We got the Tomy one that's just sound with a temperature monitor, no video or breathing monitor. Like you, I wasn't at all interested in the breathing monitor ones and I'm glad we didn't get one. We co-slept anyway, so it would have been pointless as we would have probably set it off ourselves going to bed! Our daughter slept in a wrap in the evenings for the first 4 months anyway, so we were well out of the danger zone before she was sleeping alone in a room without us and it just seemed too paranoia inducing. So we just have one of the fairly basic Tomy ones (I think it might be a step up from the cheapest model, whichever that is) with the digital temperature monitor. I did find it really helpful to be able to keep track of the temperature as the temp in her room is always different than the temp in the rest of the house because we keep the door shut while she sleeps and it's above the kitchen, so tends to be warmer than everywhere else. In the winter, it was good to see when it was warm enough but not too warm so we could turn off the heat, and in the summer, it was reassuring to know it wasn't getting too hot or if I needed to go in and open a window or take off a blanket. It also has a light and music you can play, which we've never used, but if that seems important to you. It lasted us 2 years of regular use and lots of travel, until the handset charger cable started to fray a bit. We bought the same one again because we liked it so much.