Arrival of Tabitha Milly (Tilly) and Mya Olivya (Molly) Westwick


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Jul 13, 2009
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Ok so this is my second birth story, to tell you all about the delivery of my twin girls Tilly and Molly. Unusually for twins they made their arrival nearly 2 weeks late - Saturday 11th June 2011 at 7.32pm and 7.35pm, they weighed 5lbs 12ozs and 5lbs 10ozs

After my first birth with my 1 year old daughter Halo, which was quite long and very intense (it lasted a week) I was prepared for a very long drawn out birth, how wrong was i? My husband Ed and I had planned for a home birth, where I would have no pain relief and my husband would deliver (catch) the girls when they were born and this is exactly what we got.

I was overdue and very uncomfortable, so my husband Ed and I decided to try all the old wives tales to bring on labour, we ate lots of spicy food and had lots of sex and eventually It all started at 4 am Thursday 9th June 2011, I woke up having some mild contractions, however I didn’t get excited because I was used to twinges as I was expecting twins. I stayed in bed and tried to get back to sleep, but NO! 4.30 am and the contractions were coming much more intensely so I called the midwife and he came out to check me, when he arrived I was on all fours on the upstairs landing gritting my teeth and breathing through contractions that were coming 8 minutes apart. When he saw me, my midwife Chris told me (as a joke) I think you are definitely in labour – Sooo NOT the time for jokes lol when my contraction had gone Chris examined me and told me I was 1 cm dilated – You have to be kidding me, I am getting 3rd stage labour contractions and I am only 1 cm dilated. My parents had arrived by this time. Chris stayed with us for the next 4 hours and kept a check on the twins and me during contractions, however they finally died off and I told Chris it was probably better if he went and I would contact him if anything else progressed.

By this time it was about 9.30 am, I sent Ed off to work and got on with my day, looking after my daughter Halo, cleaning and general household things. Before my parents had left earlier in the day my mum told me to try some light walking to see if any more dilating would happen, so I decided to take Halo to the park, we had a nice walk with our dog and she played in the park and then we went home for lunch – but nothing else happened. Ed and my parents called to check on me during the day and then when Ed arrived home at 5.00 pm we all prepared and had dinner together, Ed and I bathed Halo and put her to bed, before sitting down to enjoy a relaxing evening, But oh no! I sat on the sofa and felt another contraction building, this one was intense from start to finish, so intense I couldn’t make a sound, I just grabbed Ed’s hand – sorry for the fingernail indents hubby! Bless him he held my hand and helped me through my contraction. Once this contraction had gone, another one shortly followed, 12 minutes later, so I decided to take a bath and try and relax. I eventually made it to the bathroom after another 3 contractions and got into the bath, as I sat back in the bath another contraction began to build, I called out for Ed as quietly as possible, so as not to wake Halo. He ran to the bathroom with the phone to his ear, calling Chris. Hearing my grunting in the background (anyone who has given birth, knows the grunting sound I mean) Chris told Ed he was on his way over and he wanted me to finish my bath and stay as calm and relaxed as possible. Chris was with us within 10 minutes and during this time Ed had contacted my parents and they had arrived to be with us for what we thought was the birth of the twins. When Chris arrived he examined me and told me that I was still 1 cm dilated – OH COME ON! Only 1 cm what is going on? Christ then explained that if contractions continued this strong without dilation then I would have to go into hospital (I did not want this – I had a home birth with Halo and I wanted one with the twins as well)

I contracted until 2.00 am Friday 10th June when I began to feel a lot of pressure, Chris examined me and told me that I was 3 ½ cm dilated :) YAY! Finally we are moving – Yeah ok I know it is slowly but it is happening! But don’t get too excited because by 5.00 am contractions had stopped, I was calm and everyone had gone home. Ed and I decided to try and get a little sleep before he had to go to work. At 7.30 am Ed had left for work and I was preparing breakfast for Halo, I then continued with my day as usual and when Ed came home at 5.00 pm the twins were still firmly happy in there. So as we did the night before, we had dinner, bathed Halo and put her to bed. The evening continued without a hitch and as we hadn’t really slept the night before we got an early night.

I managed to get a whole night sleep without any contractions or twinges – Bliss! When I woke Saturday morning, we had breakfast together as usual and then we took Halo swimming. On the way to the swimming centre I began to get a few contractions, only mild though so I carried on and we had a good hour of swimming when I started to feel uncomfortable and decided to get out of the pool and watch from the side, when again the contractions began to build (This was a different intensity, THIS WAS IT!) Ed noticed from the pool and he swam over to ask if I was ok. I told him that we needed to go because it was time! We explained to Halo that the babies were coming and we needed to go home. She got very excited and couldn’t wait to get home.

By the time we got home it was about 2.15 pm and I was contracting every 15 minutes, Ed played with Halo while I was breathing through contractions. They began to build more intensely and much quicker, they got to 8 minutes apart by 4.45 pm, so again I went and got in the bath while Ed called the midwife and my parents so that they could come and look after Halo. My parents arrived in 10 minutes, shortly followed by Chris. My mum and dad kept Halo occupied and gave her dinner, while Chris was preparing things to examine me. I got out the bath and moved to the room we had prepared for the birth, on route to the birthing room – GUSH!! My waters had broken, mucus plug and all (great laminate flooring in the bathroom and my waters break on the carpet in the landing) with this came a short, intense contraction and a sudden heavy pressure with what I recognised as the presence of a baby’s head. I told Ed and Chris this and he decided to examine me in the landing, he told me I was exactly right, I could feel twin one’s head descending and I was 6 cm’s dilated :)

I managed to get to the birthing room, where I was joined by my mum and Halo, my dad was pacing around the house, checking if everyone was ok and needed anything (he only just about made it through my mum giving birth to me, let alone, me giving birth – he was so squeamish at Halo’s birth, so I was expecting this) Contractions continued to come and go for another hour and about 6.15 pm I got an urge to push, so Chris examined me and told me that I was 8 cm’s dilated and within the next couple of hours they would definitely be here. He then went off to prepare things for the imminent arrival. Whilst my Dad and Ed were helping collect his things from the car, my mum and Halo waited with me and rode out a few more contractions. At this point I was sitting semi reclining on the bed with Halo rubbing my belly and asking me if I was ok – She was fantastic through the whole birth, she stayed in the room the entire time and was not frightened at all.

When the guys returned I was still contracting and at 6.45 pm I was starting to get that urge to push again, so Chris examined me again and this was it – I was finally 10 cm’s dilated and it was time to push. Halo was sat with my dad, playing a game in the corner of the room and my mum and Ed were holding my hands, a contraction began to build and with my chin in my chest I began to bear down and push as hard and as long as I could. The contraction went and I was shortly followed by another, so I took another deep breath, bore down and pushed again, this continued for another 2 contractions and I then began to feel the burning sensation which I recognise as the stretching, Chris asks me to pant, which I do but I shortly need to push again and Chris tells me to go for it, I bear down and push and Tilly begins to crown – OH MY GOD I can feel everything, I haven’t had any pain relief so the burning is getting more intense and I know I need to push the pain away, so I do and then I hear that familiar sound of ripping material and I know that she has torn me. Chris tells me to breath because he knows I need to deliver another baby yet and he doesn’t want me to tear too much. I’m taking deep breaths and another contraction builds and I need to push again, with this I put my chin in my chest, bear down and push, Tilly’s head is finally born and Ed gets in position ready to deliver Tilly’s body. I get another contraction, put my chin in my chest, bear down and push, I hear that sound again and have torn a little more as Tilly’s born and Ed place her on my chest at 7.32 pm, Chris quickly clamps her cord and Ed cuts it as I get another contraction and begin to push again, Molly’s head begins to crown and again I have that intense burning sensation, which I begin to push away, when again I hear the ripping and I have torn again, Chris tells me to breath and Molly’s head is finally born and with the next contraction Christ tells me she will arrive, so again Ed and Chris swap places and with a new intense contraction I put my chin in my chest, bear down and push and Molly’s body is born very quickly and placed on my chest at 7.35 pm ( 3 minutes after her sister) she is followed by the rest of my waters, which soak the bed (good job I lined the bed with plastic sheeting) Chris again clamps her cord and Ed cuts it. The twins begin to cry and Halo comes over to see her two new sisters, she looks at them and gets very excited. My mum and dad take her downstairs into the lounge, where Ed and I join her, a short while after. The twins are now clean and dressed and I have been stitched (all 79 stitches) When we get to the living room Chris weighs the twins – Tabitha Milly Westwick (Tilly) weighs in at 5lbs 12ozs and Mya Olivya Westwick (Molly) weighs in at 5lbs 10ozs. Chris then completes all the paperwork bits and pieces and we thank him for all his support and he leaves. My parents have a cuddle with the twins and Halo kisses and cuddles her new baby sisters before I put her to bed. I then return to the lounge, my parents leave and Ed and I sit in the lounge relaxing and watching our beautiful new additions, thinking about all the new fun things that are about to begin! .....

Thank you all for sharing this experience with us, feel free to ask any questions you may have about homebirths or multiple births
Wow! Congrats :) What an amazing birth story :) I really can't wait to give birth again :) I love the experience :)
Wow!!!!!! All I can say is amazing!!! Well done you!!!! Congratulations, people normally look at me like I'm insane when I say I had my DD there in labour. Your birth sounds like an amazing experience.

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girls and your clever girl
Oh my!! I am so excited for you guys!!! And so unbelievably proud of you darling, you did an amazing job and the girls are perfect!!

Mucho love from us here in the USA!
Aw hun amazing birth story! But you made me cringe when i remember what the ripping sound and feeling is like and you had to go threw it twice :hugs: Congrats on the twins hun!!!
Wow, 79 stitches! What a champ! Congrats on your new additions!!
Wow you actually heard the ripping? I'm so glad I had a water birth and didn't hear a thing! I think it would have put me right off but you were a trooper! Well done you and congrats xx

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