August Mummies 2011 - 28 baby boys, 14 baby girls, and 4 beautiful angels so far xxx

abs my yellow bump which i was convinced was blue actually turned pink :) she even has her little blue hat on in my avatar as we were so convinced she was a boy and had named her!

sequeena :happydance: for thomas coming home

Cleo has been a gem, no more formula the milk has been coming better, but proudmommy I do have the same trouble at night she never seems satisfied on the last feed but I resorted to cluster feeding her in between distracting her and soothing her waiting for more milk and it has actually worked and no more formula. it was really hard but worth it!

aw jade your MIL sounds a nightmare! mines just left and wasnt as bad but she told me I would sufficate Cleo by co sleeping, she also wanted to give her water but i just ignored her after the first time she said it!
Congrats Leann!!!

We're settling in with our new family routine. Taylor is finally home, so we're enjoying the late nights vs the trips to the hospital. It's hard to believe I finally have her home :D
Congratulations to all the new mummy's.

Will try catch up soon

Congratulations Leanne!! and way to go!! 8cm?? Brilliant xx Have updated first post :thumbup:

Auntbug, that's great news!! xx
Congratulations Leann!
I just wanted to announce that my baby boy was born on the 23rd of August; 6 day's before his due date & also scheduled induction date!

My birth story begins similarly to Leann's - just with a different & not as happy ending.. I woke up at 3am to go to the bathroom and found that I'd started losing my plug with some blood in it (My very first labor symptom!) I went back to bed and felt my first VERY light contraction - I put it down to braxton hicks as it just felt like a little period pain with tightening. I kept feeling these same pains throughout the day. The pain got NO worse but they started becoming regular.... when they got to 3mins apart my mum suggested we go to the hospital. After a few hours monitoring my contractions they decided they weren't strong enough & that I was probably in early labor and should be right to go home. LUCKILY they decided to do an internal examination and found that I was 8cm dilated & my waters were bulging!

long story short - it all went downhill from there. They broke my waters and my contractions - which I wouldnt have called contractions anyway as they were painless! - stopped. completely. So... they started me on pitocin which made contractions come harder. A few hours later they examined me again and I had gone down to 6cm! & my cervix was swelling so I was rushed in for an emergency c-section...
but anyways! he's here now. :) weighing in at 8 pounds exactly and 51cm long. :D
sorry that was so long.... :blush:

Congratulations to all the new august mummies! :)
Congrats ladies!! :)

Glad your little one is home AuntBug and everything is ok!!

Glad the feeds are improving Jodie. J is sill having a load of feeds one after the other and I'm still having to top up with formula once in the night... But not every night. He's been really hungry today. Must of fed him about 6 times already. Must be a growth spurt.

Hope you're all well :flower:

Oh and thought I'd add. I think I might be getting my period already. Getting a load of stomach pains and breasts are killing me??? Thought it would be too early for that and didn't have a period for 16 months with my second due to breastfeeding.
Still have a little stomach too and it's geting me worried. I think my stomach is split a lot this time around. x
congrats auntbug thats brilliant news! :)

proudmommy thats really good :) definitely they have growth spurts some days and just want to eat all day!
I really want to start expressing but need to read up on it as some people say not to do it this early?
congrats auntbug thats brilliant news! :)

proudmommy thats really good :) definitely they have growth spurts some days and just want to eat all day!
I really want to start expressing but need to read up on it as some people say not to do it this early?

In my experience, it's ok as I had to express milk for my second daughter when she was in intensive care and then ended up breastfeeding for 14 months. I've been expressing a few times a week with this one too.
But if you're worried, it might be best getting advice off your doctor. :)
Ahhh Jodie that is too funny! I was so worried my DD was going to be a boy - the first thing my hubby said when she came out was "She's a girl...I checked!!" :)

Auntbug - I've been meaning to ask you: how are you guys holding up with Irene? Are you getting any bad weather? I hope you're all doing ok! Glad Taylor's home :)

Congrats misszoee on your little boy!
Hello :wave:

Had a pretty exhausting week this week. The MWs came out on day 5 to weigh Isla and she weight 7lb 8oz, yet they had her birth weight as recorded as 8lb 8oz, my midwife was really nice about it and said she suspected that her birth weight was recorded wrongly in hospital and when my husband thought back about it she had been weighed in a towel and a blanket :( So I don't know her true birth weight at all now :cry: Any way because she had lost 11.5% of her body weight they had to send some one out to check on her the next day and weigh her again (my midwife said that although she wasn't worried about Isla they have to do this to cover their own backs in case there was something wrong with her and she was loosing weight considering that she had 'lost' 1lb in 5 days) any way I was going to mums for a few days which is a 2 hr drive away so midwife arranged for me to go and see her today to recheck her weight and on day 5 she weighed 7lb 9 and today she weighs 7lb 11 so they aren't concerned at all, said that obviously the birth weight was well out and they estimate her birth weight was actually about 7lb 8oz.

Cant help but feel so disappointed that ill never know her true birth weight. MIL says I should complain to the hospital but even an apology wont bring that back so I don't see the point.

Hope every one else is doing O.K and those still waiting arent waiting much longer.

As for interfering MILs, I have an interfering nan, who was telling me that I was doing this that and the other wrong, I was like Hello I have 1 child already of which has been raised perfectly fine. Shes a complete pain in the arse, I have to bite my tongue and ignore her or id snap!!

Hi all & congrats to all new Mums!

Just a quick update: my baby boy was born yesterday, Sunday 28th August, 12 days late after an induction. Full birth story to follow when I'm home.

Ahhh Jodie that is too funny! I was so worried my DD was going to be a boy - the first thing my hubby said when she came out was "She's a girl...I checked!!" :)

Auntbug - I've been meaning to ask you: how are you guys holding up with Irene? Are you getting any bad weather? I hope you're all doing ok! Glad Taylor's home :)

Congrats misszoee on your little boy!

Thanks Abs. We're in Charlotte, a few hours from the coast, so we didn't even get any rain :)

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