August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

TJW - Im so sorry to hear about the situation with SD :hugs:

I havent been on much myself. Im feeling really sensitive at the moment, DD is being a nightmare with her behavior, feel like im constantly shouting at her for the same things every day. I feel like im generally being a crappy mum and also feel like im struggling to cope. I dont feel as though I am enjoying the time I have with Isla because im constantly on at Olivia. :cry:

I had the results of Isla's heel prick this week, she too like my first daughter is a carrier of an unknown hb type. When Olivia's came back with this they recommended blood tests etc to determine what it was only when I got there they decided not to follow it up. Im now feeling really angry at this. I know I should be thankful that both my children are carriers rather than affected by this unknown hb type but how (and I know its gona be a fair few years yet) do you tell your children there is a chance if they have children they could be disabled. They have given me a number for somebody at the hospital to contact to try and get more info so im going to do that this week.

I hate being in the house at the moment, but I also hate going out, but I need some form of distraction, i dont know what from. Perhaps from how my home life really is. :(
TJW - I'm so sorry for everything! :( I can't imagine what it feels like to have to leave them for that long and I can understand why you feel so much resentment! I hope it all resolves itself soon!

Stef - I'm so sorry too :( But, hopefully by the time they come to have children there will be some 'cure' or there is even (is it?) IVF that can get rid of the faulty gene! Try not to worry about it until that time comes hun

:hugs: to you both!!!
Sorry it took me so long but list is updated (make sure to check)! Hugs to everyone especially tjw and stef :hugs: tjw I'm so sorry for what you're going through with you step daughter. She must have done something really awful :( :hugs: are you on meds (sorry you may have said head is in the shed today)? Please don't feel you need to bottle your feelings up :hugs:

Stef I'm sorry your little girl is a carrier! Please don't blame yourself for what may happen in the future. It may never happen! :hugs:

Finally got to sleep around 5am :( been in bed all day so house is a shite tip. Baby is quiet though so going to bath him, have a bath myself (bought wilkinsons bubble bath and shower smoothie, honey and vanilla, 2 for £1.50 omg smells amazing!!) then tidy up a bit. I really need to get back to flylady! also been researching Thomas' 'condition'. Very interesting!
sarahbell, so sorry hun! c-section stitches? i just had the steri strips , no stitches or staples.

ive got my boys some matching outfits too, i love it, its so much fun!!

funny someone asked about the having another baby, bc im totally wanting another already lol! NOT at this moment, but im positive i want another!! even tho DH says no... i will change his mind haha! We will need to wait awhile though bc i want all my kids to have their own rooms and so we will need to move, which i want to do anyway inabout 3 years ish... we want to buy land and build our own house, but who knows if that wll happen! i also want to get a tahoe first bc my equinox isnt big enough for 3 kiddos!

Hahaha too funny - we just bought an equinox before Ashlyn was born - DH loves it! He's 6'7" so it's the first car he actually fits comforable in. I miss my little car though :(
Night feed time. Well the past few days have not been too good. I've been very teary. I feel like i've hit the wall with the sleep deprevation. I've not had a normal night since i was about 5 months pregnant. It has brought up alot of different things that i am finding difficult. I'm feeling lonely. I've gone from working full time and talking to 30-40 different people a day to talking to oh, lo and my mam. I feel like a milk machine that no one wants to know. I just happen to be attached to lo :( Because of where i live i struggle to get out by myself, however we are moving in a couple of weeks which will be my saving grace. I love lo one to bits and i don't want anything to change but it's just hit home how much my life has changed.

I so know how you feel! I moved away from my family 18 months ago to get married. Now that Taylor is here and I'm not working I don't talk to anyone aside from my dh, his parents and Taylor. I can't join any mommy groups cause I'm not supposed to take her out, she's so small. I'm particularly supposed to stay away from families with little kids.

I swear if I was a Sam I would be agoraphobic.

I've told you guys how crazy sleep deprived I've been. Well, dh and I have finally come to the conclusion that Taylor has developed reflux. She puked through her nose today.

So I bought a swing and put her to sleep in that, and thank the lord she was sleeping QUIETLY for the first time since we brought her home. I have an appt with her doc and will try to find a solution. I hate to see her so uncomfortable.

:hugs:Tjw. Hope everything works out for you.
Poor Taylor!! Swings are a godsend aren't they? Really hope the reflux passes soon. My friend who lives across the road from me had been in and out of hospital with her son for years. He's around 5 years old now and still has reflux :nope: he had to go for an endoscopy the other week because he's developed asthma and they think it may be the reflux that's caused it.

Thomas slept much better for me last night. 1:30am to 8:20am :D

We're taking him to have his 1 month pictures taken today! This was his newborn picture (well almost 2 weeks);
oooh I'd love a nights sleep like that Sequeena. Glad he slept much better for you. That photo is gorgeous. Ive been looking into getting some pics done of my girls whilst im still on paid mat leave.

Thanks for all your kind words, im feeling a little better about it all today. I think i'd be bottling it all up and I just needed to get it out.

Swings are amazing, i'd never have a break if it wasnt for our swing though the damned music irritates me. Think I may have to plug my ipod into it as she seems to like music on when shes in the swing.

Well little maddam had a feed about 11:30 last night, woke up at 4am for another and wouldnt go back off to sleep, she kept stiring and not crying but making unsettled noises if you know what I mean, she finally dropped off to sleep and no more than 15 mins later just as my eyes had closed it was 6am and my alarm was going off. Wouldnt mind usually as I dont have it set but i had to be up and out and at the drs for 8am. Hoping we have a good night tonight as its my first day back at college tomorrow.

and... argh.... how windy is it today! I darent put my washing out in fear of it blowing away!

You're going back to college already Stef? Good on you! I was thinking of signing up but I didn't think I could cope when Thomas is so young and the classes would be in the evening (OH works nights :() so thinking of looking into something like the open university. No idea what I want to do, just want to do something!!

Sorry she didn't sleep very well, Thomas was doing those noises the other night and only dropped off when I held him :dohh:

The pictures only cost me £5.99! One 8x6 photo, 4 (I think) 6x4 photos and 10 passport photos. No way would I pay for professional portraits each month haha! This way it's much cheaper so I don't mind spending each month. It's nice to have proper photos too not just snapshots that I take :lol: I need to get in photos more though it's mostly just Thomas or Thomas and my OH!

We have a swing for Thomas too it is a right godsend at times!!

I'm just waiting for a wash to finish now (put it on a half hour setting grrr that'll never get the towels etc. properly clean!) and it'll go on the airer. Garden is a tip so I'm not even going to attempt to put them out.

And yuck I need to mop my floor. Bloody dogs and their muddy paws!
I was doing evening classes to begin with as I was full time, I expected to continue with them but DH works 3 on 3 off on 12 hr shifts and although it wouldnt be every week MIL refused to have both children together for 2 hours once in a while, I was devastated and went into college and basically flooded my tutor in tears and she has arranged for me to drop onto the full time course on the day sessions but only attending the lessons I need as ive already complete half of the course which was a great relief and as im on mat leave means I can do it. But it also means both girls will be in nursery and my nursery bills will be more horrific than it already is. Im just in the process of filling out my UCAS application for uni. Im applying to do childrens nursing starting Sept 2012. Really hoping I get in as I dont want to go back to work in April as it is. I hate my job and at least if I get accepted in uni I know its only for a few months then i can throw the towel in and leave.

We made the mistake when Olivia was 9 months old to have some pictures done with venture, £900 later and we have 2 small pics on the wall. Will never ever do that again, as much as I love the photos we were bloody stupid paying that. I wont be getting professional pics every month either, would like to have a few done now but after that it wont be a regular thing. I have a digital SLR though ive no idea how to work it, im considering doing one of those courses that last 2 days or something and give you an introduction to using them properly and then I could try getting some good pics myself.

My washer often gets put on the 1/2 hr wash as I forget to put the child lock on, either that or it will end up on a spin only cycle or something stupid. She also has a habbbit of turning off the dishwasher when it hasnt washed the dishes :dohh:

900 sheets! Christ on a bike! :lol:
I was lucky a girl I know on here and from a swimming class we did together, took some pics of Louis. She has just set up, very reasonable prices
These are the two we got from venture

Will have a look at that FB page though. Thanks :thumbup:

Oh those are nice! I'd love a family photo but can't justify the price for it. Maybe one day if I find it cheap enough lol

Just got his pictures done he looks so cute and he's awake in these ones! Will have to share later as I'm on my iPhone x
Thomas' pictures
Edited - Love the pics Sequeena. He is gorgeous!!!

I got a letter from baby massage, its for next week, yet it says suitable for babies 8 weeks and older, well she will only be 4.5 weeks. Going to ring tomorrow to check if it is ok to go or not

any one going to any mummy and baby groups yet? I went twice with DD but it was full of undesirables and those that seemed normal were really cliquey so I dunno wether to try again this time round or not. Gets lonely being me sometimes as im 2 hours away from my family/friends and inlaws dont really bother with us.

No I've not been to any yet. After Thomas ended up in hospital at 2 weeks old after going to a birthday party I'm wary to take him anywhere like that until he has his first set of jabs x
Evening All - Hope everyone is well?

Tjw- sorry you are having such a tough time :hugs:

Stef & Sequeena lovely pics. We haven't had any done of Darcy yet but hoping to get some done asap!

Darcy is giving us lots of smiles now and starting to make some super cute little cooing noises too :)
We haven't been to any baby groups yet, all the ones I went to with Bobby we really clicky and not me at all! Am going to try and find some other ones soon! Would like to try baby massage but Darcy screams whenever I so much as start taking her clothes off so I'm not to sure she would like it :shrug:
Me and OH finally DTD a couple of nights ago :blush: didn't hurt at all! Was nice not to have a big bump in the way too!

I'm going to go to bed soon, so tired today so fingers crossed for a good night with little miss!
ugh... had a phonecall from a child's mother this evening about the way dsd is treating her daughter at school.... forcing her to hand over her lunch treats, telling her who she can and can't play with or talk to, fighting with her if the girl tries to say no...

All this has been caused by dsd's mum and grandmother... telling her she's too young for rules and can do what she wants etc... SHE'S NINE YEARS OLD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!
Tjw :hugs: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this when your time shouldn't be taken up on the whole situation with dsd but should be taken up spending time with your 2 children.

I don't mention it much, infact at all these days, but I went through something possibly a little similar 2 years ago. My DH has a daughter from a previous relationship, the child was much younger than dsd but her mother was a horrible manipulative, vindictive woman who used her child as a weapon and caused much trouble for us all, it made my life hell. She used to call and demand I looked after her child (when Chris was at work on a weekend) so that she could go out round the town etc and used to threaten DH that if I didn't he wouldn't see her so I used to stupidly say yes, then the stupid woman would go round telling any one that would listen derogatory things about me that weren't true. She used to use the child as a weapon all of the time and eventually we saught advice from a solicitor, however, Olivia was a baby, I was working part time and due to debts DH has from their relationship we were unable to proceed any further once the solicitors fees reached £1500, we were still getting nothing but you can't see her then and you can only see her if you pay x amount etc etc etc and due to the fact it was tearing our family apart DH made the decision to cut contact. I don't tell people often because people are so quick to judge these days, perhaps call him a dead beat father etc which is very much not true. He pays for the child, and though we don't talk about it, I know he loves her and it's a shame things couldnt have been different. When we did see her, it was very challenging, her mother is anything for an easy life, no discipline etc and her behaviour and mannors etc were quite embarrassing. I think if we still had contact with her at 9 years old we would be going through similar again. Sorry I've rambled a little. If you ever need a chat or anything feel free to pm me. This forum kept my sanity when we were going through this.

All this has been caused by dsd's mum and grandmother... telling her she's too young for rules and can do what she wants etc... SHE'S NINE YEARS OLD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!

My DS who is just 2 next month has rules!!! That must make me a very nasty mummy if they are saying that nine is too young!

Hope things get easier for you soon hon, you shouldn't have to deal with this :hugs:
Thank you both so much. All this has only really started since she spent so much time with them during the school hols, she's come back a completely different child to the one who lived here before, although admittedly there were always little things about her that could have prewarned that this was a possibility...

Stef, that must have been such a hard decision to make... I don't think my oh could make that hard a decision, but if it comes to it I will break contact with her myself for me and my kids cos I don't want them growing up to be how she has become... If that means oh decides to leave then so be it... I have to put my kids first... but must admit I'd be heartbroken if it comes to that. My oh is a lovely bloke but he was with his ex for 13yrs and got used to letting her push him around as she is very domineering etc as is her mother. He is now just starting to stand up for himself but I'm worried that when it comes to dsd, his newfound courage will waiver and she'll just get away with everything. His ex is already saying that if dsd says she didn't do any of it then we shouldn't punish her for it.....

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