Asking for a Home birth after 42 weeks *update was induced*

Thanks I'm tired of arguing and the last thing I want to do is spend tomorrow in the hospital all stressed, hardly the right conditions to labour!
You are doing an amazing job of advocating for your baby. What a fabulous mummy you already are x
Mervs mum you just made me cry, that was a very sweet thing to say :cry::hugs:
It's true :). The lengths that mums on this board go to to give their children the gentlest journey in to the world makes my heart sing. You're wonderful x
Thanks I'm tired of arguing and the last thing I want to do is spend tomorrow in the hospital all stressed, hardly the right conditions to labour!

That's what's going round my mind at the mo... had the monitoring yesterday, I had only wanted to go in to check the placenta and they check water levels at the same time, both perfectly fine. But when I requested a sweep the consultant would only do one if I had the CTG so felt I had no option then with it being the lesser of 2 evils and hoped it might avoid me the hospital today! No luck yet. :nope:

Daily monitoring seems a bit much, I thought it would be every other day. I'll talk to the MW today about it, as what you said, its not really good labouring conditions is it. :thumbup:
Indigo fairy, I'm not going in today for monitoring now, but my induction is booked for tomorrow at 7.30am, I'm gutted but feel resigned to it now. I'm very scared of induction, it's the complete opposite of all I planned.

I'm so glad your baby is ok too x:hugs:
Weezie. If you decide to be induced tomorrow PLEASE do me one thing. If you get there and they are too busy to do anything: go home. I had a client go for induction over a weekend and basically spent 2 miserable days there doing NOTHING because they were busy and it was weekend staffing. Instead of going home she stayed. When they finally came to start inducing her THREE (miserable) DAYS after arriving, she went very quickly into hard labour but it was all a massive shock. She requested epidural before I arrived and by the time it was sited she was involuntary pushing and birthed about 30 mins later. So she was clearly VERY close to labouring spontaneously and probably would have if she weren't in the hospital which was not an environment conducive to relaxing!
Thanks for the advise, I'll bear it in mind. Although I think they're pretty desperate to induce me as inductions start at 8.30 but I'm booked in at 7.30 as they think I'm high priority! She moved someone else to get me in too!
Aww good luck, hope everything goes how you want it too, I do agree with MM, don't feel pressurised by them and make sure you're happy with everything. Lets hope today/tonight is what our babies had planned all along :hugs:
Wishing you loads of luck!
Im definitely not in a hurry to get bubba out (though I would be very pleased if she decides to come on time!) and luckily my midwife is a great advocate for home birth and avoiding induction :)
Please post an update when you're able, I'm wishing you good thoughts. We were in almost the exact situation last year. My first baby, wanted a home birth, but at 42w5d fluid was borderline low, but I did not trust the tech, I got the impression she wanted me to fail the test so I would be induced. In any case I had no other person to perform the test, and I was not confident enough to keep declining the induction.

So at 42w6d we went to the hospital and got a dose of cervical ripened. Nothing much happened that day, I rested overnight, then we started Pitocin the next morning (43w). I don't remember a lot of details because I was out of my head with doubled contractions. If you have someone advocating for you please insist they back off the Pit if this happens to you. It is not good for the baby, and if I had realized this I would've insisted, or had my midwife insist. But I was not prepared for a hospital induction, we planned on a home birth!

Short labor because DS was already quite low, and the Pit-induced contractions were furious. Then they turned it down so I could push, and after 2.5hrs of pushing where I thought each push would be the last (talk about discouraging! But I'm told 2hrs is average for a first birth), he was born, very healthy. 8lb14oz, 21.5in, and wrinkly hands that told me he definitely was in there over 42 weeks. But he was not as chubby as I was when I was born at 43weeks, so I can't tell if he wanted longer, or had already lost some weight.

I did not have an epidural as they were not offered, I did have one dose of Stadol when my uterus was not relaxing between contractions. That was truly awful. I recommend not having any drugs if you can manage it, because whatever you're going through the baby is too. So if you can't handle it instead insist they turn down the Pit so you don't have a hypoxic baby and an emergency C-sect.

The homebirth I wanted was no longer recommended due to my delaying induction against the "recommendations" of the doctors at Princess Anne's, Southampton (I did this as I had a feeling my dates were out by 4 days and that I wanted to do things naturally.) I had ultrasounds and CTGs regularly to check the water around my baby and his positions and the sonographer said all was perfect with him and that all I needed was a Chicken Vindaloo to get him out!!!

Devastatingly, at the time, on the 17th at 7.30 am I went to Princess Anne's to be induced!

Two pessarys and seven hours later at about 3.30pm mild contractions escalated into full blown labour. I was told I would go into labour that night but it all started pretty fast after the second dose, much to the amusement of the other ladies in the room who were fascinated that my waters had broken and that I was contracting with no pain and were discussing it and the fact it was "dangerous how overdue I was" as if I couldn't hear them. (Trust me I was uncomfortable just not making any fuss!!!!!)

I then moved to the patients resting room to get away from my audience, one of whom who even said "this is fascinating, I can't stop staring, I'm waiting to see the baby come now", to start labouring in peace, as although the monitor showed regular contractions they didn't believe me that I was in full blown labour yet!!!! At first we were alone but then a man came and sat in with us as it was a public room which was a bit distracting but still better than the ward.

I was determined to have a water birth in the hospital but although I had no indications of anything wrong, Broadlands were too scared to accept me after I was transfered down, as I was now seen as "high risk" due to refusing an induction on Weds 13th which was their "recommended date". Another upset which was not needed and completely stopped my contractions dead for a worryingly long time. The midwife on Broadlands totally killed my contractions when I was transferred there first as I was told that I had dilated 3 1/2 to 4 on Burley before I went down and when she looked she said only 3 and I said "Are you sure" as I was desperate for the pool and she said "look lovey I've been doing this for 17 years, and any way you shouldn't even be here as you're high risk" in a really spiteful way. My mum said to me that it's easy to miss judge the dilation slightly. I was so upset that my contractions died from being very intense. If I had been put in the pool at that point and left with my mum and husband I swear I would have birthed within a couple of hours, instead of having to desperately try to encourage my contractions to intensify under intense time pressures!

I was then moved to the labour ward. I had an amazing midwife who allowed me more time than they allow for each stage, left me to labour and let me refuse all other intervention although she kept recommending I had a drip to bring on stronger more regular contractions. I was petrified of this as didn't want to be stuck on the bed being monitored. I begged for more time and just kept it in my mind that I could do it and with my Mum coaching me and encouraging me and my husband supporting me I managed to push out my baby with no pain relief at all and it was wonderful. I watched him come into the world through a mirror that the head midwife brought in to show me how I was progressing with every push, I highly recommend this if you struggle towards the end as you can see the progress you are making and to was amazing to watch his little head turn as he rotated out!

I battled for what I wanted against the odds. I read my midwifes notes quickly when I had My babies check up and it said that I wouldn't be able to birth without extra intervention on a number of occasions, but that I refused it. It also said that I said the hospital regulations and the presence of the midwife were making me anxious and that every time she left the room I made progress! We felt we wanted to deliver him without her when she popped out! The thing was my midwife obviously had to go by the hospital regulations which don't seem to me to trust a woman to trust in her own judgement but instead work by a "normal average" of birth within a clinical environment, whatever that is!

She was all in all very understanding of my feelings and that my anxiety was heightened by the fact I was aware I had 1 hour for pushing, in the end she let me do it for 2hrs 45 minutes. The stress of the environment and the "guidelines" meant that my contractions completely stopped at the pushing stage so I pushed without any contractions easing him out while watching him in the mirror. I didn't tear!

The midwife was stunned and we have her on the video saying she learnt a lot from my labour.

My mum was the real star as she believed in me (she was a midwife years ago) and when they told me I wasn't in labour, wasn't dilated enough, was making no progress her knowledge as a midwife allowed her to tell me they were wrong and that I was progressing beautifully and coached me gently but firmly through every contraction! Luckily they were incredibly busy so no doctors were available to come when they wanted one to talk to me.

I had the exact birth I hoped for under unexpected circumstances, I wouldn't change it for the world. The lady in the room with me when i was recovering told me her story, she went in the birth pool, her contractions died when she excepted entinox, they tried with forceps and then she then had an epidural as she was exhausted, it only worked on one side and she ended up with an emergency cesarian! I'm so glad I ended up with my midwife on the higher risk ward, that could have been me! It makes you wonder how much intervention with pain relief is actually the cause of the need for further interventions.

I am in love.
congrats hunni you did a great job dispite the circumstances
Congratulations. How brilliant that the midwife gave you more time and didn't just work to the schedule.
Fantastic! Congratulations on your birth, your baby and sticking to your guns!!!
Yay!!! Congratulations!

So glad it went so well. Yes, the Pitocin is hard to get right, they usually increase it too fast, much better if you don't have to have it. Actually from all I've read I would not be worried for a subsequent birth, but for first births it has so much potential to go wrong. Too many EMCS. I was lucky it didn't end that way, so then I don't have to argue for a VBAC (but still will for a home birth).
Congrats. I have chills!! I am so happy for you. :) I wish more women were just like you!! Who fight for there baby's right of passage the way your baby wants to come. That is just AMAZING. No doubt here in the US you would of been set for a C -section with fail to progress. *sigh* Really is sad... Anyways you are an amazing women who did a beautiful thing for there baby. I am proud of you and I don't even know you. Good job momma!

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