Asking to be induced? (UK)


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
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Hi ladies as the title says.. I want to ask to be induced. My ticker is a day behind I'm 40+6 today, my SPD has gotten worst and worst over the past few months but I just get on with it :) it's awful at night time trying to get out of bed after being in one position for a while, my pelvis is cracking and so painful. I've also had awful swelling for the past 2 months, I was taken into hospital and tested 3 weeks ago as I was poorly and they were worried about pre-e but it turns out my BP was fine I was just under the weather. Anyway my swelling was awful yday, it's getting harder to move around and do simple tasks. I have midwife app tmw for a sweep, I want to say to her that if the sweep doesn't work after 48 hours I want to be induced the next day... I don't want to be left til 40+12 or 40+14 I feel it's too long :( I'm so anxious for baby to arrive safely and ASAP while I know my placenta and everything is still working ok.... Paranoid FTM? I don't know :( what do u ladies think? Am I being impatient? Will they refuse induction before 40+12? Any advice or experiences would be lovely thank u xxx
SPD is many counties in uk is not considered a medical health risk to induce labour. I had SPD with my last baby (again this time but no where as bad)

Ideally you want to be up right, swaying, on ball and not giving birth on your back with SPD all these can be limited with induction if your on a drip, monitors attached lying on a bed.

Have you looked into water birth to help with your pelvis? What i am doing this time after i found my labour so intense in my pelvis witj my 2nd baby.

Id be thinking more along lines of asking for a sweep first to try and go into labour naturally as it will work a lot better with you and your baby.
I think they will try a sweep another time before they will have you in for induction. Best thing you can do is plead with your midwife x
Oh really thank u for that information :) I thought SPD would have been a reason once u were overdue! I have asked for a water birth and it's on my midwife notes suitable for water birth :D I'm just praying the pool is free when we get there. I asked midwife last week if being induced meant I couldn't have a water birth and she said no it didn't affect it unless baby became stressed and needed constant monitoring. I've also said I don't want to lay down I want to be active, that's been my plan the whole way through and I was adamant I wanted to avoid induction... but then the past two days I've gone into complete panic about baby's well being, I'm so scared of my placenta or blood flow decreasing, I don't know whats wrong with me :( maybe just hormonal lol I just want them here safely xxx
I had a sweep last Tuesday, (more of a prod about to stimulate the cervix which was already soft) and I'm booked for sweep again tmw so fingers crossed my cervix will have opened and can have a full sweep :D
Oh really thank u for that information :) I thought SPD would have been a reason once u were overdue! I have asked for a water birth and it's on my midwife notes suitable for water birth :D I'm just praying the pool is free when we get there. I asked midwife last week if being induced meant I couldn't have a water birth and she said no it didn't affect it unless baby became stressed and needed constant monitoring. I've also said I don't want to lay down I want to be active, that's been my plan the whole way through and I was adamant I wanted to avoid induction... but then the past two days I've gone into complete panic about baby's well being, I'm so scared of my placenta or blood flow decreasing, I don't know whats wrong with me :( maybe just hormonal lol I just want them here safely xxx

Sure is some data online showing placentas at this point into week 42 are normal.

Nope SPD in some areas not even seen as a huge deal, us women going through it will decline completely!

Fingers crossed your sweep helps, mine did thankfully.
To be honest - I'd ask to be examined - if you are already dilated and about to go I don't see why they wouldn't induce you. If you are not favourable I would think it's worth waiting a few more days.

If you are dilated and favourable you should be able to move about - a lady on here had a water birth after being induced. Not guaranteed but it's not always a case of being wired up and strapped to a bed (Despite what the NCT will tell you). I was induced with DD and was on a birthing ball until 9cm.

That said - I was "over - induced" they messed up the dose and I was in horrific pain as soon as it started until DD was born via forceps (on gas and air). I was so traumatised by the experience that this time I've said (and the medical professionals who've read my notes and previous birth have agreed!!) it's a natural birth or elective c-section. I refuse to be induced again.

So - I am in no way an advocate of induction - but I accept I was very unlucky. Just be really clear about what you want and the pros and cons of both waiting and inducing. xx
Thanks ladies it's really helpful to talk to other women, I'm doing my own head in the last 2 days and OH and family r just like "yeah whatever u think" I'll go for my MW app tmw afternoon, see how I get on with my internal examination and what she says about my cervix. Hopefully have a proper sweep this time!! And then discuss the options with her... Would love to avoid induction just started to panic the past few days. I will update u all. Thanks for ur replies :) xxz
Where I am, theywill only induce earlier than normal if they deem it medically necessary. I have polyhydramnios and asked to be induced last week but consultant said no, since baby is happy. This was after my midwife told me that they wouldnt let me go too far over.

I would just ask and hope for the best!
I had bad SPD with my first (worse this time!), and I needed medication that wasn't pregnancy suitable and wanted to start as soon as possible as I was unwell, and the best I could get them to agree to was a sweep at 40+3 and booked for induction at 40+10, as opposed to the usual two weeks over, they still would have made me wait a full week after the sweep before inducing. Luckily I was 2-3cm at my sweep and I went into labour on my own that night. I know it's horrible being overdue and in pain, but I doubt they'll induce at your request unfortunately.
Off to my MW at 3pm I guess I can only ask and see what she says... But at least I'm going in knowing it's probably a no thanx to the chat with u ladies! Praying my cervix has progressed from last week!! It was soft but closed.. So fingers crossed for some dilation! I'll update u all :) xxx
I had a sweep at 40+8 and was induced the following day 40+9 and she was born 40+10.

I had reduced movements though :).

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