For me I can feel her whole body jolt. Its not an isolated movement like a kick, my whole stomach moves in her hiccups rhythm. I've heard it on the doppler now too, scared the life out of me at first. Sounds like she was beating a tribal drum in my tummy lol.
Lol, I cnt wait to feel that, alls am feeling right now is little slight kicks but I found out I got an anterior placenta yesterday so that's why. I just love him kicking me, I would b happy if he did it all day long lol xx
I have an anterior placenta too, mine is high. I feel alot of movements in my groin and bottom areas but maybe thats due to her being breech at the moment. I only started feeling stronger kicks at about 23 weeks, up until then it was still bubble like
Love feeling hiccups. The further along I get the stronger those bad boys get also. One thing I've learned is no matter what position baby is in, you can feel hiccups anywhere, depends on what they are leaning against. Some times they are in my bottom/vagina area, and sometimes in the middle of my belly when hisback is against me.
I dont think they feel like kicks, I can feel a larger amount of the baby moving, the bottom half of my tummy jolts. I think you could possibly mistake them for baby being very active, the movements for me come every 10 seconds or so and last for a couple of mins tops.
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