Lvn- congrats on your new early arrival, I couldn't believe it when I read your post !!! Thinking of you both, can't wait to see photos x
Well I am 37 weeks today,(dolly may find this useful ) baby was always measuring two weeks ahead at the scan at 29 weeks. The MW last week measured me 4 weeks head via uturus size so I went for a growth scan yesterday, the MW there measured my uterus at 38 weeks only a week ahead, but went for scan anyway and the baby is 7lbs9 now, so a little on the big side for 37 weeks so they offered to induce me on my due date (28th of June) ill be checked to see if its just my waters which need breaking which means I still get my MW lead birth, if drugs are needed I'm stuck in the labour ward. I could be a week ahead too so I'm now waiting for something to happen as baby is now engaged.
I can't believe we have naughty breach babies !! But pleased everyone is doing well even if a bit doesn't matter how many babies you have the last few weeks are emotional for all different reason.
I know I'm suppose to be next but I have a feeling I won't be.. Ill be checking on here regularly now, hope to see photos of lvn little boy soon xx