Babies and Cats co-existing


TTC #4
Dec 8, 2012
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I've been concerned about this for quite awhile, but now that that I'm in the last trimester, I really want to get this figured out.

We have 4 cats, all with claws. They aren't aggressive. I think for the most part they'll want to stay away from LO. Might be curious at first, but then will probably keep their distance. (We've never had issues with scratching or biting - they are generally very good cats)

I'm mostly worried about keeping the cats out of the crib. There really is only with 1 or 2 of them I'm worried about. 1 is too old and the other is very skittish, so I doubt she'll spend much time investigating LO.

The other 2, however, can be trouble makers. Not bad exactly, but are the more curious of the 4 and like to investigate. They've never liked closed doors. If a door is closed, they will scratch at it until you open it. DH gets irritated by it and usually gives in to them (they totally have him wrapped around their paws!). They like the closet in LO's room (because it leads to a cubby hole that they love, which I want closed up more than anything, but DH keeps it open because they scratch at it constantly if closed up).

I'm worried about them jumping into the crib. DH thinks they'll investigate it at first and then leave it alone, but I'm worried that they won't. I think 1 may be more problematic than the other.

I looked into a crib mesh, but nothing about them made me comfortable (for several reasons).

How can the cats and LO co-exist safely? Especially when it comes to LO's room and crib? Any suggestions on getting cats used to LO's furniture so that they will leave it alone? I also worry about them jumping into the bassinet... I think this scares me more right now since there'd at least be room in the crib where they'd be less likely to accidentally hurt LO. The thought of them jumping into the bassinet makes me sick.

Ive been worried about this too and would love to hear some suggestions or experiences!
We have 2 cats and have had 2 babies, expecting our 3rd, with our first we used the nets over the Moses basket but to be honest, the cats never went near it at all, we didn't bother using them with the second as they were totally uninterested. We found they were protective of babies but from a distance, like if we lay baby on the playmat on the floor, they would sit right at the edge of the mat, never on the mat, it was like they were looking after them but from a distance

I'd get the nets for the crib to start with and see how they go, we also set up the crib a good 6 weeks before our first was due so we could judge how the cats were reacting to change and see if they went near it etc
I've been slowly training my cat (who was my baby and slept in bed with me etc) to not come into bedrooms at night and gave her a new special bed. Took her a while to get used to but loves it now. Also she was always an indoor cat. So now she is chopped and we let her out and about so she gets all her curiosities sorted! Generally comes in about 5pm Absolutelt zonked!!! Mine would be curious but will have to learn bub's room is no go. And any interaction between cat and bub's closely monitored with water spray nearby! That's all I can honestly think of to do!

Any further suggestions welcome.
Oh, and once babies were 6 months and go into their own room, we ensured that door was shut at all times, it is the only room in the house that is a no go area for the cats
I was worried about the same. My cat sleeps either with me, or on a chair in our spare room, what will become the nursery. We set the crib and moses basket up a few weeks ago, he had a sniff, and that's it. The crib is on a rug to protect the carpet, and I've found him a few times asleep under the crib, but he's never made any attempt to get into either. I'm fairly confident once there's a wriggly, crying newborn in there, he'll be keeping his distance even more!! x
Make them get used to not going in the room LO will sleep in - our cat loved DS when he was a baby and would try everything to sleep inside his moses basket with him!! We kept her out of the bedroom and always kept the door closed.

Now we have moved she sleeps in the kitchen with the door shut or goes outside at night.

Even now when shes in she sneaks into DS room to sleep with him!! Nightmare cat lol - you will find something that works for you and your cats xx
We've got two indoor cats, they are currently in training! The babies room is completely off limits unless we are there to supervise (as I want them to learn is actually a boring room!). Our bedroom door gets shut at night so they aren't allowed in, they both have their own beds in the spare room which keeps them happy (although they use the spare bed more than anything!) but we do get the 4am wake up call at the door from our oldest cat till she gets fed. We are trying to train her into not waking up so early (I was recommended to use one of the Bachs flower remedies to chill her out a bit which seems to be working).

They've both had an investigate of the Moses basket but they get shouted at when they go in it (the plastic cover is still on for now) but they've left the pram alone which I was surprised about!

You might want to try some Feliway around your due date so they accept the new family member easily, other than that just start making the room the crib will go in off limits. Remember when bubs arrives to give the cats plenty of attention, that's usually why trouble starts as they are used to being your focus of attention.

I imagine they'll leave the baby alone for the most part, they may come over and have a look but I'd be surprised if they do more than that as they'll know babies are unpredictable so wont want to get too close! It'll be the comfy baby furniture (Moses baskets etc) that they'll like so don't leave them alone wit the crib and just keep an eye on them, don't leave pets and babies alone together etc.

When the baby is older (I.e moving around!) remember to reinforce that you have to be gentle with cats, get the LO used to stroking gently and not chasing the cats as that's what will cause them stress!
I worry about this too. Not long ago our cat snuck into the babys room and ate a chunk of our moses basket while the covers were off for washing, apparently cats love wicker? lol. Anyway we've been keeping the door closed since, which he hates, but now the covers are back on I keep wondering if he'll do it again. I think what we're going to do is get another cover that goes around the top sides, and put it on the bottom, so there is no delicious wicker on display!
For our room we have a cot, and we're putting that up today, so fingers crossed he doesn't develop a fascination with it but if he does we'll stand his scratching post in it, he's SCARED of it, lol. Wont go near it at all!
He also likes to sleep in the shopping bit at the bottom of our pram and he claimed our baby gym mat, both of which now need cleaning again, the reason they were out in the first place! :haha:
He's been a lot better since we started letting him outside, we recently moved house and kept him in for a month, and in that month he was ripping up carpets and eating wallpaper. He still does that, but on a much smaller scale because hes so tired when he comes in. :haha:
I think we're lucky in that when we first adopted Charlie (he was a stray) we were staying with my parents so they love him too, and if there ever was a big problem with him and the baby they would be happy to take him in and we'd still see him all the time because they live nearby, but it would have to be pretty bad to come to that!

I've read about sprays you can get to discourage cats from certain areas but not sure if they're baby safe too?
Keep them out of the room - the scratching may be annoying to begin with but they'll eventually learn to stop doing it if you don't give in. Be strong! I don't shout at my cats but if they're doing something they shouldn't be I lower the tone of my voice and tell them off, they usually stop. Good luck!
I've never had a problem with my cats and my kids. Same goes with my kids and my dogs. I have had plenty of issues with other people's kids treating our animals disrespectfully. The dogs have always slept under the cribs and the cats elsewhere. They really don't seem all that interested in babies in cribs or bassinets. As soon as the babies were into 'big kid beds' (about 14 months) they had one of the household animals choose them as their person. With my oldest, it was the 8 yr old german shepherd who decided she was his. With my second, the crippled tabby claimed her and then the tuxedo cat after the tabby passed. It seems as though my second is the cat person of the family!
I think the most important thing is teaching a mutual respect between animals and children without ostracizing either. I find it's more difficult to teach the kids to leave the animals alone than the other way around. I think it's also more important. In our house, each respective animal has a 'safe spot' that is their sanctuary and no one is allowed to bother them while the animals are there. Each place is different by animal, and all children in my house (mine or otherwise, and yes I have invoked the ire of other parents) are expected to treat ALL of the animals in my house with kindness and respect.
We've always kept the door shut where LO is sleeping so our cat can't get in there. He's never tried to get into her cot although he did accidentally get shut in her bedroom when I put ner down for a nap once! Luckily I heard his bell tinkle through the monitor so went to get him. If your cats scratch at the doors then there is some spray you can get that smells citrusy (cats hate it) that might help. We had to spray it on our sofas to stop him scratching and it worked a treat. Now LO is in her own room the cat can come for a snuggle on our bed if he wants to. They get on well enough. He's never scratched her because I always make sure he can escape if she wants to stroke him. They run around outside together and he will follow us when we walk around the farm. He has had to take a back seat since Lucy came along but he still gets lots of cuddles and is as playful as ever :)
We have 7 cats and I have never had any issues with them jumping in the cot/crib/pram I never let them in them before my last 3 children were born and haven't allowed them too this time so they know it isn't their territory!
I have also left my newborns and cat's in a room together only whilst I have been to the loo or something that will only take a few seconds and never had any problems.
If I have laid any of my babies on the floor (on changing mat etc) the pets have sniffed their heads and walked away on occasion they would lay beside baby but near their feet. So from my point of view you should be fine :) x
Have you not thought that if you don't open the doors- they will soon get the message? Just a thought.

Also- if the mesh covers weren't safe (which I can assure you they are as I use one) then they wouldn't be on the market would they? Don't be paranoid.
We have 2 cats. They were curious about ds1 when we brought him home but they didn't really bother with him at all. Even now, hey keep out his way and always have done. I never really worried about it, I just made sure I shut the door of the room that he was sleeping in, incase they they jumped in beside him, but tbh they never did because his crying creeped them out :haha:
Looks like there are only two sets of answers so far. Keep the cats out and away or let them be and the cats dont bother the baby at all.

My spare room was my scrapbooking room and cat room for nights/food/water/and litter box. But now its completely off limits and is all baby room. I purchased a $150 three tower cat cage that both my cats sleep in at night with food/water/litter box and they dont have a problem with it. They also stay in there when we arent home. I dont trust cats they are sneaky and are gross. If I known their butts Hershey kissed EVERYTHING I think I would of not got them. LOL

My older male cat is a sneak, I can see him in the baby's room just having a ball. In the stroller, the crib, her playpen etc. I dont know how he will react when baby is here. I think he might be possessive or stay away. He does ride and stay in my daughters baby doll carriage and refuses to get out if it is out so I already know how he is.

My younger female cat is a bish! I dont see her getting into or on ANYTHING she is too skiddish. I do worry about her hair though. Our playpen is black and if I bring it out or near her I am afraid her all white medium thick hair will just cover the whole thing. Its disgusting and I have been trying not to freak as much but I cannot help it.

So my baby's rooms door is closed at all times and they are not allowed in at all. Sucks that I cant just get a gate because the door frame is 1 inch shorter than all the gates and they will probably jump it anyways.

I just make sure the baby's room is shut at all times. However my daughters have left he door open on occasions and yes, Milo my maine coon cross, has been in the cot, car seat, Moses basket and a crib that someone loaned us to use if required. I have had to rewash the covers when that happens.
I tried the cat net over the Moses basket but he just used it like a hammock & seemed to love it!

He still comes into our room at night - sits on window whilst i read then then climbs onto bed or into hubby's cupboard and sleeps amongst his clothes. Tomorrow night will be the last night he gets in overnight, then he will only be allowed in when I am awake in the morning and able to supervise. He weighs about 12 lb so is way bigger than a newborn - could squash her easily :-(. He will just sleep in my older daughters room anyway, which he does from time to time.

During the day, she will be asleep in the Moses basket in my room with door shut or in her pram downstairs. I have a water squirter for deterring him from jumping onto the pram so hoping that will work but I guess I will just shut him out of room initially when baby unattended. My pram is still at my mums so I haven't had the opportunity to see him around it.

I really hope there is no big problem as I would never want to rehome him, in vack would only do that if a severe allergy existed but I think that is fairly unlikely.
We heard that if you put tin foil in the crib - if they jump in it they hate it so much they'll never try again.

We were worried but the cat is a little older and I think the baby beds are too high - but we lined all 3 with tin foil.
I have two cats and we have started training them for the new baby. Our crib has been set up for a couple weeks now and neither cat has attempted to get in the crib. Both of my cats are older though so they may not even be able to jump that high. They did try to get into the moses basket, but we put a SCAT in there which makes a noise and blows mist when the motion sensor is triggered, and they haven't gone near it since. Another option if you don't like the mesh nets is to put room dividers/changing screens around your crib. They would keep the cats out and allow air into the crib without making you close the door.

I was really nervous about how my cats would deal with a new baby, but I watched a bunch of youtube videos showing cats with babies and it calmed my fears.

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