MW UPDATE: im 4.5cm dilated and 80% effaced she said i think his clinging onto the walls
she wouldnt tell me how big she thought he was but said he said no 7/8 or 9lber but she has every confidence ill be fine
she thinks tomos morning they will break my waters so thats great news id rather not have any of that v stingy burny gel!
DF we know you and want you to stay can you get out to some mommy groups talk to like minded people
Ryan is one month today
DF your kids are gorgeous and I'm sure you are too. Don't be so hard on yourself, your great
Everyone's babies are so cute!
I am thinking of trying co sleeping with Jaylie cause I think she would sleep better. What are the rules for bed sharing and baby staying safe?
Yay Babyhopes! The end is in sight!
Does anyone's rings still not fit??? It's driving me crazy that I still can't wear my wedding band. I don't want to get it resized only to have my hands go back to how they were before and have to get it resized again. I didn't have this problem with my other two.
Currently drinking an 8 oz can of Red Bull. I haven't had a major dose of caffeine since before I even got pregnant...this afternoon should be interesting.