August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

Stupid mean mummies :)

Hi ladies, sorry I don't come on here much. My phone won't load BnB and I don't get to go on a laptop much.

The only real news from me is that my husband and I have split up. I'm devestated but just trying to carry on. Have up days and down days and feel pretty lonely most of the time. But got to pick myself up and try to be the best I can for Bee.

Lovey to see all your gorgeous babies are doing well. How crazily quick does the time go.
Oh, and Phoebe says hi!


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Hugs to you BattyNora! And Phoebe is gorgeous!!!
:hugs: battynora being a single mum isn't easy and can get pretty lonely but uve split up for a reason so ule be fine in time.
I don't really get lonely, I guess having two boys driving me round the bend is the reason I love being alone hahaha

Corey has started to shake his head no but that's about it other then saying mama.
He's dying to walk and loves standing up.

Last night he suddenly woke up with a temp so I didn't gt much sleep n then Zane got up at 7. Corey now won't nap so I can't do much :( I've got loads of housework to do as always.

I've had a very small letter off mil saying she wants to be in the boys lives, I don't buy it personally so I'm in the middle of writing her a letter with my feelings and that she can see the boys thru my mum as I want nothing to do with her n she has to see them at least every 12 weeks n has to be a full day...not the usual 3 hours n then not seeing them for months on end.....her response is going to be fun lol
battynora I'm so sorry to hear about you splitting from your husband :hugs:

Little Phoebe is gorgeous look at all her hair!

Moomin hugs xx hope Corey is feeling better soon!!

As for MIL, well I think the old saying is appropriate here 'leopards never change their spots'. I hope she does for the boys sake, but from what you've said about her I don't think she will!

Thomas is 8 months today :) he's great.
Oh yeah I have zero faith in her so I'm expecting nothing. But I'm being the bigger person as usual n giving them one last chance n I'm not making it easy lol
Emma - I know how hard it's been for you :( But you are a lot stronger than you think! Although it seems difficult to believe now but eventually things will all fit into place and it will be how it is meant to be but you are a brilliant mummy to Phoebe :hugs:

Moomin - I wonder what made her decide to write you a letter?

Took the boys to a place called Tropical wings today - had all sorts of animals there but Henry was amazed by the butterflies! He loved them and got all excited when they flew near him :) He's also so close to standing up unaided and walking :( My baby is no longer a baby! Steve and MIL said he actually stood up all on his own yesterday in the kitchen but then fell over and whacked his face on the oven.... which would make sense as he has a massive bruise on his head .... WHY does it have to go so quickly??

How is everyone?
She's Bly bothered to write to me to make herself look good to her mates n me look bad. It was literally 2 lines in a card lol so she wasn't exactly making a good case for herself
It's been so quiet on here lately..... where are all you August mummies!?
I'm not on bnb much past few weeks, always n bloody Facebook now I've got the iPhone haha
I've sent mil a letter so waiting to see her response, can't wait hahaha

I'm finally switching Corey to formula but taking it slow because he's not impressed haha

Alto since he's been having formula he's been pooing a lot n because of that had nappy rash, so dunk if I need to change his milk or if this is normal :s
Well looks like me and breast feeding are over. Corey's took well to his day weaning and past 2 nights during his bedtime feed he's bit me hard but then took a bottle fine n gone to sleep, so I start night weaning tonight.

This might sound stupid but I'm scared to death of stopping.
Since Thomas died I've not had my own body, I've been pregnant n then breast feeding. I have no idea who i am n I'm scared to death im going to have a break down. The hormones from pregnancy n bf were keeping me afloat.
I'm in tears now n no idea why.
Oh hun just because you're stopping BF doesn't mean it's the 'end' of anything - your bond with Corey will be just as strong and now you have a whole new adventure ahead of you and maybe this is a good opportunity to see who you really are? You are so amazing and I admire your strength over everything you've had to deal with and you are such a great mummy! :hugs:
I'm not worried about our bond, Zane was ff and we have a great bond. I think I'm more worried about I might take. Turn for the worst with my grieving.
On the plus side I get to go on my girls holiday in september n I don't have to worry if Corey will be off the boob or not cuz I now no he will be
:hugs: Moomin.

It must be hard, im not going to pretend I know how hard it is for you. I can totally see your view point though. Judging from what I know of you through here and FB, you're absolutely devoted to your boys and selfless and with your two boys there i reckon you will keep above water. If you ever need a chat, a rant or just a distraction im always about FB, not so much on here any more but no doubt other are. :hugs: you will do just fine :) xxx
PS - Room for one more on that hol. Lol! Im about ready to lock myself in a dark room panicking about college and what nots! haha

Everyone's welcome lol going Ibiza, can't wait!
Well Corey's woke up 3 times already, third time I gave in n gave him boob. Seems he only wants bottles when he's awake. But I'm still going to try bottles n cut down to only one bf a night because I need sleep now n if he knows he won't get a bf he might stop wakin up so bloody much.
Can't win with these kids lol
I do go abit pic mad on Facebook haha
Hugs Moomin. I said on FB the other day - the mess my hormones were in when I stopped breastfeeding almost tipped me over the edge (and was part of the snowball then ended my marriage!) so I can't imagine how hard it is with your grief added in.

I hope you don't mind me you talk to anyone about everything? X
I was in counselling but she was a total waste of space so I haven't seen anyone since, on a waiting list for cruse. My family are only here for me when it's best for them.

Well I think Corey might be allergic to formula, so stopping all bottles till I can see a doc tomorrow. My supply is guna get so messed up now so dreading another hormone rush.
The other girls are right in everything they've said about you :)

Why do you think he's allergic to formula?
He poos in every nappy n his bum is red roar. ThInking about it, it's more likely to be teeth mixed with a new milk. I'm going to switch brands and go to stage 1 instead of 3 as it might be abit strong for him

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