Baby Jack Daniel Taylor



Thought it was about time I got around to writing this, and as Jack's asleep now seems the best time to do it.
He's three days old already, or will be at 4:42pm. He looks so much like Dan it's unreal, especially as they're not biologically related. He has my nose and my mouth, and the weirdest little ears I've ever seen. His eyes are blue-green, although I know that'll probably change in the next few months. His hands and feet are bigger than any newborns I've ever seen, and he's got a great set of lungs.
Anyway, birth story time.

As a few of you know, I was 2cm dilated for 3 weeks or so before my due date, and having irregular contractions. At about 11pm Wednesday 4th March (my due date) I started getting more contractions than usual, they seemed to get regular, and were quite painful to say the least. I finally got some sleep at about 4am, and was woken up every now and then with pains, but after a while things died down again. 4pm Thursday they started up again, and started becoming more and more regular. We timed them for the next few hours, and by 8pm they were coming every 5 minutes. We got our bags together and headed off to the hospital, where I was monitored and examined. Contractions were strong, hitting 100+ on the monitor, but I was still only 2cm dilated and contractions weren't often enough (had to be 3 or less minutes between). At about 11pm Thursday night they admitted me to antenatal, giving me diamorphine for the pain and sending me off to sleep. By 3am I was awake and having pains every 3 minutes, the midwife checked me and I was 3cm, finally in active labour! I waited for a half hour while space was made on delivery, then off I went, calling Dan and Mum on the way. They arrived shortly after, and the waiting game began. I waddled around trying to ease the pains, doing su-doku and hopping off to the toilet every 5 minutes. At about 8 they checked me again, I'd dilated 5cm and was begging for pain relief, which came in the form of Pethadine. My waters still hadn't broke, at noon they checked and found I was still only 6cm, and broke my waters. The pain came strong and fast after that, I was given another shot of Pethadine and access to gas and air. By 1pm I was screaming in agony, he was still back to back and his head was stuck at the bottom of my spine, which wasn't pleasant to say the least. Come 2:00pm I was delirious with pain, and asked (well, yowled) for an epidural. It finally came at about 3:30pm, by which time I was passing out with the pain each contraction was bringing, I was very nearly not given the epidural 'cause I couldn't keep still, the contractions had very little time between and the woman doing it wasn't very helpful, she took half an hour faffing around, none of the right things were there, but Mum managed to keep me still and kept me calm, so everything went ahead. After that, I calmed down, it was amazing, and I know if I ever have another baby I wont hesitate to ask for one if needed. By this time, the midwife noticed with every contraction, Jack's heartrate was dropping, and so she ordered blood to be taken from the top of his head. Twice they tried, but it kept clotting before they could test the oxygen levels. The doctor decided if I was no more dilated, I was to have an emergency c-section, they checked and I was STILL 6cm. So, just after 4pm, off I went into theatre, and at 4:42pm, baby Jack Daniel Taylor was born :)
He weighed in at just under 8lbs, 7lb 15oz. We found out the reason his heartrate was dropping was because his cord was wrapped around his neck three times. He was taken down to Neonatal ICU 'cause his oxygen levels were a bit iffy, and I was wheeled back to my room in delivery. By that time I was so exhausted, I just passed out, and woke up a few hours later after being wheeled down to Post Natal. At 8pm, Mum and Dan had to leave due to the restrictions on visitation, not that I minded as I had yet again passed out. I spent the night waking, having pain relief, and sleeping, Jack was brought down to my room just after Mum and Dan left.

Although I planned on breastfeeding, because of the pain in my stomach I couldn't lay him there, and he's now being formula fed, although I'm still expressing and adding it to his formula feeds so he's getting all the nutrients.

Well that's it I guess, here he is:
Congratulations, sorry you didn't have a easy time, and i hope your feeling abit more yourself and bonding with gorgeous little jack x
Congratulations hun he is beautiful
Hope you are relaxing and feeling better
:D Congratulations. Sorry you had a hard time.
Congrats, he's gorgeous. Sorry you had such a tough time xx
He is gorgeous!! Congratulations hun xx
huge congratulations honey! so sorry to hear what a rough time you had, i had an emergency c-section with maddi and it is hard, but def. gets better every day :hugs: x
Thankyou everyone :) we're settling much better now, he's in his bouncy chair at the moment dressed in a gorgeous little Tigger suit :cloud9: I love my son I do!

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