Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Melainey - I checked out that pregnancy test thing....I'm having a girl... 15 lbs, 5 oz. holy F***!!!! hahaha
So I just check and I have the smaller amount of EWCM and my cervix is high and closed, so I'm hopin that's a good sign! (:
Hi Mum2Q how are you today? :)

Yeah it is getting a bit much now :haha: Just my luck that AF would be late first month charting :rofl:
Mum2Q, we've been trying since November! But as I said in earlier post I had milk issues after breast feeding, so even though I was technically fertile & ovulating my hormones seemed a bit all over the place, my cycles have been regular for 5cycles (until this one!) though! Didn't ever think it would take 8cycles (or more!) to get my 3rd baby!!
Melainey - yes...they will be VERY big! hahaha

LLPM - that's a huge baby!! was it a c-section delivery? Yeah, it does get frustrating. I have had the desire to be pregnant for a long long time... for a while there I put on weight as I liked the look of having a bigger belly. lol... not heaps of weight, but enough for me to notice it, and I was like oohhh...imagine if that was a baby in there. haha crazy! I know how it feels to want it so badly, but I can imagine it's so hard when you have been through it and know where you want to get to again! You were so lucky to get 2 babies first try!
Mum2Q, nope he came out but with a fair bit of persuasion from forceps! I know, when she put it on FB I was like "surely she wrote it wrong" but then in the photo's there's a photo of him lying on the baby scales with those huge numbers! Poor girl!
I know we've been so very blessed with our girls, part of me feels awful writing on here when I know most people are trying for their first, but as you say it's hard knowing what it feels like to hold a newborn baby and want it so badly!! I think my desire for our third baby is stronger than with the girls, not that I want another baby more than I wanted them but my desire is to complete our family, if that's makes sense?! Really hope All you lovely ladies get your longed for babies, hopefully sooner than later but even if it takes longer,I still hope it happens for all of you!! X
yeah makes so much sense! It's fine to write here, everyone has a different story, but is in the same boat! all we can do is be here to listen to eachother!!
Melainey- can you repost that link, i wanna try!!! (but dont wanna scoll through our whole day of convo :))
I was 10lbs1oz, so already freaked out about having a huge baby, my shoulders got stuck too, my poor mum was in labour for 22 hours, i was breach, then sideways, then stuck, and huge!! And of course she's wished it all upon me :haha:

Llmp- dont feel guilty at all, i wont speak for everyone, but as someone who wants a first soo bad, I also couldnt imagine the heartache of jsut wanting to complete your family, that feeling that one is missing and trying for so long to complete! Dont feel guilty, like Mum2 said, we all have different stories and we support no matter what, I think having your third and final is jsut as important as us having our firsts!! #8 was (hopefully) lucky for us, I wish the same for you!!!

Mum2- Hows your symptoms today, temp, feeling, anything to report?!?!? (or did i miss it?)

Anyone seen Angel yet? Really hoping she had an ok day!!
temp is up at normal level again, been feeling twinges here & there, nothing much though. I have spotting again, I can now see it when I wipe (last 2 days has been internal only) nothing on pants though... sorry TMI lol

almost tested this morning, DH stopped me tho. waiting til Wed now. It can't come soon enough, although I have a bad feeling.

just a thought - I normally get spotting a couple of days before AF, but never check internally until now. Do you think there is a chance I always spot this early, but never see it as I'm not checking, or is it more likely that it is actually IB?

what are your thoughts??
Mum2Q- Based on your chart, looks like you had implantation dip, and this very well could be IB. TMI warning- what color is your spotting, bc apparently a lighter pinkish is more a sign of IB, where your normal red is AF, and compare to what color you are used to seeing in AF spotting. Seems weird to spot internally or externally so early for AF, but i guess anything is possible. I would lean toward IB bc your temp. I've had some cramps that resemble AF cramping, but 70% have been noticably different, lower, in the center, and more quick, sharp, twinges, pulling/tugging. Hope that helps?!? I have my fx for you!!! :hugs:
Feeling really annoyed, my SIL has pocos and is finding really difficult to TTC and her weight isn't helping the issue, so I like to believe I can talk to her and I mentioned I was feeling off and tried including her as she knows Im not on b/c but she constantly shuts me down and tells me I'm wrong, I know it's because shes jealous but I'm trying to include her as my sister never did and it really hurt her. I feel like she doesn't care because it's obviously me in these shoes and not her, my sister found it really easy to fall pregnant to the point she got pregnant on the pill twice, my mum was pretty firtile too so I believe it should take me long, she holds that against us and is even accusing my sister who has 3 little girls of hiding her current pregnancy yet she's on the implanon and isn't pregnant. I'm scared she's going to be resentful against me when I fall pregnant. I know it's her problem and not mine, but I feel bad as if Ill be rubbing it in her face I'm more fertile then her. :(
Mum2Q- Based on your chart, looks like you had implantation dip, and this very well could be IB. TMI warning- what color is your spotting, bc apparently a lighter pinkish is more a sign of IB, where your normal red is AF, and compare to what color you are used to seeing in AF spotting. Seems weird to spot internally or externally so early for AF, but i guess anything is possible. I would lean toward IB bc your temp. I've had some cramps that resemble AF cramping, but 70% have been noticably different, lower, in the center, and more quick, sharp, twinges, pulling/tugging. Hope that helps?!? I have my fx for you!!! :hugs:

You always know the right thing to say to put a smile on a girl's face!! :)

It's more a brownish colour than pinkish, but it's defo not like AF colour! first it started as small amounts of brown streaks in CM, now it is sort of brown tinge. I can still see creamy CM too, so it's not like AF where it's all just one colour....if that makes sense. and yeah, my cramps are the same as yours, more to the centre and down low, but not in the same place, or the same feeling as AF cramps... I really only call them cramps for want of a better word...

I really hope it all means something, I will be so excited if I can join you through pregnancy!!

The thing is that before when I thought I was almost due, I thought it was good I hadn't had any symptoms cos I know I'm not symptom spotting, then I started to get these cramps and stuff and thought 'oh thats a good sign' then it turns out that actually happened from about I dunno if it's a sign of anything or not...time will tell.....

sort of have a bit of lower back pain - not PAIN, but more tender/can feel it... sorry for rambling on so much...
Hi ladies :) I'm back survived my day at work (just)! Kiddies were pretty good but did have to deal with some friendship group issues between a couple of my boys after lunch... ahh to only have the life problems being faced by 8 year olds! Went back to the dr this arvo as I finished my antibiotics this morning and still wasn't feeling great - he has given me some antihistamines to try and dry my sinuses up... hopefully that'll work!

So I just caught up on the 8 pages of posts that I missed today! Wow you girls can talk! LOL not that I can talk! Welcome to Callie and Aquiss! Such a lovely group in here - so supportive! In fact like the others I am totally addicted - love you ladies so much and really missed you all today - I just had to read the whole 8 pages as I'd hate to have missed out on something!

Massive day for us today... after our open home on saturday we had a lady come back through with her family for a second look... well today she put in a verbal offer (not official yet as we were supposed to be selling at auction so there is no cooling off even for early offers) she desperately wants our house but is getting a pest a building inspection done tomorrow and will put in an offical offer pending the outcome of that. Her offer was awesome though - like out of this world amazing! About $50000 than we were expecting! It would be such an answer to prayer if it all went through as it would mean we could buy in the same area without extending our mortgage and would take major pressure off me having to worry as much about going back to work after we have a baby. But not official at all yet so trying really hard not to get excited! For those of you who are praying types (I know we all have different views in here after catching up on today's posts :) - I'm on the same page as LLPM Christian - for those interested) I'd love prayer for a couple of specific things house wise - 1. that pest and building inspection doesn't show up any nasty surprises tomorrow...2. that she doesn't need a bank valuation (unlikely as she has already sold and is down sizing so cashed up) as bank will likely value it a fair bit lower than her offer... and 3. that it all goes through and she maintains (or even extends) her offer!

Also... I check this arvo and I had a fair bit of watery, almost Eggwhitey CM - not as stretchy or as much as yesterday but definitely not dry - so still in with a chance this month!

Melainey, LLPM and Mum to Q still can't believe we haven't had a BFP from any of you! I'm getting impatient on your behalves! Really praying this is your month - I still feel like it is! Thinking positive thoughts for you all... and everyone else of course!

Typing on the run angel but watch those antihistamines-they will dry up your cm as well.....

Will write more when not driving!!!
Typing on the run angel but watch this antihistamines-they will dry up your cm as well.....

Will write more when not driving!!!

Oh thanks Newbie - I will keep an eye on that - maybe I'll hold off on taking them until I see that spike in my temp! I did take one already bu thave some :spermy: friendly lube so might use that to help counteract it!
Angel - that's fantastic news about your house!! We're building and our valuation came back lower than we expected - luckily we were able make up the difference so our borrowing % didn't have to go up.

I can't believe how stressful house stuff is - I said to DF we are never going to move once our house is built coz I don't want to have to deal with banks and all that again!
Angel - that's fantastic news about your house!! We're building and our valuation came back lower than we expected - luckily we were able make up the difference so our borrowing % didn't have to go up.

I can't believe how stressful house stuff is - I said to DF we are never going to move once our house is built coz I don't want to have to deal with banks and all that again!

I hear you - we bought our current place 8 years ago - was by far the most stressful thing I've ever been through - dealing with so many different people and oh the paperwork! This time we are selling and buying - surely that means double the stress! Am hoping all goes smoothly but nothing ever seems to actually work out that way in real life so am mentally prepared for a bumpy ride! LOL

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