Hi everybody! Big day!!! I've finally sat down with a big fat glass of wine! it's going down beautifully!! (it's Maker's Table Sauv Blanc for anyone who likes a nice drop (sorry 2mums & Ginny!!) it's areally cheap one I think, but it delicious!!!)
well today is officially CD1, so Angel, you can update me if you like!
LLPM - Thanks for that explanation, it really makes sense now, I knew there was a difference in hormones etc, but didn't know what the length of the LP meant, so that's awesome! Good luck with testing tomorrow! I hope if it a big fat positive for you!!!!!
2mums - good job on the gym work, it will be good to keep up your healthy lifestyle for bub!
Jayne - welcome! I can't remember if I said it or not... sorry! haha I've got baby brain...minus the baby... lol I find the best way to get through the TWW is to try not to over think things...just wait it out & don't look into every little twitch, just chat with us & enjoy the friendship, makes it go quickly on here!
Angel - so glad things are going your way! I think that this will be your month, all that stress off your shoulders would have made BD lovin' more like celebration lovin' and it's way better for making babies!!! haha
My birthday is 15th September...and I'm just behind Jayne as an almost 23 year old and an 89 baby.
Melainey -

so sad to be without you for now! it sucks big time that he would take you camping with your period...lol he owes you more than us!!! hahaha other than that, have a great time!!! you will love it when you get there! I love love LOVE camping!!! it's how DH & I met...was so great, we really got to know each other so well....and there was no make-up, no hair straightners, no shaving legs...really my style, and I felt so at home with him - he even made me a little shelter inthe middle of the camp site so I could have a nap, but not hav to go to bed! lol I LOOOVVEEEE camping!
Hope you;v e all had a great day!!
oops...number lock wasn't on first time round...