August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

ooh yeah try stage 1 ... it's less harsh on their stomachs and more like breast milk. Hope his poor bum gets better :(
His first feed on cow and gate stage 1 went well, thought he'd pull a face at a different taste but nope. We managed 30 mins naked time without him scratching himself to death and I'm using my nipple cream on his bum to help protect the skin better then sudacrem.

I'm hoping this helps him
Metanium is amazing at getting rid of rashes - when teh boys stayed at MILS and developed a really bad nappy rash, I put that on and it had gone by the next morning! I find sudocreme is only good at preventing rather than dealing with the rash if that makes sense?
Yeah I no what u mean. I'm going to go to a pharmacy tomo n get something stronger for him
Hope that works, hun. We're still on stage one, just because she's fine on it and I don't see the need to change, so hopefully it will make the difference x
He's still doing a lot of poos but they arent as loose. And he seems to be happier on cow and gate. He's even dropped his bedtime feed himself for a bottle. He's now down to around 2 breastfeeds during the night now.

This tooth is taking ages to come threw:( Zane was such a fast teether and never had a bad nappy rash like this so not used to it
aw battynora sorry to hear that. :( phoebe is a cutie!!

cleo desperately wants to walk as well, she pulls up on my legs constantly and this week started letting go one hand at a time, get her balance then stand for a bit then catch on again, she was laughing histerically the first time she did it and since then she just doesnt want to be sitting! those with older ones, how long from standing til walking usually?
she wont stop saying mum mum now she has finally started as well! and we think bub bub is papa as she say that to gian!

aw moomin :hugs: hormones are a bitch for making things feel worse and with grieving my experience its natural to feel worse after a year or so (that what happened to me with kacie and my dad) maybe you could try a different counsellor? how was zanes going maybe there is one there?

ive not been going out walking with cleo anymore as I hate all the stray dogs round here :( still go out to meet my friends but I get a taxi or I go out with gian but somtimes I jut need to take her out for a walk in the buggy but im scared of the dogs :(
I'm on the waiting list to see a counsellor with the people Zane was seeing.
Mil hasn't responded to my letter about seeing the boys....what a suprise lol

Corey's desperate to walk aswel, he keeps trying to stand up in the middle of the room not holding onto anything and then goes arse over tit haha

I can't even rememeber what age Zane started to stand up, how bad is that lol buthe started to walk holding onto the sofa at 10 months and started to walk 12 steps unaided the day after he turned 1
Stephen started standing at 8 months, cruising by 8.5 months and walking at 10 months. Literally two days after Henry was born, he just walked across the room trying to chase his aunty's cat! Henry started standing just under 8 months and cruised at the same time so I think he's on par for walking by 10 months (if not before) too! He's so desperate to chase after Stephen it frustrates him but I have noticed that his balance is getting a lot better, he's no longer wobbly at his waist. He's also started to stand without holding on but not for too long and even worse he loves standing in the bath and ends up sliding everywhere (and that's with a bathmat!) :haha: He's also stopped army crawling and uses his legs yaaaaay!! It's so hard to believe that 8 months ago we were all dealing with newborns and now they're nearly walking!!!

Anyone started planning their 1st birthday party yet? Steve works at a pub now that has a wacky warehouse but since moving we don't know many children so not sure if to do that or just have a small do at ours (when we move in). Any ideas on presents? We went so overboard with toys for Stephen's so won't be doing that again... thinking of just one main special present but have no ideas?!

Moomin - it's her loss! Your boys are gorgeous and she is missing out on their lives. I just don't understand some people at all and really don't understand why she would not care about anyone but herself.

Jodie - are the stray dogs dangerous then? :(
After I posted I got a letter off fil. They basically said that Thomas wouldn't agree with me, which he would n that his mum was his that's a joke they didn't even no him.
After blaming me they said they won't see the boys thru my mum so the boys can find them if they want when they are older.

*******s can kiss my ass
Sorry but what utter knobs. That's all I can say - it's just made me speechless that that is their decision.
I've got afew shockers to add to my next letter to them n then I'm done. I have to leave with a bang lol
What complete morons. The boys are better off without people like that. xx
moomin and charlie all 4 of your boys are right little action men! they are so advanced physically they look so grown up in the pics what they are always up to!

about the dogs, well ive had a few incidents like one dog tried to bite cleo and nipped her suit although I dont think it was trying to attack i think it was trying to pick her up, i was itting on a bench feeding her it was really weird and its made me weary since. the dogs that arent stray but belong to people are still always in the street but they bark at you when you pas their house, im just not used to loads of dogs wandering around or barking i find it threatening :( loads of people have been bitten here too

moomin what knobs exactly as charlie said, it shsouldnt even matter what issues they may or may not have with you they should want to see their grandchildren regardless
It would be so much easier if they sat still though :haha: Thank Jodie :) I love it when you post pictures of Cleo - she is so gorgeous and such a cheeky look about her!

OOh yeah I'd be worried too! It's a shame that it means you can't go out for a quick walk though :(
I've had enough now:(
Most of u would have seen n my Facebook that Corey isn't the best sleeper, if I'm lucky I will get 3 hours sleep.

I'm worn out! Zane wakes me up early and with Corey just not sleeping, I'm just so tired that I constantly feel sick and dizzy.

When I was breastfeeding all I had off my mum n sister was "oh if he was bottle fed we could have him" yeah ok he's bottle fed now n ur not bothering! My mms had him for 5 hours in a month n one of those was me having my tooth pulled yesterday n her stupid waste of space husband didn't even feed Corey...apparently he didn't understand Corey's got soup in his bag,just heat it up.

My sister even spent the night here because we watched a film and yet she didn't offer to have him that night, all I got in the morning was "oh poor u, I could just go back to sleep" ok that's helpful!

I'm so pissed off, yes I no they are my kids but I need help and they don't want to because they will have 1 night of maybe not much sleep...I've had fucking 9 months no bloody sleep

My mum turned up today sayin she was guna take Zane, Zane isn't the problem it's Corey and yet she won't take him.

I'm seeing the hv next month and if Corey isn't sleeping better by then I'm going to have to look into getting help from a foster carer. They can help out when needed, like for a night or in the day so I can sleep or do things I need to around the house n yet when I told this to my mum apparently I'm emotionally black mailing her!

How is me needing sleep blackmailing her? After all the help I've given my mum n sister (I've loaned them both a huge amount of money) they can't help me 1 night
I'm ok, family still aren't helping much.

Corey's been in his own room since Saturday and he's doing ok, I'm just about to call the nursery to get Corey in on Fridays.
I've started to see a new counsellor and even just after 1 session I like her. Friday she wants to go thru my anger towards the scum who killed that will be fun, but I need to let it out before I can start to deal with it better I suppose.

my mum suggested I use her ohs cousin to do bits around my house, I'm paying him n he's taking the piss so think I'm guna fire him tomo. I can't stand slow people
so terrible at getting on bandb cleo is too demanding!

moomin what a nightmare! good idea to put corey in nursery one day, you sound like you need it hun and he will most likely love it!
I didnt realise thomas was killed!!!!!!!!!! no wonder you are angry, is the person in prison? so glad for you that you are liking the counsillor how often will you see her?

is anyone on here called becky and requested me on facebook? only have one mutual friend someone on here
I didn't realise that either.... What happened if it isn't too painful to talk about? Like jodie said is the scum in prison?

And I agree it will do you good to have one day 'off' a week - everyone needs some time off every now and again or we will go insane. I had an afternoon off today - MIL took the boys to Southend Airshow so was so nice to not do anything and just chill out. They absolutely loved it too :) How has everyone else's weekend been?

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