BFP Chasers...........Feel free to join....

Thanks all. Keeping my fingers crossed that the worst of it is over.
Ask- Sorry you didn't pass your 1 hr glucose test, I didn't either, and I know it feels bad. I did a lot of research, and found that a big percentage of people fail the 1 hr test, and then go on to pass the 3 hr test. So... try to stay positive! And in the slim chance that you don't pass the 3 hr test (like me), it's not so bad! It actually made me more aware of what I ate and I felt that I was actually doing something really good for baby.

Wish- I think that taking care of babies takes a lot of experimentation, and swaddling is one of those things that we have to experiment a lot with! I'm glad that both arms out worked for you. About T's eating, gummy went through a stage where he was eating something like 20 oz or even less, yet gaining weight. He was getting chunky, and I had no idea how! I think T sounds like he's doing well, with the weight gain and good weight.

AFM- I decided that I'm going to wean off the pump from now on :cry: It's just not worth it being chained to the pump and missing out on bonding time, all for my low supply of milk for gummy. Also, I have a month-long trip to DH and my home countries starting in about a month's time. It's a good time to drop the pumping as it would be extremely difficult to continue pumping through my trip. Sigh, it's the last bf link with gummy, and I'm sad about it. Luckily, gummy is such a happy baby. He'll do fine, I'm sure.

Happy Friday, all!
I feel you, miki - I'm making less and less and I know the end is near. It'll be a relief on one hand, as I'm sick of having to time my day around pumping, bringing the pump into work and booking the room around my meetings, and not being able to just roll back into bed after the middle of the night feeding like everyone else. But yeah, it'll be my disconnection from T that I'll miss. I know he'll be fine, I know M will be good to go too. I just like that I can still provide at least a little bit to them. Sigh.
And thank you! that's great to know about gummy's eating - I swear T has gained a pound in a week too and no idea how. I 100% agree with you that this is all experimentation and process of elimination. It's such a puzzle to figure out!

tw - how's it going?

ask - how are you doing?

wicky - thinking about you :hugs:

I hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!
Ask - I failed the 1 hour and passed the 3 hour too!

Wish - you’re doing great with such full hands!

Miki - you are doing great, too. I know it’s tough to give up bf but I went through the same ordeal, and it was such a relief after a couple of weeks.

AFM - Bella is doing great learning how to walk. Thought the day would never come!

DD had her first ultrasound at 8 weeks today. Heartbeat of 180 bpm.


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Wish - Hello.... still waiting for AF to show, and STILL have the tail end of these sniffles... fate of the cycle still hanging in the air... :(

In other news, my acupuncturist coerced in into trying 'cupping' to try and suck this flu out of me... INSANELY painful. Let's see if it works, though.
I hope you feel better quickly, tw! sucking it outta ya or whatever!

Thank you for the support, TTC! How are you doing? That's so wonderful your DD's pregnancy is going well!! Congrats again!

I think little Malcolm has a cold - he was coughing a bit this morning and when we got to daycare, his little nose was leaking. :( He was still all smiles, though. The first of the daycare germs!! GAH! or it's allergies but I thought they were too young for that. I told the daycare lady that and she said she knows 'they' say that but swears her kids had them and asthma early.
Wish- Yup, I too have a love/hate relationship with my pump. The worst pump times are during work and the middle of the night ones. I’ve dropped the middle of the night one (yay!) and am excited about dropping the work one by the end of next week. Yeah, it’s so sad when the supply is dropping and we can’t continue to provide for them. I guess it’s good that we did it for as long as we could, though!
I know what you mean, I have no idea how gummy gained so much weight when he was eating so little at one point in time. Now he’s a greedy guzzler! I’m sure T is super happy and eating what he wants and needs. Aw…Poor little Malcolm, I hope that he’s ok and he gets well soon!

TTC- Thanks so much! I’m sorry that you went through the same ordeal, it really sucks when you’re going through bf struggles. I’m sure I’ll be super happy once it’s all over. Wonderful news of your DD’s ultrasound, and such a strong heartbeat! And hooray for Bella walking!

Ask- How are you doing? I hope you pass the 3 hr test!

Wicky- I hope you and your baby are doing well!

Gummy has been so obsessed with rolling back to front. But then he forgot how to roll the other way to get back. I was actually happy when we woke up three nights ago to find him sleeping on his tummy. He slept on his tummy the next night too. I used to be so paranoid, but now I think he’s strong and has matured enough. We put him to sleep on his back, and he seems to like to flip over in the middle of the night. Last night, he did start fussing after he flipped onto his tummy in the middle of the night, but it turns out he was hungry. I hope he remembers how to flip back, but it’s also ok if he enjoys sleeping on his tummy :sleep:
Ask- I failed the one hour and passed the three hour too! They should call it a positive test or something- ‘fail’ sounds unnecessarily harsh.

Tw- did AF show? Glad you’re feeling better.

Miki- I had to chuckle cause our DS did the same thing- flipped over and cried when he couldn’t flip back, until he realized the wonder that is sleeping on your tummy with your bottom in the air, which he’s done ever since!

Stopping pumping was super hard for me too- especially when you’re doing it and the goofy baby won’t meet you halfway. It’s a big relief when you don’t have to worry about pumping though.

Wish- Ours have gone through growth spurts and slowdowns. It’s definitely not linear! Hopefully T has the sense to eat what he needs.

Wicky- wishing the best for you!!

Ugh I’m sick again w an annoying cough thing. I am supposed to go visit my new niece next week and hope I get better in time! At work, I busted a$$ last week on this project and was really proud of the report I put together but my boss saw a couple things he didn’t want and was completely disappointed- I argued, I was like, I already am sick and still working on your changes, how much should I be asked to sacrifice? ...for an environmental non-profit?? I mean hey, it’s not like I left a patient in the middle of surgery, lol. I mean, ego, ya’ll...I don’t get paid enough for this. I should look for a new job but I have good bennies and mostly like what I do, so I’m in the fence. I’ll need to move on eventually I guess.

Kiddos are doing fine though! And so is DW. Dd is really a full on twonager- taunting her poor brother and being sassy then turning around and wanting me to hold her all the time. I guess she’s trying to figure out how to grow up a little. They are finally going most of the time wo pacifiers and DS is so cute when he tells me about the ‘wocket sip’ (rocket ship) hes building w a paci hidden inside.

Ttc- congrats again for your daughter as a great sono!! Are you getting excited??
rainy! I love when you pop on! omg 'wocket sip'! melted! <3
ugh your job sounds frustrating - I hear you! I've actually started a new endeavor on the side - an Arbonne Independent Consultant. I've been using the products for a decade and thought about becoming a consultant before but it wasn't the right time. I could use the extra $$ now and kinda want to use my brain in a different way, so why not? And I BELIEVE in the company and the products they create, the ingredients, their attention to health and the environment and their vision. And I tend to look at my Dunkins every morning and wonder why I don't have stock in Dunkin Donuts - it's time to invest in myself and my interests. And if I can make a little money too, bonus!
So if you have any interest in that and want to join me...;)

timothy rolled from belly to back last night during Tummy Time! WOOHOO! :happydance: they are doing so great at that, lifting their heads finally and able to look forward. And we had his PT appt too and he's REALLY improving his flat spot and torticollis. Hopefully only one more session. I was so happy! I took his chart home as a 'refrigerator paper'! :haha:
Rain - I’m 2 DPO today I think. That’s based on OPK rather than temping. I’ve tossed aside temping. It’s too stressful. I’ve decided to be more laid back about TTC since I’m really only hoping for another and if I don’t get one, I’ll be fine. Bella is enough to fulfill me. I just want to give her a sibling and am hoping for the opportunity to raise a little boy.
Happy mother’s day to all!! I hope you were all treated like queens yesterday. I will officially say that mother's day is my least favorite holiday. Luckily my dad came into town on Friday and so we we went to church, made brunch and then took my SIL out to dinner. I got out of seeing my mil which was kind of nice. I always have to remember that it's just another day, but it's a long 24 hours without my mom and everyone saying happy mother's day to me. I've definitely gotten better about just saying thank you, but just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're a mom. Sigh.

Aah, Arbonne. I like the fruit chews. I guess my only top is to make sure you follow up with people; let them know about the parties and sales and just because they say they're not interested doesn't mean 'no.' it just means not today. Hee hee. Tomorrow is a different story. I'm sure you'll do well. Oh and talk to everyone. I met my Mary kay lady in the post office. You just never know where you'll find someone looking to buy great stuff.
the wind blew so now I'm not sure about being a consultant. I got the starter kit and the #s don't make a whole lot of sense. For me to make any impact in my life, I'd have to hustle quite a bit, I think. I have to think about it more. I think I'm already discouraged b/c of that and b/c my first launch has not resulted in the excitement I thought it would. I know that's a completely unfair expectation to put on things, but it's there. Also I've reached out to a lot of my network already and again, the excitement isn't quite there. And I think the money comes from getting other people to sign up as a consultant 'under' me. While I might be successful in getting people to use the products, it's a different game to talk to people about joining the company. Sooo I dunno.

I was thinking of you yesterday. I'm so glad your Dad came into town. Did he visit any of his lady friends along the way? :) I just picture this smooth cat charming the ladies wherever he goes. :haha:

I hope all the mamas in the US were treated like queens too - and Happy first Mother's Day, miki!
Saturday was a year from when we transferred our embies. I didn't post about it on FB - not everyone knows we did IVF and DH is private like that. But it is a day I'll celebrate in my head forever.
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a happy mother&#8217;s day!

I passed by 3 hour GTT with flying colors (perfect levels on all 4 blood draws) - woohoo!

DH was so sweet and gave me a rose quartz &#8220;baby bonding bracelet&#8221; (rose quartz is meant to promote love/bonding/connection) and a baby handprint/footprint kit and frame for Mother&#8217;s Day...also a very sweet card and wrote &#8220;Mommy&#8221; on the front and of course I cried!

Overall I am doing well. Some lower back pain here and there and sleep isn&#8217;t great but isn&#8217;t horrible. 14 weeks to go...I&#8217;m so excited to meet our baby girl!

Miki - when will you be leaving for your trip? Sounds like an adventure! Will you be visiting family? I&#8217;m sure the decision to stop pumping isn&#8217;t an easy one but like you said, Gummy is happy and healthy and the time will be better spent bonding with him!

Rain - so sorry you are/were sick. Hope you are on the mend! Your LOs sound adorable...attitude and all. ;)

TTC - glad to hear all is going smoothly so far with your DD&#8217;s pregnancy! Exciting times!

Wish - yay for rolling during tummy time! Sounds like the twins are doing great! I just visited my friend who has 6 week old boy/girl twins (she also has an almost 2 year old!). Seriously, I give you twin mamas so much credit! Supermoms.

Terri - I&#8217;m sorry about mother&#8217;s day. Holidays can definitely be tough when you&#8217;ve experienced loss. :hugs:

Has anyone heard anything from Wicky? Hoping she is just caught up in being a new mama and all is well!
Ask - Great news about the GTT!

Wish - I hear you about the consultant gig. I’ve tried it. I hated it because of the pyramid structure. I don’t want to nor can I convince others to sign up to be consultants!

Terri - I hear you about Mother’s Day. People need to be more sensitive about people who cannot or choose not to be parents. I saw many posts on FB saying such this year, and I thought that was really cool.

AFM - nothing new to report. Unless. . . Did I tell everyone that Bella is now a full time walker? Took her long enough! Almost 15 months on the dot! Also, we’ve finally embraced her curly little locks! We kept trying to style her hair because they will brush out (just notwell!).


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omigosh, TTC, she's SUCH a doll!! those curls are to die for! :) Congrats on walking, little Bella!

ask - meant to congratulate you on passing the GTT!! Well done!! Your Mother's Day sounds lovely - how thoughtful of DH.

The wind blew again and I'm back on track with the consultant thing. I don't want to give up after just a week. That's not me. (well, maybe it IS me but I want to change a bit). I talked to my coach and we are going to set a plan and not look at things so holistically, which was overwhelming me. If I can make an additional $500/mo to start - awesome. If that becomes easy and I want to set a next goal to $1k/mo, awesome. Little by little. It will take a long time to actually replace my current income so I'm not even thinking that far right now. Still seems unattainable. But I'll stick with it!
Anyone want to host a party?? ;)
Wish- all sales take a while. You have to build up a network. You have to try it though or you'll never know. Get that extrovert cap on and don't take it off!

And yes, my dad wasn't here long but he met up with a lady for dinner who he said 'was the most complainingest woman he's ever met!' I asked him if he dined and dashed. :rofl: that is still on my bucket list. Hee hee. He is a smooth cat for sure.

Ttc-I'm not on a high horse over mother's day. It's just tough for me and I'm sure many others. Life goes on. Love those curls!

Ask-congrats on the test and the jewelry. So sweet.

Have a great day ladies. Rainy here for the next week or so; not fun. Orioles suck and we play Boston tonight. Ugh.
Terri - relating to the Rain! We’ve been getting drenching Rain in FL all week. It stinks!
Nerves on full alert. 9 DPO. Could be an Evap since I found the test this way hours later, but in my experience testing out CPs, it does take forever for these to settle properly in early days.


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Hi all, new here. Just a quick drop in. Mum to 7 year old boy TTC again since last month. Had a couple of maybes last couple of days trying not to get my hopes up.

Wishing you all loads of baby news xxx


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Welcome Casey! FX!!!

TTC - Bella is such a cutie! Those curls! Yay for walking! My experience with the Walmart First Signal tests is that they almost always leave an evap after they dry...I even had my husband use one because it was driving me crazy and sure enough, evap line. I hope it is a good sign for you though! FX!

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