Are your pets behaving differently?


Trying for #2
Jul 5, 2012
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Before I even tested and found out I was pregnant, our dogs were all over me. Wanting to be next to me at all times. That lasted a while then they died down and stopped needing to monitor my every move but these last few days they have been completely under my feet! Our bigger dog even laid outside the tub while I took a bath and the other sat by the door! Anyone else experience this? Am I crazy to think they are sensing labor coming soon? They won't leave my side at all.
My dog and cats have been like that for a few weeks now..and it doesn't seem to be stopping. They all sleep curled into me, if I'm having a bath I need to leave the door open so they can come in or they claw at the door and whine. It seems no matter where in the apartment I go one of my pets is following my footsteps.
I have two female cats. One who is 'my' cat and other being my daughters. My cat has been different for ages with me. She wants to be on my lap all the time, was quite cuddly before but a lot worse now. If I try and push her off she makes a noise to show she's not happy. The other cat hasn't changed towards me at all, but then she's never been one for coming to have cuddles with me.
Our cat always lays at our feet at night but the night before my water broke w ds2, my cat laid on my stomach all night long. The next morning I rolled over. My water broke. My cat was no where to be found. I gave birth about 30 hrs later (took forever to get it started) and once I birthed him (it was a HB) within a couple of hours the cat mysteriously showed back up. He wanted to lay w the baby. I think some animals are very intuitive like that. Then there r others like my ditzy old dog that never realized labor was on the verge
My very independant cat is always by my side at the moment.

When I was 11 and started having periods my dog would not leave my side during that time of the month!
I had a loss in my previous pregnancy and the whole time I kept saying to df that my dog was sulking with me, he didn't come near me much and I honestly felt like he knew I was pregnant and had fallen out with me coz of it. Sadly I then lost the baby at 12 weeks.

With this pregnancy however, he always lies in front of me when I'm sat on the sofa, comes to me when both of us are around, and although he's a very very quiet dog (he never ever barks) he has been growling when strangers come to the door when I am the only person at home.

I genuinely think my dog sensed something was wrong first time I was pregnant, and can sense things again now and he's being protective of me and the baby.

They are cleverer than they look sometimes lol!!
Our dog is definitely more protective of me. She's only a year old so still very much a puppy but seems to understand that I can't play on the floor with her and likes to lie at my feet / put her head on my knees at all times.
We want to have her spayed and have had to postpone the op twice as she's having an extended false pregnancy. It will be interesting to see if she's sensing my hormones and the false pregnancy will end alongside mine!
My dog is the type of dog who never wants to leave your side at any time usually & always wants cuddles, licks your face..but since I became pregnant he has been by my side more than usual, he will always walk beside me on the stairs & wait until I get to the bottom before he exits the stairs. He also realises that my tummy is out of bounds & never jumps on it like he used to & when he does cuddle up to me he sometimes puts a paw on my bump so gently that I can barely feel it.

We keep telling him that his brother is coming, I think he understands sometimes lol!
I was walking around the yard because oh had car and I couldn't go to gym and the dog walked with me watching me step for step as if he was making sure I wasn't going to fall! They have just been so close lately it's crazy.
If by differently you mean "having diarrhoea all over the floor and wall during the night, thus treating my nostrils to a stench that could have killed this morning" then yes, yes my animals are behaving differently :haha:

Other than that, they are the same as always. My brothers dog has refused to walk with me since I became pregnant though. She's a nut job anyway though.
Yep! My lab has been like it pretty much the whole way through. He just lies or sits and watches me, and I mean constantly! He deffo knows. They say with dogs they can sense and especially their sense of smell is so advanced not saying I stink (but I hope not anyway lol) but I'm sure I'm giving off some sorta pregnancy scent!
My dog has always been a velcro dog, so that hasn't changed.
But the last week or so, I've been waking up to a cat on each side of me, each with a paw stretched over my bump. And these cats hate each other! My older female cat has been persistent about sitting on my bump lately too. Cute, but kind of annoying because I am trying to finish my online classes :p
All of my dogs are acting differently around me, as well as most of the neighbor's dogs and my housecat (not the barn cat though). Most seem a little softer, gentler, except my 8 year old border collie, she's even more neurotic than normal. She did the same thing when I was pregnant with my last one.
I notice that the horses act differently around pregnant women as well. It's more noticeable with stallions (who seem to gentle substantially) and brood mares, but even my two maiden mares and the fillies and geldings I handle act differently. I noticed the same at the farm I managed through my last pregnancy which had horses coming and going regularly.
Odd, but must be a smell thing...:shrug:
My cat is pretty much the same, maybe slightly nicer to me. My dog is always sensitive and friendly but now I am in the third trimester she has started to produce milk. I first noticed she had crusty patches on her and it didn't register at right away but now she is really noticeably leaking. She did the same thing when I was in the third trimester when pregnant with my first son too. I have tried googling it but can't find anyone else saying it happened to their dog. :shrug: I know she is very sensitive and family focused but it does seem a little odd her thinking she needs to make milk for them. Hopefully it is a sign that she will get along with DS2 as well as she does DS1.
My cats changed immediatley. Even before I knew I was pregnant.
My dog used to jump on me but now hes very careful around me at all times. He won't touch my belly.
My cats are very careful too.
Ohs dog never liked me mich, he would be nasty towards me but once I fell pregnant he just kept his dostance.
My GSD has always been protective of house and family. Now though, especially when I am by myself she always seems on guard. Constantly sticking her head through windows, and making sure to give a warning bark to anyone who comes to the door- even DH. I lost my cuddle time with her, but it is nice to know she is certainly protective when it comes to the baby.

My cats on the other hand stay stuck on me. If I am on the computer they are at my feet. If I am sleeping they are sleeping next to me. Privacy in the bathroom is unheard of, and they certainly appreciate midnight cravings since I have a case of 'bigger eyes than stomach.' My miniature cat also likes to pick fights when our kitten tries to snuggle more than her.

Animals are too cute at times.

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