Baby Harry - 24 plus 2 - Pre Aptamil


twin mummy
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi everyone,

Thought i would introduce my gorgeous boy Harry. After trying to concieve for 6 years,after our first round of IVF we fell pregnant with non indential boys. The pregnancy seemed fairly plain sailing, that was until 20weeks. My waters broke around twin 1 and we were told that both boys would follow very shortly and we just left to wait. Sadly, 6 days later, our gorgeous boy Connor was born and we have two and half precious hours with him before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. The doctors were very sure that twin 2 would follow,however, they were wrong. When i got to 24 weeks, they gave me the steriods and twin 2 was moving around and kicking like a little footballer. At 24 plus 2, my health took a turn and due to an infection, i was induced and at 11.49pm Harry made his entrance in to the world! He was screaming when he came out and was then whisked to NNU. He spent 6 hours on the vent and was then put on vapatherm. He was doing so well, he was on breast milk just before he was 24hours old! As you all know, everyday is a huge step and its hard. At a week old, he came down with a chest infection and was put back on the vent for 3 days and then back on vapatherm. He has been a little fighter, has managed to not get any infections, his PDA closed up on its own, he has grade 1 rop but they have said its getting better and his only problem are his hernia's and him trying to poo! He is now 35 plus 4 weeks, weighing 3lb 11oz(birth weight 1lb 8oz) and is on nasal canula oxygen requiring between 0.01 and 0.05.

Anyway, back to the question, due to personal reason, i had to stop expressing milk for him and he was introduced to formula, one a half and half basis, theproblem is now, he is on full formula and he is suffering with really bad constipation and always desats when trying to poo and gets so ratty and looks in pain. Has anyone else had this with their premies and any idea's on what to do to help?

Thanks everyone and sorry for rambling on x


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Hey hun im so so so sorry for the loss of your little one but Harry is just absolutely gorgeous and sounds like he's a strong fighter :)

Afraid i dont have any suggestions re the forumla but i know that Ella de-sats a lot after feeds and when pooping, seems to be an extremely common condition in preemie babies.

Ooldes of huggles and prayer to you and your family and hope Harry is home with you soon xxxx
My LO had issues at first with formula, its much different to breast milk but Preaptimal is as close as you can get. Harrys body is still growing, an still learning how to deal with this new milk - dont panic, it will all come together! And dont worry - the benefit of Pre Aptimal is that he will put weight on well - but no-one likes to tell you that! :)
My girl was on pre aptimil and it has done great for putting on weight! She was 1lb 3oz and had ebm for about 6 or 7 weeks before they changed to half and halp with the pre aptimil I stopped expressing though there was enough ebm to to half and half until she was almost 10 weeks when she got moved to our hospital.
She was then put onto cow and gate as thats what we have here, its was nutriprem 1, shes now on 2.
She had her monitor taken off the other day as she had stopped destating but until then yes she would desat when filling her nappy- the reason they desat is because when straining, they have a different breathing pattern wich affects the blood oxygen levels, causing the monitor to go off, the nurse was very good at eplaining how it worked, the monitor will pick up on very gradual changes, depending on the margin they set it to, and it only takes it going down a number or so sometimes for it to alarm.

My girl was put back onto a wee bit of oxygen through the nasal thingy after she was moved, because she had a wee bit of a cold but it did really help her manage with 3hourly feeds and now all she is hooked up to is the alarm that goes off if she stops breathing for more than 20secs, and her nasal feeding tube.
Just wanted to say so sorry to read about your loss, and little Harry is just gorgeous :)
Oh huney you have every right to ramble even though i think your making perfect sence. Im so sorry for your loss and how this must be such a hell of a ride for you emotionally. Im so please that Harry is doing so well 0.05 is such a small amount let alone 0.01 what a lil beauty he is. Id like to say there is a cure for de satting at feed and mess times but there isent. My lil girl was the same even throughout breast milk feeds. Each baby is different. the older he gets the more he will cope, i used to cheat a little with my lil girl at feed times when she got to about 32 weeks, the nurses bless them r just doing their job but at feed times i would be there to do it and after every ounce i put her over my shoulder and rubbed her back i was convinced it was all to do with wind, it worked though no de sats when i fed her, but the nurses rush it maybe more than we would. u take 3 steps forward and five back. Thats why i was there for every feed towards the later stages of her being in nnu. And after 7 days of me doing this they moved her hdu due to no desatting and that was the only reason they moved her. Harry is doing so well huney, my lil girl was 27+4 born and was not on that little oxygen until the day before she left for home 15 weeks after she was born. Lydia my lil girl is still in 0-3 month clothes and weighs just 16lb and is 16 months old and on medicated milk called infratrini. this made a difference at feed times too, its availible at nnu but im not sure if baby has to be struggling with weight gain to be able to have it, its certainly worth asking them to give it a go. Your his mummy and u have as much say as anyone. Hope u are looking after yourself i know it is easier said than done but the more rest you get the better Harry will respond. Hope it all goes well for u huney, feel free to ask any question u want no matter how u may think they are trivial they arnt. good luck huney, my thoughts are with u at such a special time. xxx
I'd just like to mention that Abby was on expressed milk and this happened for the first few weeks. She just needed time to get used to food!

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