Before placenta takes over how can things be harmful in first tri?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2012
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I'm a bit confused how it all works, sorry if this seems a daft question, but how do medicines affect a baby before the placenta has taken over?

I have a really horrid cold and chesty cough so I was reading about what I can take (so much conflicting advice over every single medicine I daren't take anything except paracetamol) but then I keep reading that most drugs 'cross the placenta'. But then as far as I'm aware the placenta doesn't kick into action until around week 7 and doesn't fully take over for a few more weeks.

I'm not saying I want to take anything, I'm past week 7 anyway and I'm taking heed of medical advice, was just genuinely interested how the placenta works when it comes to transferring 'bad' things :shrug:
They say you want to try to not take meds any time during the first tri sijce its the crucial development time. Many meds are known to cause chemicals or early mcs because it does interact with baby even before the placenta takes over. That is why you have to be careful what tou take. You can talk to your dr to give you an idea of what is safe to take for now. But welcome to the joys of pregnancy. I had a cold for three weeks and it was awful. Took nothing but nose spray and robutusin dm as thats all i could have.
Simply put... baby is growing inside you. What is in your bloodstream affects baby, regardless of how it gets there. :)
To my understanding, even though baby's connection to your bloodstream might not yet be functional, it is still floating in fluid which is made from your plasma and would be absorbing any chemicals you put into your body.
I don't think it's a dumb question. I was honestly wondering how that worked as well. Not that I was in a positing of wanting/needing to take something, but I was just honestly curious about the science behind it knowing that things can still be harmful even at the earliest stages, but the placenta was the main barrier for passing things to the baby.

But I think orion, yikes, and dark star are pretty on spot. I just googled this to see how it's explained. The results I found didn't really go into details or anything that I could understand, but it was still pretty interesting (not sure about rules on posting external links, but google gave some interesting results though).
I realised right away how awful it is to be sick while prego as there isnt much you can take that is safe. It sucked more as i naturally hardly get sick due to a very good immune system. Now that im prego its not so good anymore since it had to be lowered. I got that bad cold within a day or two after my bfp. Boy did it make the first weeks not so enjoyable. I think its that chemicals can get absorbed into our bloodstream and happen to make it over to baby. Its why even before the placenta takes over alcohol can still get to baby and cause severe harm. It too has confused me how it all works. So you arent alone.
^^I think that's one of the worst parts about pregnancy! While I think it's easier to get sick while pregnant, period, I think first trimester is the absolute worst. I think as you get further along, you actually have some options opened up.

I think the dangers of certain medications do change throughout pregnancy. Some things were absolutely forbidden first trimester, but halfway through second trimester I was okayed for some when absolutely needed. I know many are allowed if the need outweighs the risk, but I do think the risks change throughout.

I think I was only 7 weeks and had an inch long splinter stuck in my hand. I had to go to the doctor to get it removed as it was deep (it had been in there for 2 weeks and I was trying to let it come out on its own, but the pain was getting worse by that point so had to get my hand cut open to get it out). While they were concerned about possible infection, they decided on no antibiotics as there were no signs yet - they wanted to make sure it was absolutely necessary first. I was completely fine with it since there were no signs of infection, but it really is just kind of crazy how it all works when it's always about something passing through the placenta during the period prior to the functioning of the placenta.

I find this an interesting topic!
I wondered how it all went together too! Even when i had my m/c (though early but still) the baby had a placenta but no umbilical cord so i wondered the same!
Having said all that good advice there are things you can take for your immune system that can help get rid of your cold faster.

Garlic, ginger and onions in all your food. Try to eat things that have low sugar and high protein to help your body heal. Bread, pasta, cereals, and carby sugary foods can feed sickness by increasing yeast & Candida. Colds & sickness <3 high carb, low nutrient diets: low veg & low protein diets. Cut the carbs and try lots of veg, a few fruits & clean protein.

Probiotics can help 'kick' bad bacteria that are helping feed your sickness. There have been loads of studies linking our health to our gut bacteria. Gut bacteria is compromised when our hormones change (getting pregnant). Sometimes we can get sick, sometimes we get UTI's. Yogurt is not a good probiotic alternative, get the pills, pills that need to be refrigerated likely have the most variety of good bacteria in them.

Vit D is a natural immune system booster. Get the flavourless liquid stuff over pills.

Probiotics and vit D are in studies now about being beneficial to fetal development too.

Lastly, liquid iron. It'll boost your energy levels and boost the amount of oxygen attached to your blood cells which help you feel better and increase the growth of the baby.
The placenta acts as a filter, so before the placenta has taken over *everything* that enters your bloodstream enters the baby's too. Once the placenta is established and starts filtering things out of your bloodstream, certain things become less likely to be passed to the baby.

Honey and lemon tea (real lemon not bottled Lemon juice) is my go to remedy when ill.
Thanks everyone for the answers and suggestions on helping with the cold!

Orionfox - I'm the same as you with a very strong immune system. Usually if I get a cold it's a tiny sniffle which quickly moves on, while DH always ends up with full blown man flu. I had a cold when pregnant with DD but it was in 2nd tri so wasn't coupled with terrible nausea and exhaustion, and not being able to tell anyone. I feel truly rotten. DH says I appear to be getting a glimpse of what it is like for him when he has a cold :haha: :dohh:
I feel its like punishment to us for all the times we never got super sick lol
I didn't find out I was pregnant till earlier this week & have worked out I must be approaching 7 weeks....I am worried as I took night nurse once and ibruprofen twice :-( I didn't have a clue I was pregnant.....had to take a urine sample to my GP & am awaiting result before they will book me in with a midwife so until I have a midwife or doctor to ask I am worrying if I have caused any harm :-(
I didn't find out I was pregnant till earlier this week & have worked out I must be approaching 7 weeks....I am worried as I took night nurse once and ibruprofen twice :-( I didn't have a clue I was pregnant.....had to take a urine sample to my GP & am awaiting result before they will book me in with a midwife so until I have a midwife or doctor to ask I am worrying if I have caused any harm :-(

I wouldn't worry too much hun, half of all babies in the UK aren't planned and if you think how many of those Mum's would take medication before they find out. There would be millions of babies born with issues if the occassional use had a big effect.
I was really worried as I had a BFN 2 days before my missed period (I was that 1%) and got really drunk for my birthday as I thought I was out for that cycle. When I spoke to the midwife she said she hears the same story all the time. All you an do is look forward, you can't change the past, and stress is going to have a negative impact. :hugs:
Enjoy being pregnant, don't beat yourself up xxx
Yes, I can't turn back the clock. Wow....that's a lot of unplanned pregnancy a....I didn't realise it was so high, so thst makes sense. Thanks.
Hi ladies this really has opend my eyes!! I was that one percent with my first daughter i had a hangover that didnt go away was my first sign..

anyways im on depression meds and im worried that i am gunna harm my baby also i take a lot of vitamin supplements- vitamin d iron vitamin b complex folic acid and my depression ones r they all safe please help x
Hi ladies this really has opend my eyes!! I was that one percent with my first daughter i had a hangover that didnt go away was my first sign..

anyways im on depression meds and im worried that i am gunna harm my baby also i take a lot of vitamin supplements- vitamin d iron vitamin b complex folic acid and my depression ones r they all safe please help x

D & b vits are fantastic, get liquid for easier absorption next time you run out or if you get nausia with the b vits at all. Check with your doc or look at the contraindications by typing in your anti depressant online. Go see your doc for a full review to be safest!
What kind of depression meds are they if you don't mind sharing? I have done some research into it and I can share what I have found.
I was on prozac and wellbutirin previous to pregnancy and did a lot of reading on them, I am not convinced of their safety so I stopped them both.

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