okay I see...
yea LP can be a bit confusing. in a nutshell we have 2 halves to our cycles. the first half is for waiting to Ovulate. (I cant remember the name off hand right now) and then we have the second half, the luteal phase, or LP. and Ovulation is just the center point, the point that says we've transitioned from the first half to the second half. SO the first half lenght doesnt matter so much, its just a waiting game. Its the second half that we can watch and see if anything happens.now the average LP runs anywheres from 10-14days in length (which means the average person will get their AF anywheres from 11DPO-15DPO. Now the important thing with this number is that your LP is at least 10 days long. So okay, we track the LP..as you see. and your LP length is the number before the DPO day. So if you normally start AF at 12DPO, you have an 11 day LP. if you normally start AF on 14DPO, then you have a 13 day LP. Now the good thing about this number is, your LP rarely changes and if it does it will only be by like a day. So its increadiable easy to track when AF is due using your LP, since its pretty much constant. and if you surpass your LP length you have a good shot at being pregnant, even more so if you surprass it by 2 or more days. Does that make sense??
now I would say, if you are 8-9DPO, your AF isnt really due yet. we cant know for sure because this is your first month tracking. but it would be highly unusual for your AF to be due at only 8-9DPO, giving you a LP that short. However if it really is that short, I agree you should talk to your doctor. because 8-9 day LP arent considered long enough to sustain a pregnancy.
the browning in your panties..that could implantion spotting as you are pressuming. if that is the case..that occured like 3 days ago.. and if it was implantation bleeding..then the HCG would just now be crossing over to your urine. so you could get a BFP, but it would not be big or fat..it would be a line that you "thought' you saw, but coudlnt really tell if you saw it, and there would be no way to tell color, if that makes sense. it would be al ine you would see darken over the next 2 days, until it was a real line.
I started testing early at 8DPO and I thought I saw something, but couldnt decide if I was imgining it or not. then I tested at 9DPO and I could see it and DH could see it, but in photos it was very hard to see. by the next day 10DPO the line was obvious. (ive a thread called 8-9DPO answer vs off brand test, or something like that. that has my pics if you wanna see what I mean) So my point is...its SUPER early to get a result and any result would really be hard to decide what it was.
So I would diffinatly not count yourself out at this point. Im not even sure your AF is really due yet, at so early of DPOs. if this is making sense. I would however say, keep testing and tracking your LP so you can figure out how long it is. because once you know that you will always know when AF is due.