Hi all, won't comment on everything but just wanted to say 2mums, don't worry about that job! It really isn't worth it!
Btw I found out at my early pregnancy blood tests with maggie that I was not immune to rubella (despite having the booster!!) it obviously wasn't a problem and no one seemed too worried about! I had the vaccine within an hour of Maggie being born, they wouldn't let me leave the delivery room or shower till I'd had it but no biggie!!
Hi kiwi, sorry you had a crap day!! Hope tomorrow is better! It is so sad seeing all those poor little kids isn't it?! It scared me so much too, so many of those kids were born healthy and then had an accident or got sick, just can't take health for granted! My friend is a spinal Injuries physio for kids and she works with kids who have had accidents and broken their necks mostly and are now partly or fully paralyzed! It freaks me out when I talk to her but I know I can't wrap my kids in cotton wool!
Well I'm finally in the TWW!! Yippee, a little disappointed at being only 3dpo (& not 7dpo like I thought!!) FF has it that I O'd on CD23, but my cramps stopped and cm had dried up then?! It doesn't really make sense to me! Wish I'd used OPK's now...oh well at least I have ovulated! Now just got to wait 8/9 days to find out one way or the other! AF is due either next Friday or Saturday, which is a bummer as I'm going on a girly weekend then!