August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

Stupid f ing iPad! I wrote it all out n it got wiped

Thomas was a mechanic in the army n helping a lad fix a landrover. Thomas was working infront on a bench. The lad didn't bother checking gear or handbrake n turned the key and crushed Thomas.
so classed as a accident
He's never had the balls to even say sorry n after his so called sentence of 5 months he was let out in 3 and afew days after he was released he got a new gf (Facebook) so yeah he's really cut up about what he took from my boys.

Corey will be going nursery 2 half days a week, if he needs zanes only upstairs in the preschool room so at least he has someone until I get there if he's upset
oh moomin thats horrific seriously what a horrible preventable thing to happen :( sorry if thats the wrong thing to say it just must be really hard dealing with the anger towards that person. All i think is that anger doesnt bring the person back but i know that doesnt help, i was angry a long time with the nurse who looked after kacie after her op and it can just eat you up inside :hugs:

aw let us know how corey gets on!

Gian admitted a lot of things how he feels left out etc and im just always with cleo and we dont even sleep in the same room and he wants me to leave her and go out with him a few nights but i just physically can not leave her i panic just thinking about it :(
Oh I no if I let go of the anger it would be better for me, hating him doesn't hurt him...wish it would. If I could crush him I would.
I really don't get why the army have kept him in, to have my husbands career. So my step dad has gone to a MP n if I don't get answers I'm plastering the scums face all over the papers.

Me and Thomas drifted apart at one point due to him working and me just feeling like I was mum. U both need to sleep in the same bed and go out together at least once a month, u need to be a couple not just mum and dad or things will only get harder....believe me I no.
It's great Gian actually came to u and spoke about his feelings, I had to drag them out of Thomas.

Listen to him and do something about it, life's to short to regret not spending enough alone time with him
Hey, im pretty lousy at coming on here these days. Do we have a private august mummys group set up on facebook? If we have can I be added and if not then why not?

Jodie, I agree you need time to be a couple, even if its just getting out once together every week or every other, C and I cry out for this time but as MIL (who is the only person that lives local and can) will not ever have our children for a few hours in an evening or have them overnight the only time C and I get off from being mum and dad is if we go out separately. It does and has affected our relationship I think.

Anyone got much planned for our babies first bday yet?
With Zane I knew what I wanted to do n what to buy him before he was even 6 months old but with Corey I'm lost! I have no idea what to buy him because zanes got everything.
I couldn't not buy anything because I'd feel awful
moomin I dont blame you! you should, thats crazy he is still in the army.

Gians back in our bed :) we've all been so much happier since, I hated him being in the other room! oh he didnt exactly just come out with it, we've had an awful week he's had a health scare we thought he was having abloody heart attack the other night but thank god it wasnt but he has high blood pressure and something wrong with his lungs or bronchial arteries we are waitng for results but we had a heart to heart because of it all.
I know what you and stef are both saying but we dont have any family here and I just cant leave cleo with a stranger, evern if it is someone recommended I just worry too much to leave her with just anyone and friends either all have their own kids or are too much party people and I wouldnt leave cleo with them.

we have this fb group but no one really uses it!

not planned cleos 1st birthday yet, not sure whether my england trip can go ahead and out here you just plan last minute!
Oh I understand I wouldn't leave my boys with a random baby sitter!

I don't no Cleos routine but could u put her to bed by herself so u can at least spend the evening together? Even afew hours without a baby will help.

Health scares are horrible, again me n thomas had gone threw one ourselves.
hope his results come back with good news.
thanks hun. well he works nights so we try on his nights off but sometimes he ends up asleep the same time as cleo as he's worn out!
his blood pressure has gone down from the tablets hopefully will habe good news monday when he goes back for test results
ahhh 1st birthday talk already!!!! I have NO idea what to do for Henry's! :( MIL keeps trying to interfere and keeps telling me I don't need a cake and I don't need to get him presents and he doesn't need a big party. I just wanna tell her to F OFF!!!!! She's such an interfering old bitch and I've had enough of her. I know he doesn't NEED them and I know he won't ever remember his first birthday but I WILL and don't want them to get to 18 and leave home with regrets. Plus, he's my baby why the hell would I not want to go all out and have a nice party for him - not even a big one but at least he deserves a party. GRRRRRRRR she makes me so mad!!!!!

Yeah I agree even if Cleo goes to bed by herself say at 7pm then at least you and Gian have a few hours together as a couple. It's so hard trying to find a balance as a mother and a girlfriend but you'll get there :)
I'm getting a mickey mouse club house cake made for coreys bday lol I would of done with Zane but couldn't afford to go as mad as I'd of liked. And just a tea party.

Think I'm going to get him some building blocks, a push along bike and some cars seen as he's obsessed with zanes.

Everything I got for zanes first bday he still plays with now lol
Jodie, completely forgot about your whole situation there. Sorry, mind, we do have C's family close and they wont have the children, my family don't live close by but do sometimes have the girls but that way its an expensive affair with fuel etc.

Eee, gosh sorry to hear about Gians health scare, hoping for the best possible outcome with the results. :hugs:

Moomin - im in the same position really, i literally spoilt Olivia rotton as a baby and we have way more toys etc than we actually need that I too have no idea what the hell I will buy Isla.

Charlie - MIL's are the worst for that kinda stuff, but if you tell them anything they dont want to hear theres always a massive drama.

Im not even sure what to do for Islas first birthday, hoping the weather is nice as we can arrange something for her, with Olivias being 3 days before XMAS ive always found that when we arrange stuff people let us down, find better things to do over the festive period or what ever so we have started doing family stuff for Livs birthday, like last year we all went to the panto and it was fab. Liv loved it.

Who is still watching this group? Talking with the other mommies due in November (hi CharlieKeys!) About a group continuing after our little ones arrive got me wondering if there was a group for August 2011 mommies. So does anyone still keep up?
Hi, I come on sometimes but we mainly talk on a Facebook group that charliekeys made :)
Oooh hii bookity!! It NEVER even clicked we were in the August mummy group together!!! :)

If you want I can add you on FB and then add you to the group? It's secret so if I sent you the link it would just disappear or if you have any of the other ladies on your FB they're all admin so one of them should be able to add you in?
Well, I didn't join BnB until this year, so I wasn't in a pregnancy group with you. I understand if it's weird for me to join you now. I wouldn't mind friending you on facebook just the same. Up to you if you want to invite me in your group. :)
Yeah, probably should have sent you a message, sorry.
I don't think it would be weird u joining the group :) we are all August mummy's and ule catch up soon enough.
We are all nice
Hi ladies, I'd love to join the facebook group too is possible? Thanks x

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