idk about everyone else but im only 5 weeks almost 6 soon and ive been eating like a FAT COW! All this eating is making my stomach even bigger and since im trying to hide it until the longest I can (DF and my decision) im not sure next month no one will notice
I look so bloated!! I eat and eat and eat!! Every 30 min to an hour I have to have something to eat! In the past 4 hours I had a chicken, avocado and spinach wrap (I know sounds weird but so good), 2 chicken, avocado and spinach salads, 3 natural fruit strips and a few dried apricots... like I cant stop!! I feel like im huge... and im very conscious with what I ate before I got pregnant so this has been getting to me but I am always hungry and feel like im never going to be full. I have been eating small portions as to help.
I also just got a weird pulling sensation on my right side and on my left just a weird feeling as well... anyone having anything like this??