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back to the ER, this time bleeding!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2013
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Yesterday I was having yet another kidney stone attack- As painful as it was I was trying to deal with it- I almost passed out from the pain. Then I started bleeding- and it was not blood in my urine.
I get to the ER (was just there last week for stones and they did a scan ,said it was not ectopic)
Well yesterday they refused to do a scan cause they just did one last week! told me basically just to deal with it- if I was miscarrying they couldnt do anything anyway!!! and to get my hcg checked in two days to see if it went up- ( it was 3300 at ER yesterday) again they sent me home crying, in pain and vomiting. .. so dehydrated.
They said they couldn't check on the stones cause it wouldn't be safe- and he is full of shit cause they could have done an u/s like last week!! And they could of did another scan on the baby - for one if it stopped growing they could have gotten the 9 mm stone out of me!!
I finally filled the pain meds and nausea meds they gave me but I vomit when I try to take them. I don't know what to do- Im so tired- so much pain and delirious....
When i first got in there they couldn't even find my info from last week- acted like I was lying about the size of the stone- and to top it off- last week the doc didnt even come in to tell me anything- just the nurse waking me up as she pulled out IV- telling me Im going home- so I asked about the test they did and she didnt know anything- all she said was there was a 9 mm stone in bladder- and no other stones- found out at follow up doc that yeat there are other stones- then yesterday when they finally found my info the stone is still in my kidney not bladder.. and he couldnt be bothered to read the report to find out the size of the other ones.. wtf! I don't have an obgyn yet- I called and left a message begging to get in sooner- and the reg doc two days ago didnt do a damn thing either- said they couldnt do anything for the stones cause im pregnant and they are not obgyn so I just have to wait on that.

What do I do????
That is ridiculous!! First of all, a patient should not be discharged in tremendous pain, as pain is a 5th vital sign. I'd go back! I would ask to speak to the hospitalist! The treatment you received is inexcusable.
Oh my gosh hunni I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I'd go straight back (take someone with you for support ) and demand a scan. Pp is right it's disgusting to treat anyone like that, let alone a scared pregnant woman in agony! Be strong with them, don't take no for an answer. Good luck xx
thank you ladies <3 I did have my husband with me- The ER doc didn't care- I even had a total melt down and cried so hard I couldn't breath- and he just looked at me annoyed! And repeated his question like I should be able to answer him regardless.
I think the throwing up last night moved the stones around, tmi but I threw up so hard I peed myself- after not being able to go cause the stones were blocking. I woke up a million times to pee last night and finally just now I don't feel pain and the nauseous is subsiding. The bleeding stopped yesterday- just had little bit of brown spotting- On phone now trying to get in anywhere - the soonest i can be seen is the 20th- and they know everything.. and that is just paper work not a scan- ugg.. tomorrow i go to a walk in lab and get hcg done- at least Ill get a clue- see if my numbers doubled.
forgive me if my post are are to follow- my brain is just in crazy mode- xx
I can't get into an obgyn anywhere- the one I saw last year , Im waiting for them to call me back to let me know if I can go in or not.. on the 14 the ER said my hcg was 3300- two days later i went and got hcg tested again (on the 16th) and it's only 3894!!! i just passed 6 weeks. For one I dont think the ER gave me the exact number but I dont think it makes that much difference. I havent had any more bleeding since the 14th and it wasnt heavy- does anyone know if things can still be ok since the hcg didnt double in 48 hrs?!?!
It def can be two women on here just had that happen really hope your story turns out like theres. Gl amd so sorry you went through all that. Hope a doc sees you soon.
It def can be two women on here just had that happen really hope your story turns out like theres. Gl amd so sorry you went through all that. Hope a doc sees you soon.

thank you- Im so worried- I was thinking of going to a different ER then last time- IDK.. I just want someone to look!!! I've called all over- all I can do now is wait for call backs I guess- Im just going to try and sleep most of today cause I dont want to be awake.. I havent had any morning sickness- I read thats a bad sign- My bb's still hurt really bad and I still get cramping. This is just so hard.
I hope everything works out for you Hun. I'm sorry that you're going through such a hard time. I know how incredibly scary and upsetting it is, I've just been through a trauma with my pregnancy. I'm earlier than you, not quite 5 weeks yet, my hcg at 4 weeks was 34 it then only went to 39 after 48 hours. I was devastated a and prepared myself for the worse. I had another hcg 48 hours later and it had almost tripled to 94! I haven't had a scan yet, but my dr is pleased. I don't know why it happened, but there's definitely hope for you. Also when hcg gets very high it stops doubling every 48 hours and it takes longer I think I read 96 hours. After that it declines as the placenta takes over. Could the sickness have been caused by the stones rather than morning sickness? I was never sick when I was pregnant with my ds. What about paying for a private scan? You may be able to get one today. Good luck xx
I havent threw up even once in this preg i had alot of nausea at first but never once sick and the nausea stoped at 9 weeks so no ms isnt always bad
thank you MaisyMay and wannanewbaby. How are you both doing? Did you get a scan yet Maisy?

I called around for a private scan and there was no openings.. Tue I have an appt to just do paper work to see if I can go there , no clue how long after that can I actually see a doctor! I did have an appt with my old gyn who is an obgyn but they cancelled that and haven't called back yet with a new date!
I keep telling myself that everything is fine. I really think when i was trying to pass the kidney stone it cause bleeding from my cervix- I read that sex or a harsh BM can cause bleeding and when you are trying to pass a stone you tend to push like you were trying to deliver a baby- The only time I threw up was from the stones or the meds at the ER. I do get moments where I am nauseous but nothing too bad. the cramps I have had from the get go have been a little better- Dont know if that is bad or good.. my bb's still kill me.
I couldn't find the complaint line for the ER to report what I went through so I found their facebook page and posted my complaint right there- in minutes someone responded and within the hr. I got a phone call. So hopefully at least no one else has to go through that like I did.
So Im still waiting to be seen by a doctor. My biggest fear is that I might need my thyroid meds upped or maybe progesterone and by the time I get checked out it will be too late.
Im going to my parents tomorrow- just for some TLC :) Going to make soup. Nothing better then mom's soup! lol
Update : Saw a heartbeat! The hospital sent me for a scan this morning :) the only thing is I had to cancel the appt I had to do paper work to get with an obgyn! I left a message twice and they haven't called back to set up an appt. Im getting really frustrated with it.

but at least I got to see the little flicker today :) they said I show 6w2d when I should be 6w6d today but not to worry cause at this stage everything is so small and changing fast.. I couldn't get the doc to test my progesterone though. Im known to be low so it's bothering me but she said i should be fine. I hope so.

there was no sound- but the HB was 116 and they said that was good for now- so I have some peace of mind for now. and I'll just keep working on trying to get an obgyn.

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