Thanks for the link - i have sent my comment in, I live in one of the three PCTs in the country that don't fund even one round of IVF!
What irks me even more is the fact that my PCT don't even fund ANY investigations into infertility SA, blood tests etc - so we wouldn't even be able to get to the IVF stage how how would we know what was wrong if anything?
We paid nearly £300 privately for a consultation, basic SA, and and internal scan for me which showed that I have uterine fibroids - this was found 16 cycles after I had a MC and I am 36. They have wasted precious time in our eyes.
I am getting help now, not for fertility but investigation into the fibroids.
The sad things is that the cycle we found out I had these fibroids was the cycle that we got pg again but I MC @7weeks which everyone seems to be blaming on the fibroids. These could have been found and sorted out over a year ago and saved us a lot of heartache.