Hi ladies,
Hope you are having a great day. Mine has just started. But I have a question.... for those who temp (especially you there Newbie

) I don't actually understand what I am looking for. I know I have only been taking my temps for about a week now so it is probably too early to tell anything but what is cross hairs? Then I saw someone mention triphase?? Or something like that. I don't understand.
I am currently sitting on CD7 and usually from CD8 I start using my OPKs as I usually get my smiley faces on day 10 or 11 (though I have had them on day 9 before) so are my temps suppose to be rising now seeing I am close to O-ing?
ANGEL: glad to hear that you are finally getting better. That cold/flu you had was a pretty bad dose. Your front page is correct for me.
2MUMS: sorry your feeling crap and it sucks that you can't take anything. Hope your on the mend soon.
MADDY: so glad you got to see that new doctor. The same thing happened to me. I was seeing my normal GP for 18mths and she did my day 3 and day 21 bloods and that was about it. She kept saying "give it another 6mths". So she headed off on maternity leave and I saw someone else. My first visit to her I had about 5+ vials of blood taken as well, she tested for everything, booked me in for a scan, gave me the rundown on the fertility clinic, gave me the papers to fill out and made an appointment and referred DH to have his SA test as well. It puts your mind at ease when you have someone wanting to help you out in this frustrating time.
BEC: fingers crossed for you. Newbie was right... your not out yet. You can get false positives.
PAMMY: looking good for you as well. Fingers crossed for that BFP. Happy Anniversary as well. What a lovely anniversary present that would be. Enjoy your evening.
MELAINEY: Get onto that new DR. Don't mess around with this. Make them listen to you! Also Killkenny absolutely flogged Tipp yesterday so its a Kill v Galway hurling final. Also Rose of Tralee starts tonight.

LOL The Saw Doctors are playing. I know I know, tomorrow night (tue) you will be hanging on waiting impatiently for which Rose is crowed


Hello to everyone else that I haven't made a personal mention to. Hope you are having a great day. Actually looking forward to work this week. My boss is away for a week so we get a break from him and have a relaxing week!

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon/night.