2woohoo- sorry about your hives...are they any better? do antihistamines help? yay for days off work too!!!
lisa -

yay for Ov'ing!!!
pammy- sounds like you had a good night, gotta love a tax refund
angel- FX that the relaxed approach works, im with the other girls - i think it has a high rate of working, less stress = more babies

I will miss your chart though, i'll just

everyones more closely

A movie and tim tams, sounds excellent, i might have to schedule that in for myself next week

yay for the acupuncture, finally!!! you'll feel worlds better, and therefore im sure you'll have a much better day tomorrow and good weekend all around!!
melainey - just keep

just in case

I call OH everything under the sun, but when i want something, its babylove, haha
rosie - triple yay for three days off, and more for acupuncture, i think you'll like it and benefit from it, let us know how you go!
I might be daft or maybe forgotten but i didnt see the FB page thingy

maddy- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Hope you have a relaxing night and a great weekend!!!

sorry for the delay ladies,

, scan was at 1130 in the morning, but was talking to my mum, and drinking my litre of water before then, then after we had to go run errands/shopping. Then got home and of course had to call and update my mum, and we can chat forever. Even OH was like ' you better get on that forum soon'
Sorry for worrying you all, everything is good! Rosie and

you'll both be saddened to hear its just one bub in there

OH was thrilled for that news, heart rate was low but 'normal' at 109, and measured at 6w1d. Found quite a large cyst on right ovary, and apparently its not where it should - hanging lower than where it should be off to the side, so we'll see what DR says about that tomorrow AM.