ah thanks girls. But I do know what you mean. I am 100% sure I saw that 16yr write the exact same thing on another site. In todays world (especially with sex ed and internet) there can't be that many stupid teenagers out there can there?
Better grab a coffee its going to be a long one
But how is everyone's day/afternoon/evening going? My day has just begun and it actually looks like its going to be a nice enough day. I have to play a camogie match (something Melaniey would understand). It is an Irish gaelic game. A cross between hockey, golf and maybe a little tennis in there. If you jump on youtube and type in All Ireland Camogie final you will get to see what I am talking about. Of course I look nothing like this. I actually suck at it. And you know the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" well that is soooo true

but I enjoy it and I have made lots of friends which is the most important. Though once I get a BFP then I will have to stop. Girls can get quite vicious on the field LOL
NEWBIE: how did you go in the city to surf race?
MELAINEY: Hope your feeling better soon. Take some panadol (for your temps and aches and pains) and try and get plenty of rest. Hot lemon and honey is also good (and it is safe if you are preggers). But most importantly think of it as man flu and bitch and moan and complain as much as you can LOL
ANGEL: house hunting is never the best. We are in the process of doing the same however we are building (which causes more disagreements then its worth) so we are looking at other houses for ideas. Of course me and DH have 2 completely different ideas on what house we want

but hopefully if they have their house up for sale for the past 3 yrs maybe they will be keen to sell it so make a less offer and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. Also (am I am sure you have) have you taken a pregnancy test? The fact that AF is so short and light could this be a implantation bleed? Now I am definately no expert (seeing I have NEVER been pregnant before) but from what I have read and from what I have heard from friends this can happen. One of the girls I work with didn't realise she was pregnant until she was about 7 wks as she got a light period when she was actually due her period so thought nothing of it. And missed her next period which is when she got a BFP and the Dr then confirmed how far along she was. I don't mean to get any hopes or anything up but you never know.
MUM2Q: Are you STILL watching all those baby channels? HOpefully by the end of the day you will be so up to date with all this information that you will be able to answer all of our questions
LLPM: such a lovely and wonderful idea of what you did with your wedding dress. Mine is hanging up waiting to be dry cleaned. Still haven't gotten around to it. I heard of a place in Dublin who dry cleans your wedding dress and then packs it professionally into a clear box so nothing can get in and destroy it but you can still see it. My mother kept hers and then after me and my brother were born she cut it up and made our christening gowns out of it. I like that idea. Maybe something I would consider (got to get pregnant first

PAMMY: everything is crossed (except my legs) for you. Hope these are early signs.
EVERYONE: have a couple of questions for you all...... what does FF mean? I see you girls post it sometimes on this. If you are doing your temp charting do you use just a normal thermometer and what time of the day do you test? Also you know how the day your period arrives that is classed as day 1 if you ovulate on monday do you class this as 1dpo or do you class tuesday as 1 dpo. I ovulated (according to my OPKs) last wednesday so I am either day 12 or day 11. AF is due on wednesday coming and I am desperately eager to do a test. LOL