Bf 3 mnth old but he's getting frustrated - i think he prefers btl :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Ive been bfeeding my baby boy, now 3mnth old & giving him occasional bottle of expressed milk - particularly if out n about were bfing is tricky or on long journey to inlaws. But I think he is now finding the bottle so much easier - regular flow, he doesnt have to work as hard etc. he is getting really upset & frustrated at breast & having total meltdowns. Im so sad & frustrated too. He was premie & Ive worked so hard at bfeeding. Im trying not to give btl now to get him back on track. But tonight is my first night out on my own and ive been really looking forward to it. Plan is for hubby to give him expressd btl but now Im dreading going out as the btl will probably just make bfeeding harder tomorrow :-(

Anyone had similar experience with bfeeding & occasional btl & what did you do?

Also could be a growth spurt.

Thanks x
Use a smaller size teat on the bottle if u can. Before BFing, put a hot flannel or compress to your breast to help get the milk flowing a bit quicker.

Sorry not too much help, both my LO's were booby monsters.
Sounds more like a growth spurt to me if the bottles were only occasional.
I think there's a big growth spurt at around 12 weeks and again at 16 so that could be the issue? I can't see an occasional bottle causing too much of an issue.

at 5 months we decided to intruduce a bottle every night so that DH could give him a feed and i could give DD some more attention at bed time but it all went wrong when LO started prefering the bottle. He would fight me every feed, claw at me and pull off constantly. It was awful. I got through it by taking the bottle away altogether and just pushed through it. Kept returning him to the beast once he'd calmed down a and eventually he fed properly again. It took a while to build my supply back up after that too and I had about a month of constant night feeds :coffee: We got there in the end though :thumbup:

it doesn't sound like you're going through the same thing I did, our troubles were caused by giving him a bottle every single day for two or three weeks, not just an occasional one :flower:
Nipple confusion can happen after only a few bottles, especially if the latch wasn't great to start with. After your night out, I'd stop the bottles personally.
I have a preemie as well hun. Preemies are much different in the way they grow than regular full term babies. I would suggest using a slow flow nipple, and make sure you feed him sitting up or laying on his side with his head held up a little bit. Also tilt the bottle so it is level and not tilted up. You don't want gravity doing the work for him and it allows him to put in some effort to get the milk out. This is the best way to mimic a breast while using the bottle. I have been doing it with my preemie and she seems to do really well so far. My baby is still in the NICU though so I have no experience with dealing with her at home yet.

Don't give up yet mama!
Thanks everyone, we seem to be getting back into a good feeding routine of bf every 2-3hrs. I dont know if it was a growth spurt or preference for btl or a bit of both (I think probably the latter). Really appreciate all your comments & support xx
Don't let anyone discourage you from combo feeding. My preemie has only been feeding on her own for 3 weeks and she has already mastered both bottles and breast. She also has no issue switching between the two on a daily basis. So I know it's possible.
Don't let anyone discourage you from combo feeding. My preemie has only been feeding on her own for 3 weeks and she has already mastered both bottles and breast. She also has no issue switching between the two on a daily basis. So I know it's possible.

All that shows is that it's possible for your baby. Some really struggle with going back and forth, some will develop a preference and others will outright reject a bottle. They're all individuals.
Don't let anyone discourage you from combo feeding. My preemie has only been feeding on her own for 3 weeks and she has already mastered both bottles and breast. She also has no issue switching between the two on a daily basis. So I know it's possible.

All that shows is that it's possible for your baby. Some really struggle with going back and forth, some will develop a preference and others will outright reject a bottle. They're all individuals.

Well no shit lol. I said it's possible and if the baby is bottle fed correctly then they have an easier time switching between the two. I am telling the mom not to give up, not dragging her down with all the stories of babies who couldn't do it.

Nowhere in my post did I even hint at babies not being individuals.
Thanks girls. There are occasional times when I need to give a bottle because I am not there to feed him. Hopefully that won't throw him off too much as we are just reaching the point where bf is getting easier & I don't want to upset that. I do appreciate all points of view & ultimately each person has to go with what works for them or what they are comfortable with xx
Thanks girls. There are occasional times when I need to give a bottle because I am not there to feed him. Hopefully that won't throw him off too much as we are just reaching the point where bf is getting easier & I don't want to upset that. I do appreciate all points of view & ultimately each person has to go with what works for them or what they are comfortable with xx

How many times have you tried to bottle feed hun? I know it took at least 2 days worth of bottles for my LO to get the hang of it. Now she is taking full feeds in her bottles. I know what you mean too, I have to give my LO bottles as well because she is a preemie and they need a top off in their bottles not only in the NICU but when they come home too. So she needs to be able to combo feed to help her gain weight and get all the vitamins she needs.
Hi Kiwi, thanks for posts, he seems more settled again and is happy with both breast & bottle. Im feeding him about 90% feeds breast & 10% bottle. Xx
Hi Kiwi, thanks for posts, he seems more settled again and is happy with both breast & bottle. Im feeding him about 90% feeds breast & 10% bottle. Xx

That is such great news!!! I am so happy for you two. You are doing a great job mama!!
Daughter is 11 weeks and I had been having the same problem.
I found something that works good for me , I give her bottles in the day and breastfeed at night. I found that if I breastfed her at night she's so sleepy and doesn't seem to care as long as she was getting milk, and in the day when she's being active and alert she can have her bottle and relax lol all babies are different that's just my experience :)
Thanks miss magic and i agree - the night feeds (apart from being exhausted) are actually the easiest, no fussing at the boob as there is during the day x
What flow level nipple are you using on the bottle? Make sure it's a level 1. I don't know if it's because I had a strong let down reflex or if Violet just preferred her mommy, but she definitely did not prefer the bottle. She would still take a bottle, but she certainly did not take in the majority of her calories while I was at work (went back when she was 2 months old). If you are a stay at home mom and don't want to give up this night out, I would just take the night out, and then not use a bottle after that. If you work, then you'll have to face the bottle anyway and you'll definitely want to seek support in maintaining your breast feeding.

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