August Mummies 2011 - 28 baby boys, 14 baby girls, and 4 beautiful angels so far xxx

Oh and I knew the boys would beat the girls :smug: there does seem to be a lot of boys being born lately!
god.... cannot believe it's september already!!! Waiting for August seemed to take forever. and then August has just flown by!!!
Haven't done a parenting group yet, am happy if anyone else wants to start one up, otherwise I'll set it up in a few days x
By the way I saw a lactation consultant today and am already making TONNES of progress :dance:
That's great! :)

So sad I had to give up BF but I just couldn't make any milk. I barely covered the bottom of a bottle and my boobs would be drained :(
My August baby was born just in time! He came on Aug. 30th! :happydance:
Congrats Phantom! Hope you and your little boy is doing well.

:hugs: sequeena. I know exactly how you feel. I pumped 3 hours a day to get 1 1/2 oz while Taylor was in the nicu, just enough for a bottle. Now she's home, eating more and I have no time to pump, espe ially when it would be less than a bottle on my best day.

I think I've cried about it a dozen times at least :cry:
Congrats Phantom! Hope you and your little boy is doing well.

:hugs: sequeena. I know exactly how you feel. I pumped 3 hours a day to get 1 1/2 oz while Taylor was in the nicu, just enough for a bottle. Now she's home, eating more and I have no time to pump, espe ially when it would be less than a bottle on my best day.

I think I've cried about it a dozen times at least :cry:

Are you combination feeding now or still trying to express? :hugs: it's awful when you realise you can't bf. I finally stopped when Thomas was in hospital, he was so ill and it wasn't fair on me to make him suffer anymore :cry: I still feel awful for stopping though and still check everyday to see if I have milk... there will be lots of tears when my milk finally dries up.
Haven't done a parenting group yet, am happy if anyone else wants to start one up, otherwise I'll set it up in a few days x

Tjw, are you still going to update this thread or do the overdue ladies simply need to move over to the September group? I hope you don't forget about us overdue moms:cry:
i couldnt bf zane so i no how awful it feels when u give up :hugs:

corey is a boob monster, hes always on and im going to start to express today.

now the countdown to my big boys 3rd birthday starts :happydance: cant believe hes 3 in 23 days
My right breast has dried up and my left won't be far behind :cry:
Glad to hear everyone is doing well and AuntBug/ Sequeena - you gave Thomas and Taylro everything you could, even when your little ones were ill! I know it's so easier said than done, as I've thought about quitting and the guilt is the only reason I carried on, but you are in no way, shape or form anything but amazing mummies!
:hugs: sequeena! don't feel bad you have done the best you can and you should see what you had done as an achievement!!

My DD has had to start having a formula top up a day as she has only put 6oz on since she was born. HV is reweighing her on Tuesday and if that hasn't made much difference then I will have to start giving her more. Exactly the same happened when Bobby was born, I obviously just don't produce very fatty milk :(

I'm exclusively FF, gave up on pumping last week and I think my milk is all gone now. Honestly, I never planned on bf until I had her so early and so small. I had breast reduction 15 years ago, so I didn't expect to have any milk. I was caught off guard by how emotional I became over it, how important it became. But I gave her enough to get her antibodies kick started, and she's thriving on high cal formula. She's up to 4 lb 9 oz, gaining at a rate of 1/2 lb a week!
That is great Auntbug! :thumbup: so glad Taylor is doing so well now x
some babies are better off on forumla, i dont care what some people might say its true!

ive had it both ways, zane hated BF so he was FF and now corey whos deffinatly a booby man lol
Thanks girls, I just feel so shit about the whole thing. I honestly thought it would be easy but it wasn't and then Thomas was ill :cry: I'm not sure I could go through of 45 minutes continuous screaming (when trying to latch him on) again either so part of me feels like I'm being selfish :(

My OH doesn't really understand, he says as long as Thomas is fed it doesn't matter where it comes from... which is true but that's not the point. Going to go have a cry in private I think :(

Auntbug that's great! I'm so glad Taylor is putting on weight :dance:
Big hugs sequeena. I just had to let myself cry about it, it not a logical thing.
Sequeena, I didn't produce anything at all with my daughter, so know just how you feel hon :hugs: this week I thought I was going to end up stopping feeding with my lil boy too, so have those feeling fresh in my head now too...

Please ladies, don't feel bad about topping up with formula or even switching to formula. I look at my lil girl and see how well she has grown and how happy and content she is and I know that she thrived on formula. I look at my lil boy, and I finally understand how hard bf is, I always thought it would be easy, no bottle making, sterilising etc... but omg the pain from cluster feeds and poor latch!! the worry of whether or not they're getting enough milk or even good enough quality of milk!! the not being able to get someone... ANYONE else to take over ANY of the feeds so you can get a break!! It's 24hrs a day of non stop worries and niggles...

I'm managing to keep going for now, but doubt I'll get to my 6month goal...


ChrisChris I will carry on updating here hon :)

And Phantom, congrats hon!! Have updated first post :)
breastfeeding is anything but easy. even when the baby like corey is good at it, its still hard and painful at times.

like this morning hes hungry and tired but cant latch to save his life.

the guilty feelings never stop once ur a mum

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