Hi! Im from Sydney! got to say it feels nice to be on here, ive been a shy reader for the past little while!(I google all my TWW symptoms and get my hopes up) Its quite hard when no one you know knows that you are TTC....(they all seem to be getting pregnant around me though)
You will love it on here All of us ladies have formed a great bond And I know how you feel everybody everybody does seem to be getting duffers but it will be your time soon
You are not alone Abby!!! I can safely admit that even tho i say 'im not going to this month' i always end up hanging out with my dear friend google....
I've resolved that I should start drinking more water at work as it seems to be doing the trick for a fair few other women here!!!
Laineypopsicles i wish i was still in bed!!!! Old is very tired now....i think the weekend is taking its toll and i need a few days off now to recover!!! Might need a quick nap after work though to make sure have the energy to tonight cos little August Eggy should be here for its monthly play date in the next few days!!!
I normally do but this month i didnt. i suspected it was interfering with BD, so managed to BD more rather than stick a thermometer in my mouth...I hope it works...but this means im not sure where i am. My first positive OPK was last Monday, so i guess that makes me 7dpo. Although Forelife OPK seems to still give me a positive opk, and clear blue a negative, which has added to my confusion and woe!
Also my first month using preseed! Which we both liked. I read so many good things about it so had to try.
normally i chart myself on excel, but i see you lovely ladies have charts in your signatures. I will endeavour to do this next month.
How are you all going? TWW symptoms? im having my usual odd cramp, but this month bbs seem slightly fuller (or may be im putting on weight) and i get the odd ovary twinge! which is a very new symptom for me
Cossime .. Yeah you are posting right ! Where are you from???
Abby - I know hey this is only my second month charting (over a year trying) and sometimes it does seem a little bit stresful but all in all I think (for me) it's a great thing cause it is keeping me busy haha! I don't really use OPK's so I can't really inform but there are some other lovely ladies that will be more than happy to help when they get online
My "symptoms" are just really tiredness and SORE boobs haha! But that is just normal for me I think
I did like charting (last month though i went triphasic and got a tad excited) My home made charts are quite colourful and pretty! i even went so far as to do an ovulation/sperm timeline. the whole you ovulate 12-36 hours after a positive O test and sperm can last 72 plus hours was more calculations i could do in my head....so i did a (very pretty) timeline! i knew then that i had perhaps crossed to the dark side of crazy TTC lady
Im regularly in the crazy category! Poor DH! it was so funny he asked me what i was doing with new colouring pens! Ha...i couldnt bring myself to say i bought special pens to make a sperm timeline chart!
Cossime Yeah I am not actually Australian German/Irish .. but a trainee aussie hehe There are mostly Aussies on this thread but we have a few others like myself You will love this thread
Abby - haha That is too funny I love me some good colouring pencils haha!
Melaiinnneeyy.... you have an awesome looking chart!! I hope this is your month. Mini Melainey I have a good feeling for you girl. I hope my holiday is my concieving time.. fxed.
Thanks for the warm welcomes ladies!!! This site must work seeing I have already spent the last 1 hour on here lol!!! Now onto trying to get me some tickers...
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