Fingers crossed a fresh look brings some new perspective.
A new doctor can help. We're only on our second RE and going to be starting IVF as soon as I recover from a laproscopy and hysteroscopy (hydrosalpinx, endo, and uterine septum and polyp) scheduled in a few weeks. This RE found at least three things the first one missed with me (hence all the surgery). We think the first RE stopped looking for factors once it was determined I had mild PCOS. To top it off, we think they screwed up when they did his SA at the first RE--it came back relatively normal...but then when we had our first IUI in July, we were told we only had 1.44 good swimmers to work with. Numbers that meant the only thing that would work, regardless of any of my own factors, is IVF with ICSI. So, if your DH isn't opposed, might want him retested, too?
Was IVF that bad? I have to admit it terrifies me, as does the surgery, but I'm willing to try just about anything for the BFP.
Best luck. Each time I have another test, I find myself inbetween wanting them to find something--just so I have a reason and something to treat/fix and restore hope--and terrified the WILL find something. It makes no sense, but I think we've all been there.