August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

Wow your day puts mine to shame and like I have done nothing!

Lol at the phones, they look exactly the same!! Men and their gadgets hey!?!

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully will be a bit quieter for you.
Because our landlord is so pathetic he made our son ill. I can't wait to get out of here, private renting is awful.

Men indeed! The phone has kept him quiet anyway!
OUCH!! My stitches have come open & I have an infection :-( On antibiotics but they're not going to re-stitch, just leave the open wound to heal. Anyone been through this??
OUCH!! My stitches have come open & I have an infection :-( On antibiotics but they're not going to re-stitch, just leave the open wound to heal. Anyone been through this??

Oh you poor thing :( sorry hun my stitches healed nicely (second degree tear, grazes and labial tear). What was your tearing like?
Ooh, Sarabella that sucks!! Hopefully you were already partially healed, did they tell you how long it will take to heal right?
Sequeena that totally sounds like the ultimate crappy day. But sleep it off and start again in the morning :hugs: and tell your oh to piss off with his landscaping and his baby bonding. Sarahbella it makes me flinch to think of that. Hope your feeling better soon. AFM lo has just slept from 9.45pm to 3.30am. Good stuff :) Had a cold yesterday which was pants. The first time i've not been able to mope in bed and had to get up and soldier on mam style!
I'm so flipping tired I can't see straight. I've gotten less than 10 hours sleep total since my dh went back to work on tuesday. Taylor sleeps 2-3 hours at a time, but she's so loud squeaking, squawking and grunting I can't get any shut eye. :coffee:

We're going to move her to her nursery tomorrow night when I get my angle care monitor. I hate to do it so soon, but I'm more of a danger to her so sleep deprived than sleeping in her own room would be. I look like I've lost a fight the circles under my eyes are so dark. :sleep:
Hi all,

Hope everyone and their babies are doing well :flower:

So my Thomas was born 14th august, weighing 8lb 12, 11 days early. Realised I would have been 42 weeks yesterday if he hadn't made an appearance, who knows how big he might have been then!

Oooo sarahbella that mach me flinch too! Hope it's easily fixed, sorry no advice not had stitches before.

Hope today is better Squeena, it's just gotta be, right?!

Auntbug, that sucks, hope she starts sleeping a little longer for you soon :)

I'm all excited because I'm getting an iPhone delivered this morning! LOL, small pleasures hey! Dogs missing their morning walk though because of waiting for delivery.

moomin troll I love the matching outfits, I must find some!!!
my stitches fell out but i have no idea if ive healed or not as it was a 2nd degree internal tear :/
Sarahbella OUCH! No advice but hope it heals quickly for you!

E&C so jealous about all that sleep your LO did! Darcy goes to bed quite well between 10-10.30 and sleeps until 2.30 when she wakes for a feed, then I just can't get her back into her crib so she ends up in bed with us for the rest of the night! I can't sleep properly then :(

Sequeena hope today is a better day for you!
Oh sarah - I hope you feel better! I'm thinking of you!!

Annie - I think your the one I talked to earlier in pregnancy about my dogs?? I thought we might have to get rid of our one dog? Well I'm happy to report they're both doing great! It was super scary and stressful the first few weeks but both of our furbabies are doing good with Ashlyn, thank goodness! :)

ASM, I really hope LO is going thru a growth spurt :( She was up last night at 12:30, 3, 5 and 8! Why is it she can easily sleep during the day for 5-6 hrs but can't manage to sleep more than 3 at night?!?!
my stitches fell out but i have no idea if ive healed or not as it was a 2nd degree internal tear :/

I had this, just inside. I wonder do they check for you at the 6 week check up?

I didn't get to bed with Thomas until 1am. He woke at 6am for a feed then slept until 12 which is good as I woke up with food poisoning and feel awful. OH is out all day so just me and baby :(

Will update list ASAP x
Hello everyone!!
Thanks for setting this up Sequeena.
My little boy Joshua was due on 16th August. But was induced on the 2nd and he arrived on the 3rd August.

Hope you're all well. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Just getting used to having three children to look after lol.
Have been feeling really down the last week too. Still constantly breastfeeding and topping up one bottle of formula in the night. He went 5 hours last night and then another 3 so really happy with that.
I also think I may have an infection. Have had it for a while, but thought it might of been the fenugreek tablets taking effect on me, but still losing yellow discharge (sorry tmi)
Feeling so tired constantly and my stomach still feels really big. Looking forward to my 6 week check up next week to see how things are.
Hope you're all ok and there's so many cute babies here. Awwww!!!
Annie - I think your the one I talked to earlier in pregnancy about my dogs?? I thought we might have to get rid of our one dog? Well I'm happy to report they're both doing great! It was super scary and stressful the first few weeks but both of our furbabies are doing good with Ashlyn, thank goodness! :)

Ah yes, I remember! So glad you fur and skin family is all together, what better than to be surrounded by animals growing up? :D
sarahbell, so sorry hun! c-section stitches? i just had the steri strips , no stitches or staples.

ive got my boys some matching outfits too, i love it, its so much fun!!

funny someone asked about the having another baby, bc im totally wanting another already lol! NOT at this moment, but im positive i want another!! even tho DH says no... i will change his mind haha! We will need to wait awhile though bc i want all my kids to have their own rooms and so we will need to move, which i want to do anyway inabout 3 years ish... we want to buy land and build our own house, but who knows if that wll happen! i also want to get a tahoe first bc my equinox isnt big enough for 3 kiddos!
Thomas just gave me 2 big smiles. His first ones! :D
@Kylarsmom- thats so funny you mentioned a Tahoe, we are going this weekend to look at Tahoes because my volvo v70 isn't big enough! Who would have though a big station wagon was two small! When I got the volvo 3 years ago DH tried to talk me into a Tahoe or Suburban and I said, no way, they're way to big.... now he's telling me "I told you so!"
I just had my c-section stitches removed. I feel that Im walking much better now.
Morning ladies! Been up since 6am with Bobby, after getting to sleep at 1am with Darcy and waking up fo a feed in that time too! Soooo tired and typically we have a very busy day today!

Kylarsmom wow you are going to be a busy lady these next few years!

Sequeena Darcy gives us a few smilles a day now, its the best isn't it!!

Chris glad to hear you are healing well.

Hope everyone has a good day!

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