Aww its great that you are wanting to give it a go. It is hard work but with support around you it can be a great pleasure.
I found that the rugby ball position worked best for me. Pop a pillow/cushion by your side, lay the baby on top and sort of cuddle the baby in with your arm. You can see whats going easily, your arm and weight are supported by the cushion and for me it was the most comfortable (apart from lying down but I just kept falling asleep!)
Id also look for a breast feeding support group near by and start drinking fennel tea. Its supposed to help the flow, I wish Id known about it earlier!
It took a good two weeks for me to build up my supply, but aslong as the baby is latching on you will have some success. The midwives in hospital were great with helping me get Amelia to latch on so I would try anf get as much help as you can from them.
Lastly, just try to take each day as it comes, try to stay relaxed and enjoy the closeness with your baby. Remember that any breast milk is better then no breast milk, so even if you only feed that first lot of colostrum its worth it!!