I haven't updated on here for a while, I just usually update the facebook thread.
They thought I had bladder infection @ 35 weeks, so they checked my cervix and I was a fingertip dilated than. They haven't checked it since, yet.
I just had my 37 week appointment. Everything is going extremely well.
The midwife is going to check my cervix, and sweep my membranes next Friday @ 38 weeks, and if it works we will go in to labor within 24-48 hours. If it does not work, we will get a sweep again @ 39 weeks. If I do make it to my 39 week appointment, we will set up an induction date for August 28th, when I turn 40 weeks exactly.
I got induced with Gavin at 39 weeks, 3 days...and I loved being induced. I was one of the happiest in labor ladies ever, and everything went very smooth. All the medicines worked like they were supposed to, and I had a 5 hour labor with him.
The midwife does not think I will make it to my induction day, but we will see.