Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!! can run....but you CANNOT HIDE!!

Melainey you really do crack me up :rofl:

Has been a quiet day on the old thread today! Perhaps we had a few od's yesterday from the 40 or so pages that got posted!

Regardless, I hope everyone has had a great day. I myself am very glad that my work day is almost done...

Ginny- I'm soo excited for your scan!! I will probably POAS tomorrow, who knows, but its hard not too! I'll have to ask my GP for flu shot too esp travelling in the states over winter, and long airplane rides, full of germs!!
Melainey omg!!! Hilarious!! :rofl: Although I have to admit what I was told about pregnancy gas is no joke, its been pretty rough for my family this week :blush:
Rosie- dont feel too bad I've POAS 5 times in that many days! (minus today, yay)
I think we all get along bc we all hae a bit of the crazy in us, sense of humour is obviously running rampant in here, thankfully!! I love you koooky crazy ladies, bc it means I fit in!!!!
I'm here Melainey, taking my time answering everything, and OH just got home so i was only half here, haha :hugs:
I helped keep the thread quiet today, went to the gym for an hour, then went shopping!! Got my nephews christmas done, one of their upcoming birthdays done, two of my friends birthdays done, and went to the winter clothes sale to stock up for our trip to the states in Dec! I love a successful day shopping, although quite tired and ready for a :shower: My new shampoo arrived today, yay!!! oh the little things in life :dance:
LLPM - I don't really have one doctor it's more a few doctors and most of them I cannot understand hahaha :rofl: But I will talk to him when I go back because something has to be done :) FX that this is your month :)

I am very hopeful that I will become pregnant in the next 6 months as my medium/psychic told me so hahahah :rofl actually 2 differnt ones told me !! Maybe it's something :winkwink: hehe

Newbie - Exactly ... DO NOT TRY TO HIDE hehehe :rofl: I will find you everytime ;) hehehe Yeah it is very quiet today :) everyone is chilling :)

I know Ginny I can't wait to hear all about your scan! Hurry up 3 weeks :happydance:

2mums - It's great when OH/DH comes home hey :) The other night when I was a little more kooky than usual and really wanted cuddles (what's new :rofl: ) and I climbed under the blanket and crawled down to DH (he was down the end of the bed) and made up a really random song and dance about wanting cuddles :rofl: He pissed himself laughing and gave me sooooo many cuddles and everyday since we sing the song and he comes in and just automatically gives me cuddles hehe I feel so much closer to him! Oh and today when he called me on his break he said that I was his " little Irish leprachaun with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow" hahahaha how cute is that? And I had nothing so I said your my little Kangaroo hehehe and he liked it sooooo.... Just thought I would share :happydance: :hugs: You go give your woman a big big cuddle :happydance:

I LOVE SHOPPING :) Pitty I have no money at the moment but when I get a job I am so going shopping hehe and it's TAX TIME :happydance: I love tax time! We don't get that back home so it is awesome that we get it here hehehehe :happydance:

Me and DH are going to the gym later :) And I am driving :) (I am so bad at parking ladies it scares the pants off me haha )

Hey Girls,

My work day is almost over :). Tomorrow I am taking my daughter Audrina to Myrna Farm in the morning so I don’t think I will be able to log on. will try to at night Saturday I will be doing house work & looking after toddler on my own so it looks like I might only be able to jump on at night. But if I don’t I hope you all have a fantastic weekend & stay positive. xx
Yeah, my DH will be over the moon, he already rubs my 'bubby oven' and there's no baby there yet. Haha it's beautiful that your oh gets involved and shares it with you! It would be hard to be a woman having a baby and not being pregnant, so I take my hat off to her!

Yeah its a weird concept when I see it written down, it is hard for her to be having a baby not not being pregnant. But I am very careful with what I say and do, to make sure she's included, its always we, ours not i, mine or me. Even her mum the other day said "well it wont really be mine", she was a little sad, and I went off (nicely) and explained its just as much her grandbaby as it is my mums grandbaby! Its a little 'easier' bc OH has been pregnant before and knows what I am going through and what im feeling and will be feeling throughout, so that is a silver lining i guess.
Its' great that you are keeping her in the loop tho :) How did you guys decide who was going to carry the baby? Either way it is both of your baby and I am so happy that you guys are pregnant :) :happydance:

I love all you kooky ladies :)

Hey Lisa :) Hope to speak to you soon :) x
Its' great that you are keeping her in the loop tho :) How did you guys decide who was going to carry the baby? Either way it is both of your baby and I am so happy that you guys are pregnant :) :happydance:

I love all you kooky ladies :)

Hey Lisa :) Hope to speak to you soon :) x

Decision was easy for us, for multiple reasons, I'm the younger one, and she's been pregnant to full term (lost her daughter at 2.5yrs in a car accident, drunk driver smashed into her), and with her past open heart surgery and blood thinners/meds she has to take now it would make it a much more high risk pregnancy, so I get to do all the heavy lifting, hopefully twice, for us!!! :cloud9:
I am so sorry about your OH's daughter that is aweful. Obviously devastating :cry: I really hope this little bean sticks for you guys :hugs:
Yay work done and dusted for another day - just packing up my desk (not before a quick read and a post) and then heading home for some arvo tea!

2mums I am so very sorry to hear about your OH's loss - that would be absolutely devastating - I can't even imagine how you would recover from something like that! Not that I didn't want this little bean to be a sticky one for you 2 before but I want it even more for you both now! Will be praying extra hard that all goes well!

Melainey - my DH and I are forever singing silly songs to each other too - and to our pets - I love it - makes life far more interesting! I do hope AF hurries up and arrives for you so you can get on with the next cycle! Have your temps dropped below your coverline yet - if not there may still be a chance that this is your month - not trying to get your hopes up or anything - just want it to be for you!

LLPM - I hope you are having a lovely day with the girls :)

I will read a few more posts that I've missed when I get home and catch up with the rest of you then...still thinking of you all even when I don't specifically make mention of you! I think I am going to make a list up of all the ladies on this thread and where we are all up to so I can keep track without having to scroll back through the 100+ pages! Love it that we are all so close and such good friends even though we don't really know each other - really is a very special thing! xx
2mums - It's great when OH/DH comes home hey :) The other night when I was a little more kooky than usual and really wanted cuddles (what's new :rofl: ) and I climbed under the blanket and crawled down to DH (he was down the end of the bed) and made up a really random song and dance about wanting cuddles :rofl: He pissed himself laughing and gave me sooooo many cuddles and everyday since we sing the song and he comes in and just automatically gives me cuddles hehe I feel so much closer to him! Oh and today when he called me on his break he said that I was his " little Irish leprachaun with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow" hahahaha how cute is that? And I had nothing so I said your my little Kangaroo hehehe and he liked it sooooo.... Just thought I would share :happydance: :hugs: You go give your woman a big big cuddle :happydance:
... And I am driving :) (I am so bad at parking ladies it scares the pants off me haha )


too freaking cute!!!! Little leprachauns and kangaroo's singing cuddle songs, i wannna play :brat: hahaha Your time for bubs is just around the corner, you two seem happier now, and getting settled and closer, and thats when the lil baby comes (to destroy it all) :rofl:

park at the wayyyy back of the lot, :haha:

Loving that flasher! cracks me up every time!:rofl:

Would post one of these (:holly:) but I wasn't bless with big enough boobies for it to actually represent me... Oh well!

Lol, me neither angel!

Yeah, my DH will be over the moon, he already rubs my 'bubby oven' and there's no baby there yet. Haha it's beautiful that your oh gets involved and shares it with you! It would be hard to be a woman having a baby and not being pregnant, so I take my hat off to her!

Yeah its a weird concept when I see it written down, it is hard for her to be having a baby not not being pregnant. But I am very careful with what I say and do, to make sure she's included, its always we, ours not i, mine or me. Even her mum the other day said "well it wont really be mine", she was a little sad, and I went off (nicely) and explained its just as much her grandbaby as it is my mums grandbaby! Its a little 'easier' bc OH has been pregnant before and knows what I am going through and what im feeling and will be feeling throughout, so that is a silver lining i guess.

You seem to be handing everything perfectly! (Didn't mean to make it sound weird...I just know what I'm like with wanting a baby, and trying to imagine giving DH a chance to carry baby)

I totally agree with you with grandbabies. I am a very family oriented person... My DH's little boy, even though not my own, will have my love the same as my own children will, and my parents have taken him on board & love him like their other grandchildren. It's all very new to us as it's taken us a long time to get to the stage where he has been allowed into our lives, but we're finally there and there is so much love, and I think it's so special to have grandparents in the mix, and in our case, the more thr merrier!

DH's parents split when he was 4 so they both have other partners, so now his little boy has 4 sets of grand parents between all of us! haha
sorry...don't know why so many quote boxes in that one... lol

Melainey - you will get the hang of parking soon! But I'm with 2mums - WAAAAYYYY down the back!! hjhahaha
2mums I am so very sorry to hear about your OH's loss - that would be absolutely devastating - I can't even imagine how you would recover from something like that! Not that I didn't want this little bean to be a sticky one for you 2 before but I want it even more for you both now! Will be praying extra hard that all goes well!

Melainey - my DH and I are forever singing silly songs to each other too - and to our pets - I love it - makes life far more interesting! I do hope AF hurries up and arrives for you so you can get on with the next cycle! Have your temps dropped below your coverline yet - if not there may still be a chance that this is your month - not trying to get your hopes up or anything - just want it to be for you!

... I think I am going to make a list up of all the ladies on this thread and where we are all up to so I can keep track without having to scroll back through the 100+ pages! Love it that we are all so close and such good friends even though we don't really know each other - really is a very special thing! xx

Thank you for your prayers Angel, means alot, she is super duper confident it will stick til nine months, I guess after hearing all the stories here and all the m/c, i'm a bit more cautious, but seems strong thus far.

We sang this cycle, made up a bunch of little songs- to my follicle (to grow), to the egg (to drop and be healthy), and the sperm (to be fast and get to that egg), every day, and every insemination we sang, haha. I'm not saying it made the difference...but we did get a BFP, lol so keep singing ladies :seranade:

If you make that list, please copy and paste it for me too!! I'm having a heck of a time remembering everyone's statuses. :hugs:
Decision was easy for us, for multiple reasons, I'm the younger one, and she's been pregnant to full term (lost her daughter at 2.5yrs in a car accident, drunk driver smashed into her), and with her past open heart surgery and blood thinners/meds she has to take now it would make it a much more high risk pregnancy, so I get to do all the heavy lifting, hopefully twice, for us!!! :cloud9:

Oh, wow. How devastating. I'm so sorry to hear that. I cannot comprehend how awful that must be. xo
Mum2q- you didnt make it sound weird, or i didnt take it as such, kinda funny though thinking of the DH's carrying :haha:

My family is like that too, soo many grandparents, bc my sister and I are half sisters, so her kids have like 6 sets of grandparents with all the divorce and re-marriages, its crazy! Plus two sets of great grand parents. They get spoiled rotten at Christmas needless to say. Mine wont be that bad, 3 sets, plus one great grand parent, but that is more than enough for any one child to try to deal with, haha. We're going to make sure everyone on both sides is equally involved, as much as possible being in two different countries! = :plane:

edit- so happy to hear your DH son is a big part of your and Dh's life these days, so much better for the kids that way!! :hugs:
well ladies, I have had a glass of wine with my mum today, she called in and it would be rude not to... lol hope I'm not preggy, but if I am, I'm sure it's not going to hurt my little bean! I'm pretty sure that I'm out. Turns out I didn't need my 'protection' today, but I'm not going to test tomorrow as I know the answer. If I don't get AF by Sat, I will test again on Sunday, but I don't think I will make it that far.

I'm going to clean up my home for hubby to come home to and then make some dinner, so I'll be back in time for home & away. lol
AF HAS ARRIVED LADIES :) hehehehehe SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED !! So I am officially on CD one again! Ok so I have decided that I need to lose a little weight ( I mean I want to lose 20Kgs but realistically I need to lose anout 10Kgs before getting pregnant! So I was looking at the bodytrim thingy? Anybody know if it is good? I think I accidentally signed up for a free trial they keep calling me and I am not answering hahaha! :rofl: I don't want to have to pay for it ya know!

Hehe 2mums I am hopeful that we will get our little one soon enough :happydance:

mum2Q and 2mums - yea I will park waaaayyyyy back hehehehe!! It's jst hard because the bloody ute is so big hahaha!!

Singing is great hey Angel :) I think it makes everything just seem less stressfull :) :happydance: Oh and 2mums keep singing to that little bean :) :happydance:
Mum2Q- a glass of wine wont hurt any bean in there, I had one, but it would have been before implantation, we have one friend who brings a bottle every friday for the footy, ive gotten out of it last week and already have a plan for tomorrows, but its so hard without them knowing whats going on!

Melainey :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay for starting your cycle and another chance!!! :thumbup: I don't trust bodytrim, but thats just bc the guy freaks me out, i dont have any substantial to go off of. I lost by not eating carbs and cookies for a week (4kg right there!) was soooo hard though!!! Eat heaps of protein, fruit and vege! I lost more with my food than the gym, i go to the gym to help keep metabolism up though and work on toning and strength. Good luck, I lost by constantly telling myself it was for the baby- it was my motivation! You can do it!!! :hugs: Oh and don't drink for a few weeks, kg drop there too!!
Melainey... cd1 :) let the countdown to ov begin!

I don't know much about bodytrim but agree with 2mums about the high protein low carb diet (that is how I lost my weight - I followed the dukan diet - I lost the first 10kg in 8 weeks!). You can do it hun - best motivation in the world!

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