"

We told those people closest to us because we had always said very very far in the future. Well, the future is here. We also don't want them to think our baby was an accident when it happens!
We've told my husband's parents, but no-one else.
I've mentioned to DH's older sister and a couple of my friends that we are thinking about going for it later this year (we will be NTNP from December) but I'm not telling anyone specifically when we're trying... I don't want the hassle of people asking how it's going etc.

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