I think its mind over matter in our situations and trying the best you can to make the best of a difficult situation.
To be honest, for every wonderful couple you do see out and about with their offspring having happy family time, there are just as much miserable people together and miserable women who might as well be single mums. Statistics prove that divorce rates are extremely high and relationships, married or otherwise are not easy picnics for most people, they are hard work. Also, in quite a lot of relationships, the father is only around in the evenings after work (so mum is usually home alone all day and pushes that buggy and struggles alone whilst dad is in work) then he gets home and most men are so knackered they dont really want to help out and then there is just free time on the weekend etc. what about all those women married to soldiers who are away for like 8 months at a time aswell?
Babies, wonderful and gorgeous though they are do put strain on relationships and especially on relationships that are weak already. I have a close group of about 8 friends and to be honest, 3 of them are loved up and happy, 2 are just staying with their partners for the kids and the relationships are strained, 2 are divorced and one is a single mum. Don't always judge a book by its cover. I have moments where I think 'bloody hell this would be so much easier if I had a man to help out with this stroller!' but you know what, I don't have a man here and I'll be damned if spend one breath getting upset about it because life really is too short and this is what my life is like right now and I'm a strong woman and I don't need a man. Just try not to let it get to you or you will miss all the fun and important and nice things that there are about being a single mum and there are good things, if you sit back and think about it.
Hugs and chin up xxx