bethneebabe - I had brown discharge for about 1 1/2 days about a week after I got my BFP. I didn't have cramps or any other symptoms. My OB said brown was OK since it stopped, and that it was probably old implantation blood that finally worked it's way out. FX for you and let us know how you are doing. Also, my breast tenderness comes and goes. Yesterday, thank heavens, I had a day off of them hurting. Today I woke up and immediately had to go put on a bra on because they were KILLING me. Try to stay calm and put in a call to you Dr if they have an on call.
So yesterday I exercised for the first time since I was prego. I am terrified of everything, but guess what. Nothing happened. I did elliptical, some weights, crunches and core work. I felt wonderful after. I think I am going to do a little more elliptical today. It's at such a low intensity that I'm barely getting sweaty so I don't see the harm. I'll take a break from the weights even though I did the lowest on those too. I am already getting neck fat and back fat. OMG. lol.
Tomorrow starts 5 weeks. I'm so scared. My m/c was in the 5 weeks last time. I wish I could go to bed and wake up and it be 11/29 for my scan so I could hear my baby's heartbeat.