Congratulations to all of you!!!!
Eleff- hahaha yes, i guess thanksgiving brought out the
y time in all of us
Spinneybaby, Daniellerdh05, Mrs. Agar, Ammcas, Narnnar- Congratulations, so exciting we all get to be bump buddies!!!!!
EYD-my nipples are really sore too, ouch!!! Oh and that picture was of anorak (i would love to take credit for a loss of 5 pounds though lol)
MamaTex and Cat1285, i feel the same. i know i took a leap by posting this thread but I am trying to stay as positive as possible and i was starting to let my loss really effect the enjoyment of this pregnancy. I am really excited to get to know more ladies that are due right around the same time
. I wish you all a H&H 9 months and as we get through each milestone the journey will seem less and less stressful (hopefully)! It is nice to know we have support from other women along the way
Chutchinson...congrats! You have more will power than i do for holding out to tell your parents on Christmas, that is such a beautiful Christmas present to give them!
XLaura-BellaX...i am very to sorry to hear about your son! Congratulations and here's to a happy and healthy 9 months and a beautiful august rainbow baby!
9jawife I'm an August baby too
Good month! Congrats!
I hope i didn't forget anyone! I'm just really excited (and nervous) about the next several months that lie ahead and think it's neat to know that there are women out there who are going through exactly the same thing