Babies due in JUNE!

Hi Ferne. I left out the 'c' so it was 'changing'. We changed my classroom for the rest of the day. It was horrible.

i am going to stop P'ingOAS on sunday! i have two left. Weirdly, the FRER arent getting very dark at all, but HCG was 125. Oh whatever.

yes, i have a blood test on monday and will return on wednesday for another. Prob becaus ehe is a FS, they monitor the beginning stages more closely. ?

Sunshine I like how you think you are having a boy! Why is that? I think i am having twins because I felt like I had two implantations! Haha. Keep dreaming.
Hi Ferne, I just have a feeling its a boy and dont have a clue why. Twins eh!! I watched a You Tube video yesterday where they thought it was one and it turned out to be 3!! I would genuinely be gutted if that happened to me. One is fine thank you!!
New ladies just got their BFPs in the October testing page! WooHoooooo!!
So when are we considered 'out of the risk of miscarriage'? Everyone talks about 3 months, but is that truly the case?

What is going on with everyone else?

Who have you guys told so far? im not keeping it a secret from my sisters, mom and close friends.... Everyone else will have to wait until my Nov 11 OB appointment.

I have another blood test tmrw to make sure numbers are doubling as theyre supposed to. I am still temping because I want to be sure that all is OK, as far as I can see, but no more POAS for me. yesterday, I intentionally used my last one, so that I dont have anymore to pee on! Ridiculous.
Good question. I think I'll have to tell everybody by Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving that is. Today is Canadian TG. HAPPY THANKSGIVING CANADA!) because I'm sure I'll be showing enough that my busy body family will figure it out. Otherwise, I would wait until after I had genetic testing done NT and CVS or Amnio.

Who have I told? I told the same people I would tell IF I had a miscarriage - my four closest friends and one of my siblings.
triplets? :wacko:

twins, I'd love!

I think twins would be really hard. I had one, albeit she had severe GERD for her first 6 months (originally known as colic), and I really felt like I could barely tread water for that first little while.

You're brave.
I understand wanting to wait....
As for the genetic testing, a big part of me feels like our bodies would tell us if something was wrong, even before we're about to do the genetic testing. i do think it's necessary tho, but Id like to know the statistics of unhealthy babies born to mothers over 35. Can I assume that a huge percent miscarry before it even gets to that point?
We have told our parents and siblings and Ive told my grandparents but thats it. Not telling anyone else until after our scan although I want to tell everyone but know that I shouldnt just incase! x

p.s I definately would not want twins. That is a real fear of mine. I only want one. If its more than one I would be gutted.
With regard to announcing my pregnancy, I don't think there should be any hard and fast rule. It really depends on your own personality/circumstances and how you would feel if you had a miscarriage. I have told quite a few people as I am a very open person with people I generally trust. Having said that, I also accept that I have to be prepared to update the same people if things don't turn out but I am happy to do that. In fact I think some support from people around me would be nice if things don't work out. The only circles I am very careful with is work. I don't want my manager to find out I am pregnant by anyone other than me.
:flower: HI Ladies,

I am still in the game :D. Hanging in there...I wanted to drop a note and say :hi:

I hope everyone is doing well...I developed a very itchy rash over the past few days - has anyone else experienced this?

It's most only my arms and legs....I switched to aveeno baby wash and using aveeno anti-itch creme, until I can see my doctor. [It's a holiday today].

I completely understand the concern in telling people. I told my my kids, of course hubby and his family and my family and a few close friends. I wont tell work until I hit the 13th week.

Here's to a happy Monday! It's Columbus Day in the US, and Thanksgiving here in Canada.

hugs to all
I haven't told anyone except for my husband and my very best friend. I experienced a MC in January at 9w3d and learned my lesson about telling people too soon. I think it's a very personal decision.

My very best friend, I told because her shower/bachelorette party is this weekend--that I am hosting, so I was going to have to explain why I was going to be sneaky about alcohol. I will probably have to tell a couple more confidants before the weekend so that I can have helpers in my drinking/not drinking ruse.
Oh, man I had the worst itchy rash with my first! My entire upper body was covered. Id scratch and then get in the shower and it would burn. I tried lotions and oils, which helped - but not a lot. I just had to wait through it. I hope yours goes better! Palmers has a good oil, it helped the most. Good luck girly!:thumbup:

:flower: HI Ladies,

I am still in the game :D. Hanging in there...I wanted to drop a note and say :hi:

I hope everyone is doing well...I developed a very itchy rash over the past few days - has anyone else experienced this?

It's most only my arms and legs....I switched to aveeno baby wash and using aveeno anti-itch creme, until I can see my doctor. [It's a holiday today].

I completely understand the concern in telling people. I told my my kids, of course hubby and his family and my family and a few close friends. I wont tell work until I hit the 13th week.

Here's to a happy Monday! It's Columbus Day in the US, and Thanksgiving here in Canada.

hugs to all
No rash for me, but i am prone to them so perhaps they'll visit me too!

However, I am VERY weepy today.... Tears well up over the silliest things. I am watching, in the background, the columbus day parade and the italian fairy is singing and I started to cry!!! Wtf?? I need to get a grip.

Rashaa, keep hanging in there!! :dust:

Happy Thanksgiving Day, Canada!

Happy Columbus Day, America!

btw, I teach Italian, so I am finding the parade kind of cute.
HCG was 62 and prog was 15 on Friday. Today (Monday) HCG is 388 and prog is still 15. So thankful!:happydance: Just to be sure, doctor wants me back on Wednesday for one more blood test.

First ultrasound is scheduled for 10/31 and second ultrasound and first doctor appointment is scheduled for 11/14. I think I am going to continue to be a little bit of a wreck until all those appointments are done. When do we get to sit back and enjoy?
Sadie I spent 2 hours in floods of tears to my mum on Sunday. I was so upset I ended up setting her off too. Our hormones are all over the place so its to be expected I guess.

Rashaa hope your itching gets sorted out soon. Glad you doing ok.
Lilmamato - glad everything heading in the right direction.

My friend NikNik1More just posted her 5 week scan over on the first trimester thread. Its titchy totty tiny!! Amazing that something so ickle can cause our bodies so much grief!

:flower: HI Ladies,

I am still in the game :D. Hanging in there...I wanted to drop a note and say :hi:

I hope everyone is doing well...I developed a very itchy rash over the past few days - has anyone else experienced this?

It's most only my arms and legs....I switched to aveeno baby wash and using aveeno anti-itch creme, until I can see my doctor. [It's a holiday today].

I completely understand the concern in telling people. I told my my kids, of course hubby and his family and my family and a few close friends. I wont tell work until I hit the 13th week.

Here's to a happy Monday! It's Columbus Day in the US, and Thanksgiving here in Canada.

hugs to all

By the way, I have this rash that just started a couple days ago on my lower back. Just my lower back though, but I keep waiting for it to go away and it doesn't.
My friend NikNik1More just posted her 5 week scan over on the first trimester thread. Its titchy totty tiny!! Amazing that something so ickle can cause our bodies so much grief!


Ooh, I am going to find it!!

I dont think most of us will ever stop worrying because its our nature. However, i have a sister who is so realistic about everything and she handles everything with calmness and poise. Smetimes I wish I had her personality!!

I am waiting to hear about my blood test results from today. they are taking forever to call and I just put another call in, to make sure that I wasnt forgotten..... Still waiting.
My friend NikNik1More just posted her 5 week scan over on the first trimester thread. Its titchy totty tiny!! Amazing that something so ickle can cause our bodies so much grief!


Ooh, I am going to find it!!

I dont think most of us will ever stop worrying because its our nature. However, i have a sister who is so realistic about everything and she handles everything with calmness and poise. Smetimes I wish I had her personality!!

I am waiting to hear about my blood test results from today. they are taking forever to call and I just put another call in, to make sure that I wasnt forgotten..... Still waiting.

My sister is like too (although Im like that in other situations.) In fact, she has told me not to join a baby forum cause it can make you panic about stuff and get worried about things that you shouldnt be worrying about. I never let on that I was on here alot!

Let us know how you get on with your tests. I wish they wouldnt take so long to get back to people and realise how important it is to us mums to be!!
All is progressing nicely!
HCG is up to 449 and progesterone is at 30. I am going for an ultrasound next wednesday! So excited!

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