Hahaha yeh I'll tell him thatit'd probably work knowing him!!
I want my kiddies close in age too! Hopefully I'll have a boy next and then I can jus stop at the 2 (that's never going to happen!!)
Harrow, unfortunatelyHow about you? x
oh hes gorgeous congrats hun xx
Wow it is a small world! Well South Harrow to be exact, just off Alexandra Rd & right nxt to South Ruislip! I like green & out of the way places hehe, I'm from a little country town near Nottingham originally so that's probably why!!
Oh god, I think if I dressed up he'd think all his birthdays came at once!!!
Still no AF I take it then? That's the downside I guess to ttc whilst bf'ing! Hopefully it'll come soon now LO is starting solids & dropping feeds? Fingers crossed for u hun x