My symptoms are fluctuating for sure! For those who have bloating, do you notice that the morning is not so bad but by the end of the night feel like 4 months preggo?
My bun is a clomid and iui bun
My bun is a clomid and iui bun
so is mine
My symptoms are fluctuating for sure! For those who have bloating, do you notice that the morning is not so bad but by the end of the night feel like 4 months preggo?
Totally!! but I don't mind it for once! before I was pregnant I hated getting bloated because it looked awful but now I don't really mind! its a little idea of what my belly is going to look like as I get further along!!
We changed to little appleseeds today!! woohoo!! I'm glad because I ate a poppyseed roll last night and felt really guilty
Joining the club! This will be our first and are so excited!
A little background info:
My SO are high school sweet hearts and have been together except for our college years.
We have NEVER used any protection as we did not think it was even possible to get pregnant (even in high school).
Now here is the good part, we are both 34 years old! I'm not complaining but wow, how did this happen?
Due on Aug 14th
Txrunnergirl hugssssss kisssssesss yay Hun so happy for you
I have my first midwife appointment next week!!!
Txrunnergirl hugssssss kisssssesss yay Hun so happy for you
Bellla. Don't you go to the Dr today?? xoxox